508 compliance has never looked this goodThis is my brain..... in part, at least.

Monday, May 28, 2007

Maybe I've been here before / I know this room, I've walked this floor
Having a good visit home.

Busy though, so I apologize to everyone I haven't contacted about getting together, etc. Went to Sbbn's wedding today... it was great, but all I have to say is this: Hallelujah by Rufus Wainwright is not a wedding song. I'm just sayin.

Anyway. Must eat food. And stuff. Going to Memphis tomorrow, Home wednesday.

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posted by Deedee 7:43 PM
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Monday, May 07, 2007

I'm in a fight with the world but I'm winning
  1. Back at work full time, starting today. Yay for work!
  2. Finished my First Year Project Paper last night at about 7pm. Also finished my stats final, and ran the exams I need to grade through the scantron machine. Double yay for being done!
  3. Played more lotr online... not sure if I like it or not, but I can't stop playing. :-)
  4. Fixin to start playing in a d20 future campaign. Have almost zero workable character ideas. If you have any ideas of dynamic female hero-type people I can model after, by all means let me know. Out of the running already: Lara Croft (already done), Tank Girl, and Ameila Peabody (couldn't seem to figure out how to port her from 1900's to the 2100's), and Grace Hopper (because, alas, computer scientists aren't heroes). I am severly lacking in inspiration.
  5. Someone asked me on Friday if I could live anywhere, where would I live? I shocked an entire table of people by saying I'd live in north central Mississippi. Apparently, this is weird, as no one actually wants to live in Mississippi.
  6. I miss Abner's chicken, and lots of otehr back home food, but I'll be back in the south somewhere around the 25th of this month... in Memphis for a couple of days, Maybe Thursday evening through Sunday morningish, then in Huntsville part of Sunday, all of Monday, and maybe part/all of Tuesday. Yay for travelling!

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posted by Deedee 1:10 PM
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Monday, December 25, 2006

Merry Christmas!
Recovering from all the early morning chrismtmas stuff here in Southaven. Leaving for Huntsville tomorrow morning... yay!

Funny... but true, I'm afraid.

Not that i have time for like, video games or consoles any more. I'm just sayin'.

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posted by Deedee 3:05 PM
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Saturday, December 23, 2006

So... it's currently 13 degrees colder here than in Houston. In case you wondered. It actually feels really really really cold. Like, super-cold. I might have to brave Target/Walmart tonight or tomorrow to buy more socks (silly me, I brought mostly sandels, and not enough socks to wear boots everyday).

Otherwise, things are cool. We have something along the lines of 6 christmas celebrations/gift exchanges left. I think I'm oging to be christmased out by the end of it, but I suppose that's the way it works. :-)

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posted by Deedee 8:32 PM
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Touched down in the land of the Delta Blues / in the middle of the pouring rain
Well... it was raining. When we got here, between 1 and 2am on Friday morning.

And now it's kinda cold (as in, it's colder here than at home in Houston). But right now, I'm just thankful that I'm back in the land of Sweet Tea, Memphis Style BBQ, and Abner's Chicken. I mean, really, what more could a woman ask for (besides immunity to eat all of those things without gaining weight)?

Speaking of which... on my way to eat ribs today, got to ride in Michael's 350-Z... it's pretty sweet. But kinda small. :-) Also got to play a Wii, at someone else's house. And it was fun, but (as is typical for video games) I suck at it.

Also... fighting with one of Amazon's toy shops atm... ordered a black knight for Matt, had it shipped to him... but funny enough, when it got there, it wasn't a black knight, but a "Fun with your dog" science kit. I called them... the shop is closed from Dec 21 to Jan 8. I am not amused by this. Matt, however, is.

Anyway. Still no real info about what is going on in Huntsville... other than that we'll be busy with family on the night of the 26th and the morning of the 27th. I'll post more, when I know more, I guess.

