508 compliance has never looked this goodThis is my brain..... in part, at least.

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Second rant of the night (I'm on a roll):

Worship time is... for worship. Not for socialization, or gossip, or show-off music stuff (no matter how good the band is), or for any kind of showing off how cool you are in any way shape or form.

It is certainly not a time to entertain the person next to you with a running commentary on your day and life in general. Especially if people are, you know, trying to listen to the sermon, or concentrate on the words to the music, or actually participate in worship in any way. Save your catty remarks until the service is over. Then have at it. If there is a break in the service for some reason (like for everyone who is finished worshiping to leave, which is kind of a silly idea... but that's another tangent), and you are instructed to either stay or to leave quietly, do not stay and carry on a 2-5 minute conversation (shouted over the worship music)with a friend over who has more homework than who, and when you are going to be home. Go outside. Talk there. Go back into the service if you feel like it. When you are done talking.

And don't act like you own the place. It was there long before you were, an likely will still exist when you leave. It would run perfectly fine without you, you are not the glue that holds the place together. So... Enjoy the fact that you are there. And have some respect for your upperclassmen, no matter if their personality "meshes" with yours or not... it's a campus ministy, not the United Methodist version of Survivor. The object is to bring more people in, not kick out (or piss off until they go home) people who are already there.

But what do I know. I'm not a member of our "strong" Freshman class. I am a gradute student, and not a preppy rich brat, therefore I am not so cool.

Oh wait... did I say that out loud?

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posted by Deedee 12:58 AM

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