“You get used to it. Or you suffer a psychotic episode.” This. Actually, that sums up just about exactly where I am. Except maybe - just maybe, I'm a little closer to the psychotic episode than I would care to admit.
I'm joking. A little.
So this week. This week has been hard. Chad's working nights, flight-following for his crew, I've been sick, plus I'm still exhausted from being pregnant (um. Consider this a blog announcement, I guess. I'm too tired to do it up right. we're due August 17th.), plus Brianna's going through her second (third?) section of separation anxiety... and yeah. Crazy stuff abounds. I send a fiery email to my MMO group about having no life and them wanting every second of what I have. True story. I felt a little bad afterward.
But... we are surviving. And. We are making progress.
So. I'm going to play "Not Me! Monday." Here goes:
I did not let Brianna sleep in the swing in my room pretty much all night several nights in a row because it was easier than fighting with her to stay asleep in her room by herself. Also, on Saturday night when I decided she needed to stay in her room to sleep - all night, it was not because the swing batteries were dead, and I couldn't find a screwdriver. I did not sleep in her room on the floor for over an hour, to make sure she was really asleep. And last night, I most certainly did not give in and take cold medicine, which I knew would cause me to be too drugged up to find my way out of the bed when she woke up, and I did not let her cry it out in the middle of the night because of the aforementioned lack of direction out of the bed.
In unrelated news, I had an awesome Valentine's yesterday, in spite of the fact that we had no babysitter, and Chad had to work all night (and the night before). If you have (a ton) of money to spend on dinner at some point, I highly recommend Killen's in Pearland. Don't be fooled by the outside - it's a really nice steakhouse, not a honky tonk, lol. And it was good. And Brianna behaved, so all was well.
Would you forgive me love / If I danced in your shower So I suck at updating. Welcome to my life, dears.
Brianna is walking. And has a tooth. Both of these things are awesome and also scary. The good news? we mostly weaned before the appearance of said tooth.
Also, she has given up on formula. She weaned her own sweet self onto cows milk, which is early, earlier than I had intended, but I'm rolling with it. I'm just trying to make sure she gets enough iron - and we'll all be good.
And she's eating table food like it's going out of style. She took down an entire happy meal Sunday night, while we were killing time waiting to see if Chad was going to get admitted to the hospital overnight - long story. The point is, she's only 10-months old, and ate 4 chicken nuggets and all her fries. And drank 8 oz of milk. There is no way a child that small should be able to hold that much, lol.
I did NaNoWriMo this year. I didn't win, but i came really close - 43000 words or so. I blame my being sick, and out of town for the last weekend in Nov for not winning. But it was a pretty good experience overall, at any rate.
Getting ready for the Great Christmas Tour - with an added complication of a 10-month-old added to the already crazy 12+-hour drive with dog and cat and presents. If you want to get together whilst we are back home - let me know, and we'll see what we can do.
Also, Brianna will have a new little cousin (on her Daddy's side) sometime this month. Probably sooner rather than later. We're looking forward to meeting him!
There are other things, but my mind is mushy. Being sick (all the time) sucks, and I'm hopping to be done with it soon. (Probably just in time to create another germ carrier to make us sick all the time, lol).
You just stick the right formula in / A solution for every fool
Corporate America & our fine legal system are so awesome. Came across this gem this week:
It is my understanding that we agreed to include the text [...] However, it was not in the terms that the text be legible. It was under the advice of our counsel that we made the text very small and difficult to read.
You have to love it. Or something.
Being a relatively new Smart phone user, I appreciate this. I wish everyone thought that way, really. For example - it may take me a week to get to respond to a personal email. That's just the way it is. I try, but, it happens that way anyway. Sorry?
I thought this was funny. And of course, the follow up here. Just thought I'd share :-)
I love this post from One Thing. I've been thinking about it a lot this week... it sums up a lot of the way I've felt lately. Here's a quote:
But these things don’t matter at all, because once you are Real you can’t be ugly, except to people who don’t understand. [...] I want to be real. I don’t want to demand careful handling. I want those sharp edges to be worn off by that Love that isn’t afraid to be hurt. Can I stop being afraid of breaking long enough to let that happen?
