508 compliance has never looked this goodThis is my brain..... in part, at least.

Monday, February 04, 2008

Throw me somethin' mister / I wanna dance with your sister
We went to Mardi Gras Galveston this past Saturday... it was fun, and crazy, and everything I suppose Mardi Gras is supposed to be (except, you know, it wasn't in New Orleans). And now I want to go dancing, so that may be the plan for this weekend (we'll see).

I spent most of Sunday recovering from Saturday (and the weird feeling-tired-and-blah sickness thing I've been fighting for like, two weeks now). It was raining, so I couldn't finish the yard work (which was more than ok with me)... but I did get some house work done (go me!).

I bought a new calendar this week... the squares on my old (free) one were so tiny I was having trouble recording all the things I wanted to keep track of. I ordered this specific calendar because everyone said the squares were big enough for anything. So yeah, it came in the mail this week, and I opened it up to put it on the fridge on Sunday. Oh. My. Goodness. This is like, the calendar of huge squares +10. It is so freakin' big, I couldn't hang it on the freezer door (it's too skinny), so I had to move everything from the fridge side to the freezer side and put this one on the fridge side. I was able to write meals for the week (instead of trying not to lose my little meal plan lists), and still have room for everything I need. And more. nd I don't have to write tiny (or smaller than usual, anyway).

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posted by Deedee 3:39 PM
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