508 compliance has never looked this goodThis is my brain..... in part, at least.

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Last post of the night, I promise.
Classic Foamy always puts me in a better mood... "But it's ok, cause I have the pills, to cure the death." Ha.

Chad has grown to hate me watching Foamy... not because he doesn't like Foamy, but because I walk around the house for *weeks* saying crazy things like "medicated baby-heads!" at random intervals. However, I just think that my randomly intervaled Foamy quotes are revenge for his equally random multiplicity quotes ;-)

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posted by Deedee 8:24 PM
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Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Good news and bad news...
Bad news... DDO is broken. The system is down, yo. Stupid Java coders out there, relased a new module and broke the whole damn thing. and tech support is no help, since the whole thing is broken and not just you know, one or two people. (see Foamy on Tech Support (nsfw)).

Good news... I got a job! And i didn't have to turn it down! I was offered an internship at Landmark Graphics (part of Halliburton). I'll be doing icons and documentation and stuff, and I should start on Monday.

Willer... Don't fret. You'll weather through it. My archives were "broken" for like, 6 months on time after my mom found my blog. So I know what you're going through. I saw a shirt at Hot Topic today that said "I blogged your mom" and almost got it as a belated birthday present, but wasn;t sure if it would be appropriate. :-)

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posted by Deedee 7:46 PM
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Friday, March 04, 2005

rant time: (Oh, if only I could in a Foamy voice)

Rant number one. Vending machines in Butler. They've been empty for a week. I mean. Empty. They are out of everything... includeing bottled water and diet coke. Yeah. Computer science students need to buy caffiene. It's a fact of life. So why is there no caffiene in the building? grr.

Rant number two. People cause extra drama by dealing with their problems with a specific group's method of doing things by announcing them to the world, thus making everyone else uncomfortable and hurting people's feelings. Let's take, as a "hypothetical" example, the Wesley. Ok. So I have some problems with the Wesley at the moment, and some of the people involved, and some of the way things are being done. I took up a few of my problems with people (who had the potential to do somehting about it) mostly in private. Things haven't changed, the majority seems happy with the current state, and i have huge amounts of work to do... so I really haven't been to Wesley this semester. I just don't have the time and energy to deal with it. However. If I had interrupted worship, under the pretense of praying, and listed all my petty gripes in the prayer... yeah. that would be way out of line. Way. Out. Of. Line. Even if the points made are valid (which, in this hypothetical case, I have no clue)... the method is bad. And uncalled for. And that's all I have to say about that.

Rant number three. People need to learn what is and isn't their business. Like, for instance, It might be rude to ask someone's age, in certain settings, or if you're tlaking to a woman who is more than like, 16. It's probably rude to ask how much someone makes a year, but not so rude. It is probably extremely rude to enquire after someone's sex life, unless you have been invited to, or you are a medical professional. In my oppinion, "When are you planning to have kids?" or any variation thereof falls under the sex life catagory. I mean really. What business is it of anyone but us whther we even want to have kids? And what if either Chad or I couldn't have kids? Should I have to explain that to everyone I'm connected to in 6 degrees or less? No. People should butt out. When/if we have kids, we'll let you know.

Rant number four. anti-discrimination disclaimers. They just keep getting longer. Take, for example, MSU's disclaimer. It's like, 5 or 6 lines, and includes age, race, national origin, sexual orientation or group affliation (exactly what is sexual group affiliation, anyway?)... and a bunch of other crap. So, in order to be in vouge, I have come up with my own disclaimer:

I do not discriminate on the basis of gender, sex, race, religion, creed, sexual orientation, age, veteran status, disability, belly button depth, shoe size, eye color, or artistic ability. However, I reserve the right to discriminate on the basis of stupidity, hair color, State of birth, gut feeling, and level of annoyance.

I think that is all. For now.

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posted by Deedee 12:03 PM
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