I wish I could say things as clearly and concisely as she did.
I hate feeling like I suck at life. And I feel that way a lot. I hear that parenting small children has that affect on people. I feel like I'm kind of wandering through life, blundering my way along, hoping that I don't get anything too terribly wrong in the process. There has to be a better way?
I thought this was funny. Celebrity ghost twittering, indeed. And more Twitter-ness, on a slightly more serious level.
If anyone has any tips for how to stay healthy (and keep Brianna healthy!) - without just boarding ourselves up in the house and never leaving - I'm all ears. Chad, Brianna, and I have been sick, one thing and another, for like a month. I'd like to be healthy again, please?
I'm finished making sense / Done pleading ignorance I had the best of intentions to post more last week. The road to hell, and all that, I suppose.
I spent Monday home/at the doctor with a sick baby again. We've had this stupid cold thing (we as in both of us) for like a month. My round of antibiotics made my ear stop hurting but didn't solve the cold (thus reinforcing the fact that it is in fact viral). Dr. put Brianna on antibiotics now, for an ear infection, and finally - finally - finally, we got some cough syrup. There's just not much you can do for sick little babies.
Tuesday she was well enough for daycare, but she's still fighting a cough, still congested, still not sleeping weel. She's just not as "sick" and lethargic and whiny as she was before. Me? I'm worn to the bone. I can't take much in the way of medicines, either, since I'm still nursing. And when Brianna's up at night - so am I. So now I'm at work, downing a billion (non-menthol) cough drops, hoping I eventually get over it.
As for the Biggest Loser contest... I did much better this week (more Zumba, less cake), and managed to lose the 3 pounds from last week, and about a pound and a half more. Which I thought was pretty awesome, til I looked at Chad's weight loss, which is something like 8 and a half pounds in two weeks. I am so gonna lose this challenge. But at least I'm headed in the right direction now?
Still searching for a "system" - I need to make better use of my time or something. Especially now that I'm working out... my time at home is so limited, and I have so much stuff to do. Thinking about trying FlyLady again, but not sure. I should just get off my behind and start doing something, though.
Dream Psychology So I started reading Freud. I mean, I have this idea that, as a "psychologist", I hsould have some knowledge of his writing. So I started with his book, Dream Pyschology. I'm through the first chapter, and it's... everything I expected from Freud. I don't really know what I think of it so far. Other than I'm pretty sure that my current dreams are more a product of the cough syrup with codine I'm taking at night, and less a product of some secret unfulfilled sexual desire. But that might be just me.
Yeah, still coughing. Did practically nothing this weekend, cause I felt like crap.
being sick sucks (in case you wondered) Actually, that's about all I have to say. I'm at school now, but I'm still sick... grad students don't get sick days. and I techinically took one yesterday. Blah.
O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay! Just in case you wondered, I'm now coming down with whatever Chad has. Sypmtoms are fever (I just took asprin to head mine off before it gets much higher, but Chad's has been spiking over 103 even with contant tylenol), aches, amazing headache, barking cough, conjestion, sore throat and fatigue. It is not (according to Chad's doctor) a) the flu, b) pneumonia, or c) bronchitus. What is it? They have no idea. They gave Chad antibiotics, but I'm not sure that's the answer.
and 50 million cool points to the perosn who can name where my post title came from.
I wake up and tear drops they fall down like rain... Blah. Been having kinda a blah week, really. I think I'm coming down with something (when am I not?), I've been waaaay stressed out at school (having your ass handed to you on a platter by the departmental progress committee will do that), the realization that New Orleans is never going to fully recover has finally hit me, and it's just been kinda blah.
But this past weekend was awesome. I enjoyed New Orleans Mardis Gras to it's fullest (and by that, I mean the drunken part but not the orgy part. Contrary to popular opinion, I do have a few limits). I caught beads (lots of beads), ate decent New Orleans food (port of call was really busy, so no hamburgers for us), watched parades, walked down Bourbon Street, and drank a drink that was literally more than half as tall as I am. In case you wanted to know, I cannot in fact hold my liquor like He-Man, everything is funnier when you're drunk, my drunken vocabulary mostly consists of the words "totally" and "awesome", and fire is the most totally awesome thing ever to be in a parade. Oh yeah, and I'm never (ever) allowed to drink that much Hurricane again.
