508 compliance has never looked this goodThis is my brain..... in part, at least.

Wednesday, January 15, 2003

Yay!!! It works!!!

Now, about my two eaten posts. Basically, both said the same thing... I apologized for being out of whack this week, and explained part of what was on my mind. It went something like this:

One of my high school mentors, Patty Dorsett, died Friday morning. Not that it was unexpected... she had cancer. But it still hit me kinda hard. Mostly because I'm not at home, and I couldn't go to the visitation / funeral. In fact, it hit me so hard that I refused to talk about it. I don't even think I've told Chad yet. William knew it had happened, because I talked about getting my parents to send flowers... but I didn't tell anyone how upset I was. I didn't think anyone would understand. You would have to have met Miss Patty... so imaginative and full of life... you would have had to have seen her face when she talked about her hair growing back when she came off of chemo (it grew back curly... she was so excited about never having to perm it again)... you would have had to see her stop everything to be with her family when the cancer came back and she chose not to fight it anymore...

She will definately be missed, both by our church, and by our community. Things won't be quite the same, ever.... but I guess that's a mark of actually having done something with your life... there's a void when you leave.

There... now that I feel better, maybe I'l stop being so mean *grin*


posted by Deedee 11:26 AM

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