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posted by Deedee 5:18 PM
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Thursday, May 25, 2006

So lydaalexander.com is on our server, and up and running (Chad's blog, also on our server and running, although just over a year out of date). But my blog isn't there right now, because I backed it up to my laptop and haven't had time to move the backup file structure and images to the server.

I'll try to get to that next week. I have access to the server at work, but not the laptop... *sigh* I'll let you know.

At any rate, I should eventually be back in business, so to speak.

My Rouge hit 7th level last night. Just in case you wondered.

And we'll be in Memphis this weekend. Hanging with the family, and doing lots of fun stuff (like what? we have no idea).

The Cruise is finally scheduled... June 19-23. Yay! I think we got like, the last two ocean view cabins on the boat. And we're going to Islands of Adventure, which is the awesomest park ever.

Oh yeah, and I fixed the broken stuff on the sidebar... and the link to David's blog.

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posted by Deedee 11:44 AM
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Tuesday, May 23, 2006

So yeah. Life has been crazy here.

Ran to Huntsville for like, 30-something hours. Saw my sister graduate. And came home. (Also saw David and Nichole for like, 20 minutes... the only thing we chose to do all weekend) :)

Then spent a Saturday at Sixflags (while trying not to die of the worst head cold evar). Had an ok time, ate a corn dog (yay for corn dogs), and some cotton candy (but not as much as I wanted).

Friday, I'm going to a conference on Human Factors at Rice. The nSaturday we're going to Memphis, and we'll be ther until sometime Monday.

Rediscovered facebook. it is teh awesome. Found lots of old high school friends (and middle school friends, and elementary school friends)... having a good time messaging back and forth with them. Also re-connected with some college friends (or at least let them know I was still alive). Peer pressured Chad into being on facebook... working on some other people. :-)

I need more sleep, as usual, and more hours in the day.

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posted by Deedee 9:46 AM
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Wednesday, November 02, 2005

I love hate planning.

Chad and I finally got our Thanksgiving planning done a couple weeks ago. Now we're trying to get the Christmas planning done... which is amazingly complicated. And made more amazingly complicated by the fact that we have to move at some point during the holidays. And we have to at least start looking for a place to live. And Chad has to be here for some finite amount of time to prepare a conference paper.


So the plans, thus far, look like this: For Christmas, we will be in Huntsville for a couple of days either before or after Christmas, no idea which. And we'll be in Memphis for a couple of days including Christmas day and Christmas Eve night. We'll be in Houston probably right after graduation, for like, two days. And we'll officially leave for Houston... sometime. Maybe before or after Chad's conference thingy, but I'm not (exactly) sure when that is.

We'l be in Starkville this coming weekend, and Memphis (for a ball game) the next weekend... Then Thankgiving, which I'm not even going to talk about.

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posted by Deedee 10:47 AM
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Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Weekend Happenings
So lots of stuff happened this weekend, which is interesting because nothing really happened this weekend...

We went to Memphis. And Chelsea turned 18. And we went out to eat... at which time Chad panicked his mother for like, 30 seconds, which was funny. We hung out with Brian, and watched Sky High (good), and ate out, and returned an iPod in hopes of getting a nano, only to discover that there are no Nanos anywhere in the south. And we played poker (and I won), and no one did any homework, really... And we visited with Krys and Manda, and ofught with the credit union, and brought home a cat who was living under Chad's mustang.

The cat has no name, yet. But we're working on that.

In other happy news, I wrote a lab for the class I'm teaching, and my instructor liked it a lot and -mail it to Dr. Reese, who used to teach the class before she was promoted to dean of education (or something like that), and she really liked it. And told me so. Yay.

And in sad news, we returned the Bose system, because it wouldn't play Indiana Jones. And wouldn't work with our current av devices, such as the playstation, or the media center. And htere was a part to mek it work, but it cost another $200, and if we installed it the system would no longer work with the TV. So we might get speakers, eventually, or something, but no Bose for us right now.