But yeah. Back to the humdrum (but not boring, no never boring) life of a grad student. I've finished tonight's homework, and now I'm trying to decide whether to read Eugene Field while taking a bath, or to play Elebits (the greatest Wii game evar).
Oh yeah... all my pictures are broken. I'm working on that, it's annoying, I hsould have it fixed sometime this week (moaybe tomorrow).
News and such... I survived Thanksgiving ;-) Not too badly, I might add, although don't ask Chad about the mashed potatoes (I don't think I've seen him laugh so hard in a long time). Everything else was good.
Now I'm at work, with a headcold, fixin to go home and then go to the mall and do some shopping of some sort.
There's something weird about walking outside the day after Thankgiving to 75 degree weather. Not that I'm really complaining, cause I do not like to be cold... but still, it seems odd.
Sickness, school, car, archives, and other ranodm stuff. Blah. Still sick. Sitting in my office at school, freezing, wearing a shirt, a sweater that is like, 11 sizes to big for me, and eating Chicken & Stars soup. And I'm fixin to take more Tussin.
But at least I'm at school today, which is better than yesterday. And I'll be in school tomorrow, and at work, barring any weird relapse thingy.
My neck hurts. Like, it hurts to hold my head erect while moving. Or in a car. Or on the train. Or sitting in class. Didn't dawn on me until I was in the car this morning that it was probably whiplash. blah.
My archives are no longer broken. just in case you wondered.
And I have absolutely no concentration left to work on stuff today... So I'm basically killing time in between seminars. Which is, you know, great.
Down with the sickness... Oh yes. I am down with the sickness. And the NyQuil. And the Tussin. It is awesome (and by awesome, I mean it really sucks, and I missed work, class, and karate tonday).
But in other news, yay for toher people's insurance companies renting me a car for the next... week or so. My car isn't dead or anything... but it's missing a couple of pieces. And it totally wasn't my fault. But they might total out my car anyway. Which would be the suck, since I can't afford to buy a new one right now. (Long and short, I was rearended this morning... after the sickness, but before the NyQuil and Tussin).
And I should so never blog while on drugs. I blame Em.
Immunizations So... I went to the doctor yesterday. Because Rice wants me to have some immunizations. That I don't particularly see why I need. And I told the doc, Look, I really don't wants these. But if it's a Really Big Deal... I'll do it. She said, oh yes, it's a Really Big Deal. So I got the Hep A & B Vaccines. And promptly tried to pass out on the floor.
The end result? I missed an entire day of work (rather than a half day), and have to go back Friday to get the rest of my vaccines and all of my bloodwork done. And Chad had to leave work and pick me up, and we didn't get my car tags changed over to Texas, like we should have. Blah.
Ran to Huntsville for like, 30-something hours. Saw my sister graduate. And came home. (Also saw David and Nichole for like, 20 minutes... the only thing we chose to do all weekend) :)
Then spent a Saturday at Sixflags (while trying not to die of the worst head cold evar). Had an ok time, ate a corn dog (yay for corn dogs), and some cotton candy (but not as much as I wanted).
Friday, I'm going to a conference on Human Factors at Rice. The nSaturday we're going to Memphis, and we'll be ther until sometime Monday.
Rediscovered facebook. it is teh awesome. Found lots of old high school friends (and middle school friends, and elementary school friends)... having a good time messaging back and forth with them. Also re-connected with some college friends (or at least let them know I was still alive). Peer pressured Chad into being on facebook... working on some other people. :-)
I need more sleep, as usual, and more hours in the day.
Was sick yesterday... all day. Feeling kinda blah today, but no fever. Big Mike and Jenna came over last night, which was cool because I hadn't seen them in forever. When they left, I was extremely tired, and didn't really want to deal with people... so Chad ran to Wesley to talk to people, and I stayed home. Which apparently caused some sort of weird strife between people, and when Chad said he was coming home to cook dinner for me, someone called him fat :-/ I wasn't trying to be anti-social, people... I was just sick, and didn't want to see anyone. I was very social to people who were talking to me online.
