Today you are a year old. Even as I write that, it is hard for me to understand. An entire year. Of you. It doesn't seem like it could have possibly been that long.
And yet, there you are. You've grown so much from the little tiny thing we brought home from the hospital... You're independent and smart and stubborn and all of the great things I could have hoped for you when you were born. You constantly amaze me with the things you learn and understand - you pick up so much, even when we're not really sure we're teaching you. You have an amazingly sweet spirit - you love people, and animals, and seem to make friends wherever we go.
You are walking - running, and want to be on your own feet everywhere we go. Even though you only have two teeth, you love grown-up food and would eat chicken at every meal if we let you. You love to give hugs and kisses, and this morning, for the first time, you responded to my request to "give mommy kisses" by planting a big slobbery toddler kiss on my cheek. You understand so much more of the world that I would have thought possible for a one-year-old.
I hope your next year is as special and amazing as your first - and that you every bit as much this year as you did last year. I am starting to miss my baby - but I am loving the girl you are turning into, and looking forward to seeing you grow even more as a person day by day.
Tiny tiny kitties :-) So Chad and I spent some time looking at tiny tiny kitties online yesterday... I am thinking about aquiring another one. Chad's mom, interestingly enough, is thinking about sending me one (or 5) of hers... but none of them are tiny tiny.
However, I pointed Chad to this (nsfw!) comic, and he said now he won't buy me a kitty for my birthday. ;-) (interesting side note, that strip is actually one of my favorite interactions between those two characters... I miss Queen of Wands).
Today is going to rock. I have decreed it. Plus, I just finished my homework, so as soon as I'm done giving make-up tests and goign to class and stuff... I'm done for the day. Chad will be home early, to help me confront the exterminators that are failing at exterminating... and then we can like, go to dinner or something fun. Also, I got to look at my new pretty daisies that I planted in the front yard this morning, and they made me happy. I like daisies.
I decided the birthday crown thing wouldn't work so well here at rice... *sigh* So I'm wearing my Jessica Rabbit shirt instead. I'll probably dress up to go out tonight (just because I can, and because I fit into a bunch of cute dresses and stuff I couldn't wear last year)... we shall see.
anyway. I suppose I'm going to find something to so for the next however long I'm giving make-up exams (hour, maybe?)... meanwhile... place this quote: Daisies are the friendliest flowers.
Long time, no blogging. Yeah, I know. I'm going to blame it on the new job. Yeah. That's it.
So. Birthday. Had a great one. Saturday, I convinced Cahd to take me out to dinner at Outback. Yum. David and Nichole came down (not for my birthday specifically, but it worked out that way). We ate out Sunday night and went to Kema (spelling?) which I didn't relize was a city. I thought it was like, I don't know, just a place. Like, I'm going to the Cotton District, or something like that. Monday, I convinced Chad to take me out to dinner again (since Monday was really my birthday), and Chris and Luke came with us. It was fun, though the guys monopolized the conversation with D&D stuff, and I think Chris was a little bored. For my birthday, Chad got me a new stereo system and speakers for my car (I have a cd player!), and some VeggieTales. My mom sent a box of clothes she got me, and some jewelry. Grandmother got me a cool scarf and earring set. My brother sent me an awesome laser strategy game. And I bought myself the next-to-newest book in the Amelia Peabody series (I just ordered the newest one in audiobook, like, yesterday).
So I got this new job. And it's pretty cool. Except I'm to damn efficient for my own good. My boss left town for three days, and I've finished pretty much everything she gave me to do. Like, all of it. (Hence the blogging form work). So I've been making stuff up to work on all day. Luckily, she'll be back on Monday.
The commute sucks though. It's like, 45 minutes no traffic, usually over an hour with traffic (that's why I bought the audio book). This morning, we had the worstest rainstorm ever, with rain and wind and thunder and lightning and hail (so I hear) and everything... so I left the house an hour late waiting for everything to blow over. It doesn't storm that much here, but when it does... Man. And if it rains more than an inch, all the streets flood. Crazy.
When D&D online came out, Chad and I decided to give it a try, on the condition that it didn't you know, rule our lives. We have since then learned better, and now know that DDO should rightly rule our lives. Apparently :-) So we always (barring out of town visitors, classes, or german rock band concerts) play Saturday night, all day Sunday after church and Wednesday nights. But this past week, somehow, we ended up playing Friday night and Monday night as well. No idea how that happened.
