508 compliance has never looked this goodThis is my brain..... in part, at least.

Sunday, March 03, 2002

Ha ha... I have found the counter to my nerd status... Why geek girls RULE :-)

1. They are VERY cute.
2. They are smart.
3. They know how to code.
4. They know it's not the size of the drive, but what's on it that counts.
5. They know who Anakin Skywalker is.
6. They don't giggle when talking about hardware and software.
7. Hacking is an aphrodisiac.
8. They understand the NEED to upgrade your system.
9. They know how to hack your registry, very well.
10. They completely understood "The Matrix"

(thanks to skyydesigns)


posted by Deedee 9:01 PM

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