508 compliance has never looked this goodThis is my brain..... in part, at least.

Sunday, May 08, 2005

Life is interesting.

So, we're in the middle of all this legal stuff, pressing charges against Butthead Neighbor Person, and looking for apartments, and lots of crap. Which is not really all that much fun... but it looks like there's a good possibility that the justice system will actualy work for us, which is unusual, but very good.

William is leaving for The Coast today... working a temp job at SAIC... luckily, both of our phones are free inside Mississippi, so we can still call and discuss life and the universe (and everything else, I suppose). But no more 1pm lunches in the Union :-(

In other news... I have lost 5 lbs in 2 weeks on this diet thingy. Which isn't too bad... if it keeps up, I should be back to "normal" (where I was last July) by like, the middle of August. I think I can handle it that long.

I finished all my finals... waiting for the grades to come in... crossing my fingers for the ever elusive 4.0 semester. I got an A in the class I was worried about, so I might have done it... no telling. It would be nice though... pull my graduate gpa up to something like a 3.8, make the president's list for the first time ever, feel warm and fuzzy...

Actually talked to my sister on the phone today. Which was cool, but a little strange... She's so not a phone person. But, she was in a good mood today... I guess? :-)

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posted by Deedee 12:00 PM
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Monday, May 02, 2005

ok. I'm probably going to cuss a lot in this entry. Get over it.

So we live in a town with a bunch of fucking savages. Specifically, we live in an apartment complex with a high concentration of said savages. And I hate Starkville cops, but only because they are the most ineffective, unhelpful, stupid waste of taxpayer resources ever.

So one of our neighbors (the savages) tried to beat the shit out of Chad when he came home Sunday morning. They didn't succeed in actually hurting him, but they broke his glasses (annoying and expensive), they tipped over our couch, knocked over the speaker stand and a dining room chair, and scared the crap out of me. We called 911. And the cops came. And did shit. Seriously. They took statements, and refused to arrest the guy because a) Chad was bigger than him, and b) the jail was full. Only in a godforsaken city would drunk people who attack neighbors be left free because there was not another bed in the jail.

That being said, dude should be arrested soon. Because Chad pressed charges. Ha.

The landlord refuses to do anything. So we're moving. Possibly closer to Marc and Richard, but no telling... I get a raise effective in August, so we might can affoard a better place.

I hate this fucking city... and all the stupid redneck people in it. An yet... I will be here for the rest of my life. Doesn't that just figure?

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posted by Deedee 11:10 AM
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