508 compliance has never looked this goodThis is my brain..... in part, at least.

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

grrr. So. I was watching the news today, and they (CBS) had a big special on how Bugs Bunny, along with the rest of the Looney Toons, are getting a makeover that will "bring them into the 21st century." They said it hit the blogs today, and was the topic of discussion.

I can't find it. The only mention of this thing I can find is a paragraph in Dan Rather's preview of tonights news broadcast. Not an article on cbsnews.com, nothing crawled by google as of yet... no slashdot. nothing. I would like an alternate source. And some pictures. Grr.

Edit (11:15pm): The story broke in the Wall Street Journal. So like a dork, I had to drive to campus and get one (the business students all get them, and Chad didn't get his today). The new "Buzz Bunny" looks like Batman. The animated Batman. Scary. And dark. Aparently, the story is the Buzz and his crew (the Looney Toons gang, redrawn and renamed) will fight something (evil? good?) as a team, and the show is supposed to be set in like, 2775 or something. The goal, they say, is not to replace the originals, but to liven them up and make them more modern (and increase ratings). It'll be interesting to see what everyone else has to say on this, when I can find more internet sources :-P


posted by Deedee 6:37 PM

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