The best thing you've ever done for me / Is to help me take my life less seriously I actually took a lunch today. As in, I packed my lunch and took it to work (this in and of itself isn't unusual these days), and then (and this is the amazing part) I stopped what I was doing for an hour and took a lunch break.
I did it yesterday too.
The sad thing is, neither of those two breaks were actually used for eating... I still ate over my computer, while working (or attempting to, at any rate). Yesterday, I took the break to run down to Half Price Books and look around, specifically for a little journal-type book to use for the bible study thing -- I found one that will work great, I think, and in addition to that I found another journal that has graph paper instead of lined paper. Who thought of that? And why didn't they call me when they did? I bought it, with no specific purpose at the moment. I just miss writing on graph paper -- and today's break was spent reading (with my office mate out of the office, I could shut the door and enjoy some quiet for an hour, reading the Time Traveler's Wife. Except it wasn't really quiet, as I share an office wall with someone who projects very loudly into the phone, mostly about finance, and am around the corner from someone else who also projects into the phone (and at people in person), mostly about travel arrangements).
I might continue to take real lunch breaks. Until such time as I have too much work to do to really enjoy them (which will be, you know, right before the next big deadline). Not sure about the reading thing though... might have to take it outside, at the very least. Not just to escape the loud phone people, either. I forgot that 9/10 of my reading time is in bed, right before (and sometimes slightly after) bedtime, so when I finished my hour and stood up to open the door, I thought I was going to fall over. I didn't, but I'm still not sure if the lightheadedness had to do with the reading, being stationary for too long, or was just a fluke.
Actually, this week has been really easy, work-wise. Which is a nice change after last week, where I was rushing to get everything ready for user testing and trying not to die in the process (In the end, everything was ready, and I'm not dead yet). I attended a conference for two days, and spent some time tying up a few loose ends that slipped through the cracks last week. Since then, I've actually been inventing work to do, as I was so busy last week I forgot to ask for extra work to do this week :-P
There's a lot in my head, and very little of it particularly blog-worthy.
Still sorting out life but I'm doing alright It's 9pm, and I'm actually thinking about just going to bed. How freakin' lame is that?
It has been a crazy week, though... or couple of weeks... geez, a month? the summer? Suffice it to say, the craziness abounds.
Chad's schedule has been crazy, doing ISTs and other cool acronyms... which has given me a couple of evenings to chill, and have the house to myself. This is in theory pretty cool, but I have yet to figure out how to make it work. For instance, Monday night I reviewed a list of things that Manda suggested doing the last time she had the house to herself... and ended up doing none of the listed things, and instead watching City Confidential, followed by crappy reality TV (WifeSwap), followed by a really odd documentary type show about a family that has 13 kids and only spend $150 a week at the grocery store. I got some cleaning done in there, too, but mostly just watched crappy TV.
Tonight I watched City Confidential, and then got sucked into a documentary about a serial killer who eventually got caught and put on death row, but they never found half the people he killed... yeah. Really healthy TV habits. But I got some other cleaning stuff done, read the first couple of chapters of a book someone lent me, and now I'm ready to call it a night I guess...
In other news, starting September 1 I'll be a real full time employee at Landmark, doing usability and like, getting paid and stuff. And benefits. Like a real person. Isn't that amazing?
In other other news, apparently my brother tore his rotator cuff at work... so now instead of stocking produce, he's greeting people at the door. So if you happne through the Sparkman Drive Wal-mart between 4am and noon (no clue what days), you should wave at him and stuff.
And for the record, I'm not terribly fond of hurricanes. Phenomenal cosmic (destructive) power aside, the build up is annoying. And people freak out, and panic, thus causing other people to panic, and it's not fun. I like tornadoes better. They destroy smaller areas, they don't tend to come with floods, and you only have a few minutes to panic and freak out.
That being said, we have an evacuation plan, and I have now put my finger on everything we would need to take with us (a surprisingly small list, really, which makes me wonder... why do we have so much other stuff?).
Anyway. I'm falling asleep whilst typing, which is always bad. I'm going to quit fighting it, and go to bed, which is pretty sad, actually).
