508 compliance has never looked this goodThis is my brain..... in part, at least.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

I'm in love with my mobility...
But I'm not in love with my car. *sigh*. My car is old and busted, and long past the point of repairing it... so I'm stuck with an oil leack until I can buy another (January, methinks). So if you hear of a cheap car for sale... point me in that direction. The requirementas are as follows:
  1. It has to be low maintanece. Not like me :-)
  2. It probably should be low mileage. See #1.
  3. It has to have a driver-accessible cup holder that will easily hold a 24 oz bottle. Two cupholders is a bonus.
  4. It has to have a cigarette lighter port that isn't blocked by the ashtray, so I can actually use the damn thing.
  5. It has to be a manual. I'm serious. No automatics.
  6. If it happened to be sleek and sexy, or cute, or would make me look hot, that would be an added bonus

Yeah. In other news, I rode the Metro rail for the first time evar today. Yay for public transportation! (Not that it goes to my house.... but I had a ride into downtown, and the rail stops right next to Rice). This may become a much more regular occurence. Which is awesome. Somehow, carpooling and then riding the Metro makes me fell like a "city girl". Which is funny, as I've never really been a city girl.

PS... 10 cool points (would have used blog points, but those were taken) to whoever can name the song that my last three post titles (excluding the RenFest one) came from. I predict David will be the only one to guess it... but I know that at least one more person out there has access to a copy of this song. :-)

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posted by Deedee 11:38 AM

So I guess that it takes hanging out with a "city girl" to make you feel like one... hmm...

*evil thoughts*

So let me get this straight... I'm your conscience, and you are educating me in the ways of the world? :-)
Car suggestion: Mid 80's 4 cylinder manual Mustang. It certainly isn't fast, but you should be able to find one in pretty good shape for cheap. And the maintenance should be easier as well.

Another option would be a Ford Thunderbird which can also be found in 4cyl manual trim.

I'll keep an eye out over here in MS, but I doubt I'll find anything.
How about this?


Can you say road trip? ;)
200 Ford Escort ZX2

There, made it into a link for you.
we could get into soooo much trouble... but it would be soo much fun!

*Could* get into trouble?

Chad call you my "partner in crime". :-)
Is that right?? we'll just have to do something about that.

Teeheehee. It is you!
Nope. I get the feeling that she's not into the "new" bugs. *shrug* But I could be wrong...

But you cant get lower maintenance than on a diesel VW. Change the oil every 9000 miles, Change the timing belt every 100k miles, get new VW at 500K miles.

your blog is NOT POSTING my comments... I don't think it likes me any more... I think you are behind this mystery... *wink*
I'm not deleteing them, I promise :-)
Yeha right.... I'm not so sure I believe you.. but ok.

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