So is on our server, and up and running (Chad's blog, also on our server and running, although just over a year out of date). But my blog isn't there right now, because I backed it up to my laptop and haven't had time to move the backup file structure and images to the server.
I'll try to get to that next week. I have access to the server at work, but not the laptop... *sigh* I'll let you know.
At any rate, I should eventually be back in business, so to speak.
My Rouge hit 7th level last night. Just in case you wondered.
And we'll be in Memphis this weekend. Hanging with the family, and doing lots of fun stuff (like what? we have no idea).
The Cruise is finally scheduled... June 19-23. Yay! I think we got like, the last two ocean view cabins on the boat. And we're going to Islands of Adventure, which is the awesomest park ever.
Oh yeah, and I fixed the broken stuff on the sidebar... and the link to David's blog.
Long time, no blogging. Yeah, I know. I'm going to blame it on the new job. Yeah. That's it.
So. Birthday. Had a great one. Saturday, I convinced Cahd to take me out to dinner at Outback. Yum. David and Nichole came down (not for my birthday specifically, but it worked out that way). We ate out Sunday night and went to Kema (spelling?) which I didn't relize was a city. I thought it was like, I don't know, just a place. Like, I'm going to the Cotton District, or something like that. Monday, I convinced Chad to take me out to dinner again (since Monday was really my birthday), and Chris and Luke came with us. It was fun, though the guys monopolized the conversation with D&D stuff, and I think Chris was a little bored. For my birthday, Chad got me a new stereo system and speakers for my car (I have a cd player!), and some VeggieTales. My mom sent a box of clothes she got me, and some jewelry. Grandmother got me a cool scarf and earring set. My brother sent me an awesome laser strategy game. And I bought myself the next-to-newest book in the Amelia Peabody series (I just ordered the newest one in audiobook, like, yesterday).
So I got this new job. And it's pretty cool. Except I'm to damn efficient for my own good. My boss left town for three days, and I've finished pretty much everything she gave me to do. Like, all of it. (Hence the blogging form work). So I've been making stuff up to work on all day. Luckily, she'll be back on Monday.
The commute sucks though. It's like, 45 minutes no traffic, usually over an hour with traffic (that's why I bought the audio book). This morning, we had the worstest rainstorm ever, with rain and wind and thunder and lightning and hail (so I hear) and everything... so I left the house an hour late waiting for everything to blow over. It doesn't storm that much here, but when it does... Man. And if it rains more than an inch, all the streets flood. Crazy.
When D&D online came out, Chad and I decided to give it a try, on the condition that it didn't you know, rule our lives. We have since then learned better, and now know that DDO should rightly rule our lives. Apparently :-) So we always (barring out of town visitors, classes, or german rock band concerts) play Saturday night, all day Sunday after church and Wednesday nights. But this past week, somehow, we ended up playing Friday night and Monday night as well. No idea how that happened.
Anyway. I should get back to finding work to do.... So I can go home and do something fun... or at least get some sleep so I can stay up and game this weekend.
Good news and bad news... Bad news... DDO is broken. The system is down, yo. Stupid Java coders out there, relased a new module and broke the whole damn thing. and tech support is no help, since the whole thing is broken and not just you know, one or two people. (see Foamy on Tech Support (nsfw)).
Good news... I got a job! And i didn't have to turn it down! I was offered an internship at Landmark Graphics (part of Halliburton). I'll be doing icons and documentation and stuff, and I should start on Monday.
Willer... Don't fret. You'll weather through it. My archives were "broken" for like, 6 months on time after my mom found my blog. So I know what you're going through. I saw a shirt at Hot Topic today that said "I blogged your mom" and almost got it as a belated birthday present, but wasn;t sure if it would be appropriate. :-)
update... overdue, I suppose. So yeah. I haven't updated. Because really, nothing is going on here. I could blog everyday, but it would be like, "Today is Monday. I went grocery shopping and took the trash out. That is all."
This weekend was a break from routine though. Krys and Manda came to visit, with childrne and cats. The children were well-behaved, and the cats... were not as poorly behaved as they could have been. But we had a good time, and it was nice to do some different things (and to have an excuse to go see the children's museum).
Other than that, the most interesting thing I've done has been get totally addicted to D&D online. This is exactly why I never played WoW or anything like that. So now we're playing like, 3 times a week. So sad. Yet fun. Maybe I can get my brother addicted.... hmm.
Saturday, Chad was LARPing in Columbus, and William and Bob and I went out to Cappe's and ate wonderful steak. Then William and I chilled at my apartment for a few minutes, and went to the Hunt Club to people watch and celebrate... and then came back here to play DDR. (actually, I played DDR, and William made fun of the Techno remix of the Neverening Story theme). And Matt joined us after a bit.
Then Sunday, which was actually my birthday, I slept until 2pm, which was really 3pm, because I forget about daylight savings time. And I called my mom, and she talked for like, an hour and a half. Then Chad took me out to dinner, ribs and chicken, which was really awesome. And we came back to the house, baked an awesome chocolate cake, and watched the Pagemaster. And two episodes of Stargate Atlantis. And i spent the birthday money Grandmother sent me on an Evanescence CD and the Pope's new book (which Chad said was a great combination).
And today, I ate lunch with William, and then discovered my class was cancelled. So I've been doing homework. But our wireless router is down, and I don't have the passowrd to it to fix it... so I'm tied to a land line. Blah.
Things I got for my birthday: Smart Mass Thinking Putty (from William) Albert Einstien Action Figure (also from William) The Book of Erotic Fantasy (from Chad)... relax, it's a roleplaying book, not a pr0n book. It's art. I swear. (actually, it's mostly words and stats).
This quote, from this article on a recent muder charge in Pennsylvania, has to be one of the stupidest things I've heard anyone say in a long time. Maybe not the stupidest, though...
"I mean, you have many, many stab wounds and those 'Dungeons and Dragons' fantasy games involve swords and knives and daggers and things of that nature. There may be a connection but I can’t say for sure."
Proof to the point, I guess, that guns don't kill people. Gamers kill people. (although I think the point was originally meant to apply to video gamers... we're all cut from the same cloth).
Blah. Getting somewhat better... I probabaly won't die. Not doing great though... everything wears me out. I'm actually fixing to take a nap. Yay. But first... before I forget them...
Quote of the day (yesterday):
I grab my war mace and head toward the tent. If they were worried, it must have been some big fucking rats.
Quote of the day (today):
So if you found yourself, what exactly would you do with you?
I'm thinking about a redesign.... possibly something Spaceish... I have access to all kinds of cool space images through NASA... they're free.... and I'm sure I could manage something cool with them. I may start with redesigning my blog.... then, it'll be time to begin my evil plans! *evil laugh*
I mean, eat lunch... it will be time to eat lunch. Yeah.
By the way, this is a really awesome comic. Especially if you like pc-based rpg games... it's a classic.