The Mississippi's mighty, but it starts in Minnesota/ at a place where you could walk across with five steps down
My keywords are not working exactly as I would like them to. So weird. Don't know how to fix it.
Settled on a d20 character idea. Already having fun with it. (and we haven;t started playing yet). Chad says I'm evil, but he's enjoying it, too.
I will never never never understand women. So don't call and ask me for advice on how to figure them out. 'Cause yeah, I don't know. Don't have a clue. On the other hand, if you figure them out, by all means let me know.
It's funny, when you're used to coming in to work for like, 3 hours at a time, how much 8 hour days kinda suck. But that's ok... 80 hour paychecks sure beat 10 hour paychecks.
I need to learn XML, which to this point I've never bothered with. I'm considering renewing my Safari subscription to gain access to some books... but not sure. It's kinda pricy (about $20 a month for the base rate, $40 a month for unlimited). Maybe I should check out what ACM has to offer, as I've already paid my dues for the year (ouch! I forgot how much dues were once you added in SIG memberships and transactions, etc).
Um. Yeah. Still totally addicted to LotRO. Started running quests with my secondary... the thing that annoys me the most? It takes freakin' forever to get somewhere. Like, anywhere. I spend more time running than anything else.
Have-to's and need-to's and get-to's by three Sleep. Is good. But now that I have tiem for sleep... yeah, I'm not really taking advantage of it. LotRO has somewhat cut into my sleep (something about never getting off the computer until 10:15 or 10:30, and then having to do all the stuff you should have done before gaming...), and I've be trying to get out of the house early(ish) to beat traffic. This morning, didn't work so good. I left at like, 6:45, but I had to run by the school on the way to work (the words "on the way to work" here mean "before I could go to work", not that the school is actually "on the way" anywhere from my house). So I didn't get to work until 8:30.
And all day I've been drawing little pictures. that are not icons (not that small). And trying my hand at interaction design.
Blah. Do you ever have one of those day where you feel totally useless? I mean... like a total waste of space and resources.
Yeah, that was yesterday afternoon/evening. In the morning, I ran lots of errands (that is to say, 1.5 errands, really), and got some stuff done, and even dragged a friend along to help ensure that I didn't do anything stupid. But... befre I left, I picked up the dog for some reason (no idea why)... and while we were at Sam's, I picked up like, 20 lbs of cat food. Because I'm dumb.
So then I came home, and i was hurting, but I thought... you know, it would be awesome to like, have people over to play games and stuff tonight. But my house is a wreck still. So... I emptied the dishwasher, I picked up trash, I moved a bunch of (little, or at least not heavy) things out to the garage and some other things upstairs... and yeah, after an hour or so of that, I could barely walk. Chad came home, bringing me motrin, and ordering me to take it easy. But yeah, by the time he got home, I wasn't fit to do much of anything but whine and cry and bitch about my back. So we ate sammiches, and watched Family Guy. And poker. And then I went to bed.
And the house is still a wreck. I had intended t have everything back in shape by the time school starts (tomorrow), but that's totally not going to happen.
Today, I'm supposed to drive out to work and put in four or five hours.... but my back hurts, and the whole prospect is kind of annoying. On the other hand, if I stay here, I won't get anything accomplished, either. I hate this shit.
X-rays tomorrow, and go back to the chiropractor on Tuesday to get them read.
Office politics, part V So yeah. it continues. Now I'm not allowed to work from home. So, stuff isn't going to get done over the holidays. And I get to do it all when I get back. Which is lovely. Meanwhile, someone else will have to deal with irate developers, who will not have their icons by the end of the year.
I'm actually thinking that if this doesn't fix itself by the time I get back to work in January... I might walk. I mean... I like what I do, I like the people I work with (with a few exceptions)... but the corporate politics is killing me. I don't get paid enough to deal with this kind of crap.
Who can decide what they dream? / And dream I do... Blah. Stayed in bed until like, 2pm today, with the exception of getting up around 8:15ish to take a shower... still don't really feel like I slept. I feel more like I wasted like, 5 hours that I could have been doing something productive.
Work is becomeing a wild and crazy game of politics that I would really rather not play, but am somehow stuck in. But at least I don't have to deal with it (in person) until January 3rd... I'm working remotely from now until i get back from Memphis/Huntsville.