Various April Fool's pranks in the works I hear... some more dangerous than others. If I can get ahold of a digital camera, I'll try to get a pic of my April Fool's exploit... only true geeks will appreciate. ;-)
Blah. Getting somewhat better... I probabaly won't die. Not doing great though... everything wears me out. I'm actually fixing to take a nap. Yay. But first... before I forget them...
Quote of the day (yesterday):
I grab my war mace and head toward the tent. If they were worried, it must have been some big fucking rats.
Quote of the day (today):
So if you found yourself, what exactly would you do with you?
good news (despite the fact that I'm still sick)... Landon Isaac Mihalik was born Thursday, and news and pictures have just reached us here in Starkville. Congrats to Mike and Courtney, the first of way too many people having babies this month. All boys, too... weird, no?
Professors that let you make up quizzes that you miss due to dire illness rock.
For some weird reason, my turn signal ticks faster when I accelerate. Is this really as odd as I think, or does everyone's do that and I've just never noticed?
Greeting someone with "Aww, sweetie, you look like shit." will not make their day, nor will it make them feel better in any way shape or form.
That's it for the moment, I guess. Maybe more later.
Blah. Anyone heard of some weird virus that makes you puke for 24 hours, and then make you cough and sniffle and be miserable for another 24+?
Cause that's apparently what I have. We're like, 20 something hours into the coughing and the sniffling. I went to the Health center this morning, and they screwed around for a while... I actualy saw the doctor at (who wasn't the one with the spider fingers that can't type, and wasn't the other annoying one, but wasn't my favorite either) for like, 45 seconds, in which time she poked my belly and listened to me breathe... and informed me I have a virus. Thus, she can't do anything for me. So she gave me a decongestant (not sudafed), and told me to be on my way... with a 15 second trip to the lab for a strep culture. Fun.
So I actually missed both of my classes yesterday. I left the house long enough to turn something in. And then came home and went back to bed. Pretty much stayed home all day. Which would have been nice, as I didn't really have much homework, except a) I felt awful, and b) the stupid dns server for northland cable was not working right, and I couldn't figure out how to make my computer point to ours, so I had no internet.
Speaking of servers... ours is up and (mostly) running... after all this time. Yay! We might move stuff over there before too long, after Chad figures out/ installs the passive ftp thing. Yay for us and stuff.
Anyway. I need to go find out if I actually have any more homework to do before tomorrow. Or something. And hopefully find some Tussin somewhere, to kill this cough (or at least suppress is slightly).
Yeah... today's not gong to be a good day. I woke up feeling like crap (kinda like all of yesterday), and gave up the chance at a close parking space so as to be able to sleep for 15 more minutes... didn't really sleep for about 14 of those minutes, and fell back asleep literally one minnute before my alarm went off again (sleeping in... not a good idea). And, when I got to Butler hall.... no Mello Yello. Only Coke. *sigh*
However... unlike Monique, I will not blame God for my whiney problems. Today, anyway.
The coke machine in Butler is sold out of Mello Yello again. And Coke. And the juice machine is out of everything. Why today?
I have a headcold, I think... which would be ok, except I can't take anything with Sudafed in it... and they (the FDA) banned the only decongestant that I could take. Medical politics sucks.
Anyway... If my head doesn't explode, I might post again later.
The most annoying thing in the world: working on a computer with a Sun keyboard, and then switching back and forth to my laptop (or any other normal computer). See, Sun thought it would be a bright idea to swap the Control and Caps Lock keys. Which is all well and good, if you only work on one computer. But if you say, have a Sun machine at the office, and a regular (PC) type machine at home... then lots of things get capped that shouldn't. And while Windows command line is very forgiving about random capital letters... Unix, not so much.
The second most annoying thing in the world: TMJ. No more chewing gum for me... ever. Blah. Anyway... class is supposed to be starting soon, and my professor is glaring at me. I guess I should actually look attentive or something.
I'm back at school. Yay. My car is broke again. Not yay.
ok. So here's my life at the moment, in a nutshell:
Daddy is done with chemo. We think. For now. But we don't know, because the insurance is making a fuss about paying for another PET scan to find out how the cancer responded. At some point, in the future, after they decide it really is cost effective to pay for it... then he'll have the test, and find out whether he needs more chemo and whether he needs stronger (read: worse) chemo.
