508 compliance has never looked this goodThis is my brain..... in part, at least.

Monday, April 04, 2005

Had a good birthday :-)

Saturday, Chad was LARPing in Columbus, and William and Bob and I went out to Cappe's and ate wonderful steak. Then William and I chilled at my apartment for a few minutes, and went to the Hunt Club to people watch and celebrate... and then came back here to play DDR. (actually, I played DDR, and William made fun of the Techno remix of the Neverening Story theme). And Matt joined us after a bit.

Then Sunday, which was actually my birthday, I slept until 2pm, which was really 3pm, because I forget about daylight savings time. And I called my mom, and she talked for like, an hour and a half. Then Chad took me out to dinner, ribs and chicken, which was really awesome. And we came back to the house, baked an awesome chocolate cake, and watched the Pagemaster. And two episodes of Stargate Atlantis. And i spent the birthday money Grandmother sent me on an Evanescence CD and the Pope's new book (which Chad said was a great combination).

And today, I ate lunch with William, and then discovered my class was cancelled. So I've been doing homework. But our wireless router is down, and I don't have the passowrd to it to fix it... so I'm tied to a land line. Blah.

Things I got for my birthday:
Smart Mass Thinking Putty (from William)
Albert Einstien Action Figure (also from William)
The Book of Erotic Fantasy (from Chad)... relax, it's a roleplaying book, not a pr0n book. It's art. I swear. (actually, it's mostly words and stats).

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posted by Deedee 12:58 PM

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