And speaking of the Hammon's Great American Christmas Tour 2006... We'll be in Memphis at some point (late) on the 21st, leaving (early) on the 26th for Huntsville, leaving Huntsvile for Memphis (early) on the 31st, and leaving Memphis to come back to Houston on the 2nd. So yeah, if you want to see us sometime in there, call me, or e-mail me, or something. We'll work it out.
Back to the doing productive things. I htink I'm oging to go arange icons and work on Stats stuff, whilst blasting my eardrums out with some combination of Eve6, Evanesence, and Indigo Girls (and maybe some other stuff thrown in there somewhere).
You know what makes me mad? People. Specifically, people who have no concept of time. (Yes, I know my concept of time is a bit warped, but really). For example, people who ask me like, 13 days ago if I could, when I get around to it, make some icons for a peice of software. I explain that it will take some time, the process, yada yada...
And then get an e-mail this morning. Where's my icons? Why don't *I* have icons? Billy has more icons than me! (Who's Billy? I don't know, but he has more icons than me!).
So yeah. If you catch me in an odd mood today, blame icons.
Icons are driving me crazy. But we all knew that. I am 1 (only 1!!!!!) icon away from being bale to close out a 175 icon order… but I don't have the last stamp of approval on that icon. So I'm stuck, sitting on it, waiting. I hate waiting.
But I did close out one order over the weekend. Yay! Only 4 open icon orders!
Rant(s) of the day. So. Why is it that no one seems able to read?
I share an office. There's a note, on the door, that says that my office-mate is working from home today (same as every Tuesday and Thursday). Yet 3 people in a row just felt compelled to stick their head in my office, and ask if she's working today. No, she's working from home. Like is says on the sign. The bright yellow sign.
2nd rant: I am not a god. I wish I was (sort of, I guess), but I'm not. I'm also not a demi-god, a magician, or a time traveller (although that would be cool, maybe). Or a graphic designer. So why, oh why, do people feel the need to ask me to do the impossible? Like, say, design and deliver a new, as of yet unrequested batch of icons... by Christmas. Ha! At this point... yeah. Might instantly teleport to Denver, kick some developers around, and instantly teleport back. Oh wait... not a magician. Forgot for a second.
I love my job. At least I'm not coding PDFs by hand, I guess :-)
Brrrr! Um, yeah. So I heard a rumor that it doesn't get cold in Texas, except in like, Febraury.
They were wrong.
It is so cold... so cold it almost made Chad swear! Which would have been funny. Anyway... My missions for the day: Survive the next hour an a half at work without killing anyone, or screaming out loud. Go home, find pictures of the mostest awesome haircut eVar. Take said pictures to the hair dresser, and get a hair cut that (hopefully) resembles the pictures. Maybe watch a movie. Stay warm. Work on term paper... due Monday. Yay!
News and such... I survived Thanksgiving ;-) Not too badly, I might add, although don't ask Chad about the mashed potatoes (I don't think I've seen him laugh so hard in a long time). Everything else was good.
Now I'm at work, with a headcold, fixin to go home and then go to the mall and do some shopping of some sort.
There's something weird about walking outside the day after Thankgiving to 75 degree weather. Not that I'm really complaining, cause I do not like to be cold... but still, it seems odd.
Life, the Universe and Everything So I have a great deal of extra time today. at work. (Not that I haven't done work... I just finished a task that I originally told my boss would have to wait until September when I come back). I hate killing time at work.
I finish up here Friday, August 18th. And I have Orientation starting Wednesday, August 23rd. Classes start Monday, August 28th. And we close on the house September 1st. And I come back here part time somewhere around September 12th.
So between now and when I finish up here, I have a few (mostly superficial) loose ends, project wise, to tie up. Between now and orientation I need to buy a backpack (the laptop carryin' kind), buy other misc school supplies, buy some more shoes, get my hair cut (trimmed), and maybe get my nails done. Between now and when the house closes, Chad and I need to pack like mad. Between when the house closes and when I start work I have to finish as much moving as possible while still attending clases and putting in the required number of research hours. And between now and when I start work, I need to retrain myself to sleep less, get up at 6am, and put in 12-13 hour days.
