508 compliance has never looked this goodThis is my brain..... in part, at least.

Thursday, December 02, 2004

There's nothing like turning in a project report 4 hours late and only half done to make your day... especially if you're turning it in to your major professor. *sigh* But he was understanding, I guess... the full report isn't due till Monday now.

And I have a meeting for work today... with little tangible progress to show (I have made a couple of breakthroughs, but mostly it involves correcting stupid mistakes I had made, or misconceptions about how Java and OpenSees work together). Yeah. No deliverables. I'm so gonna have to work my butt off next week.

But... I have 2 projects left to turn in, one assignment, a test and a presentation. And then I'm done for the break. Yay for me. And I definately have my required 3.0 gpa... looking at somewhere between 3.6 and 4.0 (don't hold your breathe for the 4.0, it involves making pretty high grades on the final and project in SEII).

Speaking of SEII... omg. That class is so the bane of my existance at the moment. I have walked, talked, eaten and dreamed this stupid reservation system for like, two weeks (dude... maybe that's why I didn't get any real work done...). I took it home with me over break. I have put blood sweat and tears into this stupid project... and it doesn't work. Not only that... One person from the other teams has offered to help us integrate (besides the e-mail dude who thinks I'm stupid). One person. Out of 8. Nice. Since, you know, integration is only the responsibility of the interface people. Because that's how the syllabus has it divided.... NOT. This is so supposed to be everyone's thing. But no. It belongs to the Yellow Darts (that's us). *sigh* I hate group projects.

On the upside of group projects though... there is a small possibility that one of my group projects might get published... though I won't know anything probably until after the break. Interesting to note, though.

Yeah. I will resurface sometime after the 9th, when my final assignment (the presentation) is done. Until then, I'll be working on stuff.


posted by Deedee 1:41 PM

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