508 compliance has never looked this goodThis is my brain..... in part, at least.

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Blah. Anyone heard of some weird virus that makes you puke for 24 hours, and then make you cough and sniffle and be miserable for another 24+?

Cause that's apparently what I have. We're like, 20 something hours into the coughing and the sniffling. I went to the Health center this morning, and they screwed around for a while... I actualy saw the doctor at (who wasn't the one with the spider fingers that can't type, and wasn't the other annoying one, but wasn't my favorite either) for like, 45 seconds, in which time she poked my belly and listened to me breathe... and informed me I have a virus. Thus, she can't do anything for me. So she gave me a decongestant (not sudafed), and told me to be on my way... with a 15 second trip to the lab for a strep culture. Fun.

So I actually missed both of my classes yesterday. I left the house long enough to turn something in. And then came home and went back to bed. Pretty much stayed home all day. Which would have been nice, as I didn't really have much homework, except a) I felt awful, and b) the stupid dns server for northland cable was not working right, and I couldn't figure out how to make my computer point to ours, so I had no internet.

Speaking of servers... ours is up and (mostly) running... after all this time. Yay! We might move stuff over there before too long, after Chad figures out/ installs the passive ftp thing. Yay for us and stuff.

Anyway. I need to go find out if I actually have any more homework to do before tomorrow. Or something. And hopefully find some Tussin somewhere, to kill this cough (or at least suppress is slightly).


posted by Deedee 9:05 PM

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