Seriously, this working part time thing... I honestly don't know how people manage to work and go to school at the same time. I mean, my brother does it, and other people I know do it, and most of them manage to keep good grades and stuff... but I'm just not sure where the time comes from, y'know? I drafted my work/school schedule, tenatively based on the classes I want to take. It involves me leaving the hosue at 7am, and getting home between 6:30 and 7:30 (unless I have a doctor's appointment, or these's too much traffic, in which case I'll have to put in some extra time somewhere...). So basically, I'm going to have around 3 1/2 to 4 hours every night to 1)Do homework, 2) cook and eat dinner, and 3) do any other activity that I would normally accomplish on the weekends (spend time with my husband, go to karate, play DDO). Yeah.
oh yeah, pictures of the house, without carpet (it has carpet now, but we don't have pictures of it).
Overview of a "typical" day... So since I never have anything interesting to blog about, I thought I'd outline a typical day so that you people know what I do all day (you know, the stuff that's too boring to blog about).
Sometime between 5am and 6:30am (depending on how ambitious I am being), my alarm goes off. I hit it about a hundred and fifty times before getting up, because it's really hard to get out of the most comfortable bed in the world. I end up actually out of bed between 6am and 7:30am (typically, closer to 7 or 7:30). I try and find something semi-professional to wear to work (why doesn't the laundry wash itself?!)... let the dogs out... stumble into the kitchen and make sammichs. Two sammichs, one for me and one for Chad. Both with low fat cheese and lean lunch meat (because we're trying to eat healthy or something). I pack the rest of my lunch (fruit, yogurt, and propel fitness water), and somehow manage to grab a muffin or some other kind of vaugely healthy breakfast food while running out the door.
I drive. For like, an hour. And listen to an audio book (just finished: "Blink: the power of thinking without thinking", by Malcolm Gladwell). Then I finially get to work.
After having to show or swipe my badge three times at three different places (I mean really... you would think we were military or something), I make it to my office... And sit down at my computer. Where I stay, working dilegently, for you know, 8 hours or so. Currently, I'm working on a variety of projects that include icons, gui components, and trying to make sense of way too much source code written by way too many different people. Interestingly enough, one of my projects has generated enough interest that I'll be making presentations on it to two different groups of people in the next month. Typically, I eat lunch at my desk, because I think it's stupid to burn an hour on lunch when I'm eating a sammich by myself anyway.
Then I drive. For like, an hour. And listen to an audio book. (next week: A Wrinkle in Time, by Madeleline L'Engle).
I get home and let the dogs out and cook dinner (why don't the dishes wash themselves?!)... typically, we finish eating dinner just in time to go to karate or go sign on to the computers and roleplay. Unless it's Monday or Friday, when we either end up watching a movie or finding some other way to totally waste time.
Then I try and go to bed. I have the best of intentions of going to bed at like, 10pm, but I hardly ever manage that. I make it to bed between 11pm and midnight...
So yeah. I am totally blogging from work right now, because if I didn't blog from work, I would never be able to blog.
I have still only logged like, 10 hours on Kingdom Hearts II, which makes me sad. I played for an hour and a half the other night while Chad was playing Civ 4 with Brian, and all I really accomplished was making my thumbs hurt. *sigh*
This weekend, our time will be taken up by lusting after the house we want, and watching Clerks (on DVD on Friday night) and Clerks II (in the theater on Saturday).
Interfaces, Internships, and... Houses? If HCI had an equivalent to X-Games, this project would be part of it. Ultimate HCI... move the computer into the brain!
So my intership is going amazingly well, considering the fact that I don't think I've really accomplished much. Everyone else thinks I have accomplished a lot, and I suppose that's what counts. I'm giving a presentation to upper level management the first week in August on my work with Common Components, and I have the potential to keep this job in some form or another during the school year. Which would be cool, but might actually require me to, I don't know, move to a planet with 30 hour days.
And we're thinking of buying a house. Torn, actually, between buying something sensible and, you know, cheap... and buying the house we really want. We're looking at about a $50k difference between the two, which is, interestingly enough, the price of a 2007 Shelby Mustang GT500. (not that we could get both... I'm just saying is all). We should figure something out, pretty shortly, I hope. The possibility of continueing my internship has changed the situation some... So yeah. Decisions are more complicated when you are a grown-up, I guess.