Anyway. I should get back to finding work to do.... So I can go home and do something fun... or at least get some sleep so I can stay up and game this weekend.
Saturday, Chad was LARPing in Columbus, and William and Bob and I went out to Cappe's and ate wonderful steak. Then William and I chilled at my apartment for a few minutes, and went to the Hunt Club to people watch and celebrate... and then came back here to play DDR. (actually, I played DDR, and William made fun of the Techno remix of the Neverening Story theme). And Matt joined us after a bit.
Then Sunday, which was actually my birthday, I slept until 2pm, which was really 3pm, because I forget about daylight savings time. And I called my mom, and she talked for like, an hour and a half. Then Chad took me out to dinner, ribs and chicken, which was really awesome. And we came back to the house, baked an awesome chocolate cake, and watched the Pagemaster. And two episodes of Stargate Atlantis. And i spent the birthday money Grandmother sent me on an Evanescence CD and the Pope's new book (which Chad said was a great combination).
And today, I ate lunch with William, and then discovered my class was cancelled. So I've been doing homework. But our wireless router is down, and I don't have the passowrd to it to fix it... so I'm tied to a land line. Blah.
Things I got for my birthday: Smart Mass Thinking Putty (from William) Albert Einstien Action Figure (also from William) The Book of Erotic Fantasy (from Chad)... relax, it's a roleplaying book, not a pr0n book. It's art. I swear. (actually, it's mostly words and stats).
The world is funny and disturbing place. Just thought you should know.
In Memphis for Easter... Must think of something fun to do Monday afternoon, to celebrate William's birthday. And something fun to do next weekend, to celebrate mine :) (note: Chad will be LARPing either Friday or Saturday, so plan party night for then *wink*)
Not really much else new... got my schedule for the summer and fall... classes look good, mostly, times look great (no 8ams!). Thinking about staying on after that, as long as I'm here... maybe I'd make it to a PhD. Or not. "Terminal degree" is such a depressing term. Sound like a disease... "I'm sorry to inform you, ma'am, but you have a terminal degree." *sigh*
anyway... I need to run away, and like, sleep or something. Or play kingdom hearts... oooooooh. Gameboy. Fun.... shiney... hmm.
History for the day: Today, in 1819, Herman Melville (the author of Moby Dick) was born. And Today, in 1876, Colorado became a state. And Today, in 1984, Sbbn was born (which is, in my opinion, the most important thing listed here).
But Sbbn doesn't get online when schools not in session... so he won't read this. *sigh* But Happy Birthday, anyway :-)
I'm recovering from two days of intense partying... and thinking about how much I hate advisors.
Brian and I finished the annual two-day celebration of our birthdays yesterday.... Tuesday we had gone out to Oby;s for dinner, and I had to relate to Brian all the odd memories I have associated with that place :-) Then we came back to my room, exchanged presents and ate cake, but didnt have room for ice cream... So Wednesday after we worked out and ate lunch, we came back here for ice cream and stuff. :-)
I got to wear my birthday crown (a walmart dress-up crown) all day yesterday... except during Physics, when my teacher made me take it off :-(
Then last night Neil and Amanda threw me a party... they bought cupcakes and everything. Chris and Amanda gave me some beautiful sterling roses and a spiffy picture frame, and Neil got me some pretty red flowers (I dont know what they're called). And everyone gave me cool birthday cards. And I had a lot of fun :-)
But back to hating advisors.... Dr. Hardin is trying to tell me I can't take 18 hours next semester.... Now, I admit, 18 hours in the spring is a little much, even for me. But this is fall. I will be eager to take courses :-) And he thinks Computer Science III will be to hard for me... Hello, Mr. Advisor Person.... look at my grades. Isn't programming my best subject? Grr. Oh yeah, he wants to make me stay over next summer, too. Which will be difficult, at best. Where the crap am I going to find a job here? I already have a job at home! Grrr. Oh well.... it's not like I'm not going to do what I want to anyway :-)
My weeend should be pretty uneventful.... This afternoon I'm doing laundry... Friday I'm getting my hair cut (actually getting it professionally done, aren't you impressed?). Friday or Saturday Brian and I are going to a baseball game... oh yeah, I have a test tomorrow. Neil's mom might come down to visit, so I'll probly go out with them sometime. Other than that, nothing's happening. So maybe I'll get to sleep :-) Maybe.