508 compliance has never looked this goodThis is my brain..... in part, at least.

Wednesday, August 06, 2003

In other news, I bought my wedding veil last weekend. It's white, and fluffy, and kinda long... and it sits on the top of my head, and it has like, pearls and beads on it.

It has awful static cling at the moment, though. So at some point in the next year, I need to invest in anti-static spray.

So this is how the wedding's shaping up so far.

Groom: Check.
Veil: Check.
Dress pattern: Check.
Fabric: Partial check.
Bridesmaid dresses: ok, so this is where at all falls apart. I have my stuff picked out.... but not really much for my girls, or for the rest of the wedding. *sigh*

Maybe I'll make Chad do all the planning, and sit around and complain about his decisions. That sounds like a fun idea. *eVil grin*

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posted by Deedee 8:04 AM

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