Long time, no blogging. Yeah, I know. I'm going to blame it on the new job. Yeah. That's it.
So. Birthday. Had a great one. Saturday, I convinced Cahd to take me out to dinner at Outback. Yum. David and Nichole came down (not for my birthday specifically, but it worked out that way). We ate out Sunday night and went to Kema (spelling?) which I didn't relize was a city. I thought it was like, I don't know, just a place. Like, I'm going to the Cotton District, or something like that. Monday, I convinced Chad to take me out to dinner again (since Monday was really my birthday), and Chris and Luke came with us. It was fun, though the guys monopolized the conversation with D&D stuff, and I think Chris was a little bored. For my birthday, Chad got me a new stereo system and speakers for my car (I have a cd player!), and some VeggieTales. My mom sent a box of clothes she got me, and some jewelry. Grandmother got me a cool scarf and earring set. My brother sent me an awesome laser strategy game. And I bought myself the next-to-newest book in the Amelia Peabody series (I just ordered the newest one in audiobook, like, yesterday).
So I got this new job. And it's pretty cool. Except I'm to damn efficient for my own good. My boss left town for three days, and I've finished pretty much everything she gave me to do. Like, all of it. (Hence the blogging form work). So I've been making stuff up to work on all day. Luckily, she'll be back on Monday.
The commute sucks though. It's like, 45 minutes no traffic, usually over an hour with traffic (that's why I bought the audio book). This morning, we had the worstest rainstorm ever, with rain and wind and thunder and lightning and hail (so I hear) and everything... so I left the house an hour late waiting for everything to blow over. It doesn't storm that much here, but when it does... Man. And if it rains more than an inch, all the streets flood. Crazy.
When D&D online came out, Chad and I decided to give it a try, on the condition that it didn't you know, rule our lives. We have since then learned better, and now know that DDO should rightly rule our lives. Apparently :-) So we always (barring out of town visitors, classes, or german rock band concerts) play Saturday night, all day Sunday after church and Wednesday nights. But this past week, somehow, we ended up playing Friday night and Monday night as well. No idea how that happened.
Anyway. I should get back to finding work to do.... So I can go home and do something fun... or at least get some sleep so I can stay up and game this weekend.
Good news and bad news... Bad news... DDO is broken. The system is down, yo. Stupid Java coders out there, relased a new module and broke the whole damn thing. and tech support is no help, since the whole thing is broken and not just you know, one or two people. (see Foamy on Tech Support (nsfw)).
Good news... I got a job! And i didn't have to turn it down! I was offered an internship at Landmark Graphics (part of Halliburton). I'll be doing icons and documentation and stuff, and I should start on Monday.
Willer... Don't fret. You'll weather through it. My archives were "broken" for like, 6 months on time after my mom found my blog. So I know what you're going through. I saw a shirt at Hot Topic today that said "I blogged your mom" and almost got it as a belated birthday present, but wasn;t sure if it would be appropriate. :-)
Today is a bad day. Capital BAD. Capital DAY. Everyone from the Coast is stressed out about Ivan. The brochure that I am (was) supposed to do for the church isn't going so well (the printer says it got messed up between the Macs on campus and her Mac... go figure). On the way to get my paycheck, my car stopped working (as I was in the ERC parking lot, this wasn't as catastophic as it could have been). And they don't have my paycheck, even though I've worked for a month and they haven't paid me yet... somehow, they lost my paperwork or something. So... I'm now at school (not at work, where I should be)... sans working car, sans paycheck (aka, money to fix car). Hopefully, Chad and I can get it working tonight... (I think it's the starter).
And Dr. Bridges said she's going ot take points off of my paper because I didn't follow all the formatting rules (i.e., I single spaced where she took off points for double spaceing last time).
Found out last night my internship isn't going to happen. Which is good (more time), and bad (less money, stay at home, don't get to work with the NE team). I might have to find another job.... but I don't know what I would find for short term on this short a notice... maybe Huntsville Hospital needs a short term computer person? Lookig into Space Camp, not sure that will work on such a short time line, though.