That is all. For the moment.

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posted by Deedee 10:36 AM
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Thursday, June 30, 2005

So I went and did aerobic kickboxing yesterday... and amazingly, I'm not as sore today as I was Tuesday. Go figure.

But that's the last of the aerobics stuff for me this week... cause tonight or tomorrow, Chad and I are going to drive up to Memphis... and Satuday, we're going to Branson. we got a nice hotel room, with a hot tub, and one big bed as opposed to the two-bed rooms that his dad was trying to talk us into. Yay!

I just have to finish getting anniversary present stuff together... I should managet this afternoon, whilst Chad is at work. We hope.

I put the first 6 episodes of Aqua Teen that we taped off of the tv with the media center onto DVD. Now I get to test the dvd, and if it works, I can delete them form the Media Center! And have way more room to tape more stuff (which will probably get taken up by episodes of Aqua Teen).

But that's ok. I have learned the art of dvd making... so I can (slowly) put all of them on DVD. The sad thing is, in like, three weeks or so, we'll have all of them.

Mythbusters will prove more of a challenge, as I have to take the commercials out.

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posted by Deedee 9:46 AM
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Friday, March 25, 2005

The world is funny and disturbing place. Just thought you should know.

In Memphis for Easter... Must think of something fun to do Monday afternoon, to celebrate William's birthday. And something fun to do next weekend, to celebrate mine :) (note: Chad will be LARPing either Friday or Saturday, so plan party night for then *wink*)

Not really much else new... got my schedule for the summer and fall... classes look good, mostly, times look great (no 8ams!). Thinking about staying on after that, as long as I'm here... maybe I'd make it to a PhD. Or not. "Terminal degree" is such a depressing term. Sound like a disease... "I'm sorry to inform you, ma'am, but you have a terminal degree." *sigh*

anyway... I need to run away, and like, sleep or something. Or play kingdom hearts... oooooooh. Gameboy. Fun.... shiney... hmm.

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posted by Deedee 11:24 PM
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Tuesday, October 19, 2004


Not a whole lot to say though. Stuff happened this weekened... Chad got a car (SUV) to replace the dying Intrepid... Some crackho/stupid kid stole my gameboy... we played games with friends and family in the Memphis area (when we weren't car shopping)... we did lots of stuff. but for some reason, I don't feel like saying much.

I need to go write papers and stuff. Because lots of it is due this week. And more of it is due next week. And I will be gone most of the weekend enjoying the sights of North Carolina while Chad enjoys the sights of the end of the World (the White Wolf world, of course. Don't worry... it restarts in January. As if you were worried. Ha). I will have my computer... but I'm not sure how much internet access I will have, as I refuse to pay some outrageous per hour fee for wireless like the last couple of hotels I have stayed in charged. Maybe ours will be more reasonable. Or maybe I'll have to find the library, or an internet cafe or something.

But yeah. If I'm quiet, that's why.

Oh yeah... a key fell off of my keyboard today. One day. After. I was in a town with a Best Buy where they could fix it. Stupid thing will have to wait until Christmas break. Grr.

I really am going to go do more work now (my first paper of the night, due tomorrow, is about 75 words from being finished. Then I have to write a bunch of software engineering stuff, and an abstract for a paper on user interfaces... and something else that I can't remeber right now).

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posted by Deedee 6:07 PM
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Friday, June 04, 2004

Blah. Sorry I disappeared for a couple of days. Things have been wild here. I went to Memphis for the weekend, came back on Tuesday... then Chad and I tried to make wedding plans and reservations and stuff here...

And now I'm tired. I haven't had time to sit down in like, three days. I haven't spoken to very many people (except a couple of very short im conversations)... I haven't even had that much to say to my family. I've just done wedding stuff.

So. I'm going to bed early tonight. And going out shopping for shoes and stuff like that with my mother tomorrow. Yay.

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posted by Deedee 6:46 PM
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