508 compliance has never looked this goodThis is my brain..... in part, at least.

Thursday, January 29, 2004

Yeah. So today was really long, because I had a million classes.... and because I had to limp across campus like, 6 times (I turned my ankle yesterday... or was it the day before?). Long. But somewhat productive, I guess.

Had a weird dream... one of those weird fuzzy dreams where you only remeber bits and peices of it, and it doesn't seem to make sense... yet you know in the dream it made sense, somehow. So... in my dream, I was sitting in this girl's lap, looking at the sky (stars? meteors? Dunno. Pretty sure it was nighttime, though...). Can't tell you much about her... she was wearing glasses, I think? All I know is, it wasn't Jo. Not the same glasses. We were talking about something, but I don't remember what... seemed kind of important in the dream. That's about all I remember... except maybe something about spiders... but that might have been another dream.

Discussion question... anyone ever thought about (or heard about) steganography? (no, this isn't as random as you might think... I actualy had a reason to ask. working on a lab project).


posted by Deedee 8:00 PM

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