Anyway. Not so much new here. Passing everything, at the moment. Which is good. Failing is bad... graduation is good... moving is annoying... getting married is good... wedding planning is complicated... grad school is good...
Ok. I get to go home now. The Civil Servants went like, at noon. And We haven't had water since... noon. But we had to stay.
The building could have caught on fire, and there would have been no sprinklers to put it out, and since we're contractors, we're not allowed to use fire extengishers... so we would have all like, burned up or something (because we are too dumb to go outside). Yeah. Don't you love the government?
Anyway... going home to do laundry and go to church... and maybe eat. Food would be good.
But my immeadiate need... is a toliet with running water.
*brrr* It. Is. Cold. Very Cold. My WeatherPixie says it's 37 degrees in Starkville... a little colder here, I imagine. Snowing, on and off all day today But not enough to get out of work.
I am so scatterbrained today... it's like i can't hold one thought in my head for any length of time...
I swear... when we move to the new building, I want to be back in the teacher hub. Or in the Techie end of the building. But not where I am. Stupid... People... Piss me off.
I finally finished compiling the lecture material for the Microgravity curriculum I'm putting together.... 119 pages. Of just lecture material. Not counting the lessons and handout sheets, etc, that I still need to put together. Or the PawPoint slides I'm trying to decide if I need to put in there. But that's ok... the lecture stuff is done.
Actually... I had a really good Christmas. Spent lots of time with family (both mine and Chad's)... took some time off of work... sang happy songs... got cool stuff... give some really killer gifts that people liked a lot (don't think I screwed up anyone's present this year)...
And now I'm back at work... for a half day, at least. But I can't do any of the work I was intending to do.... as ::Strongbad voice:: NASAexplores is down, yo ::/Strongbad voice:: 5ux0r5.
Guess what! "El Noticiero de NASA" is featuring the k-4 History of Flight crossword puzzle (one of the ones I did that was on the Portal) in their next issue...
My job was just bought by another company. So, as of sometime after the 1st of the year, I will no longer be working for CSC... I will either be unemployed, or working for SAIC.
Proves to be somewhat interesting, at the very least...
Oh well. I will go on Blogging as if the publish thing was working. I think Krys and Manda are down, as my Shout Outs aren't working, and I can't access Manda's Blog. On the other hand, they can't be totally down, as we are hosted through them.
So. Yay. I'm at work. And I have lots of work to do, but i can't do any of it, because the server is down. Until NASA decides we aren't too much of a security risk. Fun.
And I'm going ot have to pack like a mad woman for the next two days... then take Thursday off... then pack some more on Friday so I can go back to school. Packing, by the way, is not my idea of a fun thing to do with my evenings. On the other hand, I think i have almost everything I need to go to school. Yay for me! I just need to pull it all together. I have most of my food packed... so tonight I'll prolly start on packing my books and stuff. And my KitchenAid mixer. *grin*
Cleaning out my desk.... it's kind of odd, I have like, three summers worth of crap in here. But that's cool, too, in that a lot of it I had forgotten about. Some of it is even stuff that goes home with me... posters, lithos, the 508 notes that I got from Karen... it's interesting.
So I'm still sick. And she says I might have a virus or something. So she said I need to stay home until Thursday and go and see her then if I'm not better. And in the meantime, drink watered down gatorade. Eww.
So I'm still sick. And I'm frustrated, because I can't do anything, and I can't go anywhere... But dadgum it if I'm going to miss another whole week of work. Do doctors understand that part time employees don't get sick days? and that students usually have summer jobs, not because they are bored and need something to do, but because they actually might need the money?
Having said all that, if I feel gross tomorrow morning, I may stay home. But I can't take another three or four days, that's crazy.
So yeah. I'm going to go eat and orange cream pop. Because they are like, the only thing that tastes good right now.
I hate calling people I don't know. *sigh* but that's life.
So it's Wednesday... and I'm at work. And I'm tired. And I hafta go to church tonight. Because Daddy's sick and can't take the little kids. Maybe I can find a quiet corner of one of the room to curl up and take a nap.... or not... naps might be dangerous. Maybe I can read. Reading is restful.
