508 compliance has never looked this goodThis is my brain..... in part, at least.

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Took a handwriting test... look at this:

Dorinne seems to have a fear of looking bad or of crossing boundries. It will be easy to work with Dorinne on a team, because Dorinne will usually follow the rules. However, this desire to respect the boundries can often be construed as a lack of confidence and people will walk over Dorinne if she is not careful.

Dorinne is sarcastic. This is a defense mechanism designed to protect her ego when she feels hurt. She pokes people harder than she gets poked. These sarcastic remarks can be very funny. They can also be harsh, bitter, and caustic at the same time.

Dorinne tends to write a bit smaller than the average person. When a person's letters are small and tiny, this indicates an ability to focus and concentrate. This character trait is a huge asset in careers like math, science, race car driving, and flying planes. However, if Dorinne writes tiny all of the time, she will also display characteristics of someone who is socially introverted. Dorinne will often sit on the sideline and watch others get the attention at parties. she might be willing to open up and be warm, but only in small groups or a select group of people. When she is busy working on a project, it is common for all other noises and distractions to just fade away and her ability to focus is incredible. When she says she didn't hear you... really, she didn't hear you.

I guess those are the most important parts of what it said... interesting, anyway.


posted by Deedee 8:50 AM

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