I have buttloads of stuff to do in the next three weeks. This week, I have a 20 page lab report to compile... like, tonight, so i can show the draft to the group tomorrow. And turn it in on Friday. Next week, I have at least one test, several homework assignments due, and two major programs due. And I'm missing class one of those days. The week after that, I'm going to feel like crap, and I have another major program due, and more homework and crap.... it never gets any better. I'm going to be doing homework until I die.
The doc thinks he's figured out what's wrong with me... and hopefully, this will be the fix-all cure. No more sick Deedee. We hope. *sigh* I hate being sick. It sucks. A lot.
Chad's going to Tulane this weekend for the game. I'm not. I'm doing homework... and maybe watching some movies or something. We'll see.
Meanwhile... I will either get like, no blogging done in the next week or so, or I'll blog insessently (spelling, anyone?) to relieve stress. meanwhile... I must code, for I am supposed to be in class in like, 30 minutes.
P.S. hacking computers can get you in trouble. So. Hypothetically. If you were going to hack. Don't get caught. :-)
Interesting. Blogger looks much different than it did this morning... maybe it's cause I'm on a mac. but I doubt it. I think they changed something and didn't tell me. hmph.
Anyway. So.... About life since the blog went down.
I am still not entirely well... but, as of yet, the docotrs aren't going to do anything about it. I go see the surgeon on the 8th (Monday), but he probably won't do anything either. Meanwhile, I'm supposed to think good thoughts and concentrate on getting better, all while maintaining a decent gpa and getting 8-10 hours of sleep a night. Ha. Ha. Ha.
So I'm doing ok grade wise this semester... I'm a little behind, but catching up fast... I haven't missed a due date for anything yet *knocks on desk* And I got 100 on both my first quiz of the year, and my first programming assignment (the Python one)... which makes me very happy.
Having Chad in town is really nice... not that we see that much more of each other :-) His work schedule and my class schedule are at odds at the moment... but it's all good. It's interesting adjusting to having him back...
Dad is doing his last (we hope) round of chemo this week... we'll know by the end of this week or next week whether its working, and what they want to do next.
Underworld comes out in a couple weeks... I'm psyched about that :-) Chad's happy because there's a movie I actually want to go see... I'm happy becase it's all about vampires and stuff... everybody's happy.
I think I'm going on an interesting outing this weekend... minus Chad, who will prolly go home to Memphis. I also have to go home sometime this weekend (like, saturday or Sunday) so I'm home for my appt. on Monday. This will also entail missing all of my classes Monday... but may allow me to vote in Tuesday's election, like, not by absentee. That would be fun. Unless they decide to cut me open or something, I should be back for class on Tuesday (I don't have class until 11)... which is good, because Dr. Clifford will hate me forever if I miss class. And we don't want our teachers to hate us.
anyway.... I must run and do homework. Some more. For like, forever. Or at least until 7 or so... then I get to go to Wesley. And after Wesley.... more homework. Yay.
Dude... I have missed so many good quotes by not having my blog up. you have no idea. *sigh* I'll have to see if I can catch up. Today's quote:
Note: An entire bowl of raw brocolli is not a good idea if you're having stomach problems. Raw brocolli is not as easily digestable as, say, ham sammiches or something. PopTarts are also pushing the limit of what is acceptable on a problematic stomach.
Typing takes way too much energy. So I'll keep this short. I'm still sick. I go see the doctor again tomorrow. And unlesI'm actually, like, dead tomorrow I should be in for a half day, at least.
Meanwhile, I'm going to go do someting tha doesn't require any energy. Like maybe sleep.
So I'm still sick. And she says I might have a virus or something. So she said I need to stay home until Thursday and go and see her then if I'm not better. And in the meantime, drink watered down gatorade. Eww.
So I'm still sick. And I'm frustrated, because I can't do anything, and I can't go anywhere... But dadgum it if I'm going to miss another whole week of work. Do doctors understand that part time employees don't get sick days? and that students usually have summer jobs, not because they are bored and need something to do, but because they actually might need the money?
