Oh yeah... kind of an aside. And pointless, I suppose since you can't comment...
Has anyone seen the new IBM/Linux commercials on TV? Cause I thought that was just way too cool... Chad says I'm a dork. *sigh* So what does the rest of the world (computer techies and not-computer techies both) think about it?
And why is there like, almost zero open source stuff for Macs? Is there not a demand for it? Or not enough designers? (One would assume that demand would create designers... but not always). Interesting thought question, I suppose.
Anyone care to comment on the topics of technophobia, especially as it relates to automation? (If I could cite you as a source, that'd be even better *grin*)
PS... Because David will get a kick out of this... looks like I may be citing an article from MacWorld (in like, 1996) on technophobia as relating to sci-fi movies. Interestingly enough, the MSU ly-berry subscribes to both MacWorld and MacUser. Who'd have thought it?