508 compliance has never looked this goodThis is my brain..... in part, at least.

Sunday, August 28, 2005

I'm tired. But life is pretty good right now... guess it evens out.

So Chad's taking the job in Houston (in case there's like, anyone left who hasn't heard). We move to Houston officially in January (right after the new year). Yay! Having a job means we'll have money ... not that we're going to buy a bunch of stuff with it, in theory. it'll just be nice to know we aren't broke, and be able to actually start some kind of retirement or something. Or buy me a new Shelby Mustang. Or something like that. ;-)

So yeah. We'll have insurance, too. Yay!

Not sure what I'm going to do when we get out there. My choices look something like htis at the moment: go back to school for a PhD in CS; go back to school for a MS/PhD in Psychology; get a job teaching; get a job programming; or take up watching soap operas and eating bonbons.

We get to go out to Houston and look for a house at some point... I think in October. not sure if we're buying or renting yet... so many decisions.

Alanis is awesome. Just in case you wondered.

School is great this semester, although I have a huge amount of work to do. I htink graduating should be less work than the rest of school, but it's not. I still have to schedule my comps and stuff, so they'll give me my dimploma. *sigh*

Anyway. I might be called to go and socialize here in a few minutes... when the vampires are done vampiring. although my socializing will probably be cut short, as everyone here will be drinking, and I don't know enough people in the group to really feel like drinking. That, and I'm dead tired. one drink would put me out like a light ;-)

Hopefully, this will publish, and I'll be able to post again soon.

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posted by Deedee 12:11 AM

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