Having said all that, if I feel gross tomorrow morning, I may stay home. But I can't take another three or four days, that's crazy.
So yeah. I'm going to go eat and orange cream pop. Because they are like, the only thing that tastes good right now.
And once again, no one knows what's wrong with me.
but... at least the possibilities this time are much more exotic. Which of course, means I get to see more doctors. And I love doctors. Going to see the doctor is my favorite thing to do in the whole world.
We'll know if it's anything normal by the end of the week. We hope.
Blah. Being sick sucks. Being sick and having loads of crap to do sucks even worse. Blah.
Myra says I have a bacterial infection... so she's keeping me on the inhaler, and giving me more nightmare antibiotics. Which should be ok, because I don't envision myself sleeping anytime soon anyway.
I have a few dead minutes now... then I have lab from 12-3, and make-up lab from 3-6, then I have to meet Jeremy in the Butler labs at 6... then finish my micro lab (that I didn't finish last night because I ended up talking to Mike for, like, two hours and something)... then study for my Linear test tomorrow... then study for my micro lab test tomorrow... and I have class at 9:30 am tomorrow. Which means that the most amount of sleep I could possibly get, if I forgo eating and showering (which I prolly won't.... I at least need to shower)... is something like 4 1/2 hours. Which is about how much sleep I got last night. And I'll get less sleep on Thursday. Because I have to stay up all night and finish my CSIII project... which is due on Monday. And then I have to study for a Cal test and a circuits test.... both Monday... and a micro test on tuesday. And I'm going home this weekend.
So yeah... I may be posting to fill in the last 15 minutes or so before class, but don't expect to hear too much out of me... unless school gets to me and I fee lthe need to rant. Which is very possible. Eh. We'll see. At least the semester is almost over... that helps.
I hate stupid, pointless assignments. That being said, I also hate stupid people. Especially ones that bug me when I'm having a bad day... and expect me to do their work for them. So there.
So, for the last two days, all I have done is homework (except for an hour or so last night when William came over and I hung out, and today when I grabbed a quick dinner at the Wesley). When I got to lab today at 3:30, I was not in the best of moods, having had two extremely long and, for the most part, unproductive. A heart-to-heart with my lab TA help my mood a little.... but then this guy, who has decided that I'm his lab partner, decided to bug the crap out of me. He wouldn't even read the frickin' lab, he kept asking me what he was supposed to do.... then he wouldn't think about how to solve the problem, and wanted to copy my code... and after the lab TA explicitly told him he couldn't just copy, he needed to work it out for himself, he still bugged me until the TA and I showed him how to modify his code to make it work.... But he was still an ass. And he still pissed me off. But *ha*ha*.... I almost finished my lab, and he didn't get halfway done. So there.
Speaking of asses.... I hate it when people assume the know things about my personal life. They find out Chad was here last weekend, and they asuume that all kind of crap went on, and they feel obligated to ask me about it and say stupid things like, Did you have *fun*? Did you get rugburn on your knees? Do you like to take it up the ass? etc, etc... ad nasuem. People assume that just because Chad and I are dating, certain things happen in our relationship.... and they also assume that our relationship is somehow their business. Ok, everyone, I know this may be a suprise to you... anything that happens between me and Chad stays just that.... between me and Chad. And our God. Not between you and me, or you and your deity, or you and your friends, or you and your imagination. Not that anyone that regularly reads my blog has been a problem.... but just in case the thought ever occured to you, don't ask. Grr.
But dinner at the Wesley was nice. Everyone is worried about my lung problems... everyone's being so nice. Hopefully, Myra (my nurse practitioner) will figure out something to do... this inhaler thingy isn't helping a lot. But i go back to her tomorrow. Damn bats.
And now I do more homework... and more homework... and tomorrow, I will do still more homework. And next semester, I will have buttloads of homework.... but only one lab (yay!!). Note: Never take three labs. You will die. Or wish you had.
I think I'm going to cut (guys read: trim) my hair this weekend. And maybe highlight it some more. We'll see. And I might buy Memento, if I can figure out if Chad has it or not... I dreamed about Guy Pierce last night.... it was odd.