I feel guilty... because it's raining, and I'm enjoying the rain. And parts of Huntsville are still under water... so the last thing we need is more rain... but I like rain... When it rains, everything is ok. (unless your house is under 2 feet of water, I guess)... *sigh* I'm such an awful person... rejoicing in somehting that causes other people so much trouble...
Oh hey, random space excitement for the week: Be sure the catch the lunar ecplise Thursday night... it should be really visible anytime between 22:14 and 23:07, CDT. At least it should be, if it clears up around here.
Interesting note related to Daddy... My dad may soon become a pothead... or... well... something like it. Several people have suggested to him that medical marijuana might help him when he doing chemo. It's supposed to help a lot with the nausea and the pain... so he's going to ask Dr. Dang about it. What was recommended was the pills, mostly... although someone mentioned marijuana tea. Just an interesting note.
Too funny to not post here... think it'll work for me?
BTW, I blog spasticly at work... I keep a notepad window open, and type whatever comes to mind inbetween like, actually working and stuff. And then i post it all whenever I get a chance... so my post may be a little random. Just a little.
Hey hey hey.... send your name to a comet! How cool is that? Now my name will be on Mars, and on a comet! (I sent my name to Mars last summer). You get a spiffed out certificate, too...
Ah... finally. A "real" assignment. I get to design PawPoint slides for a big NASAexplores presentation. *sigh* The life of an intern is so demanding. *grin*
grrr. I will never get to sleep. But, I'm not taking Linear this summer, which should help. let me explain... no, there is to much. Let me sum up. :-)
I wil never get any sleep becasue I am to dadgum busy for my own good. I have to leave the house at 7am every morning to get to work, which means getting up around 6am... And starting the 28th, I'll be in class until 9:45pm every night except Friday, which puts me home around 10:15pm, if I get out on time. Between those times I have to work 8+ hours, eat, do homework, and clean house... and of course, visit with my family (that's why I came home, right?). My weekends will mostly be spent traveling, or Chad will be in town, so I won't want to sleep the entire weekend away. And even when I don't have class, I have enough stuff to do for three people. Take, for instance, this weeks schedule.
Yesterday: Worked (or did random crap at work) from 8am-4pm. Went to leave, car stalled, had to get pushed back into the parking lot. *funny car/guy story* I tried to tell the guys that came to help me that the engine was turing over, but it wasn't getting gas. They were like, oh, yeah, whatever, you have no clue. So after 15 minutes of fiddling with the spark plugs, they were like, you know, I think the engine is turnging over, but it's not getting any gas. *Doh* (real problem: The emergancy cut-off for the fuel pump is flakey, something Daddy *forgot* to mention). *end of story* So, after getting my car fixed, I drove to church, my parents picked me up, we ate dinner, went to church, and got home around 9pm. But then I had to eat, and put dinner away, and get ready for bed, and talk to people, and.... I finally got in bed after 10pm, but couldn't sleep.
Today: Got up at 6am, browned hamburger meat, put stuff in crockpot for spagetti sauce. Talked to Mom for a minute, left 15 minutes late to go to work. I'm here until 4pm or so, then go home and cook spagetti and stuff to go with the sauce... and I will probably end up going out with Mom to Walmart or something.
Tomorrow: Work 7am-3pm (which means leaving the house by 6:30am). Get off Work, go help Aunt Dorinne With yardwork/housework at her house, eat with her, get home sometime around 9pm. Clean *my* house until I fall into bed exausted.
Saturday: Get up at 6am to go yard saleing with Mom... Yard sale until 1pm or so, then (if Henry has found the title to the bug) go meet Dad to get my car (an all-afternoon process). If Henry has not found the title, I might go swimming, but I think it may be to cold. If I go home, I'll end up doing housework. Oh yeah, I also need to go to Cingular and price a cellphone plan... sometime Saturday. And if I get my bug, I might try and find time to go to the VW parts shop and see about a floor pan. And mirrors.
If this is my life without class... how am I going to get everything done? I think I may spend a week between work and school recovering... from life! Oh well.... I'll get ever it. Plenty of time to sleep when I'm dead, right?
On a more interesting note, I get to go to a family reunion Sunday... My Dad's Father's family, or, more specificly, my Dad's Father's Mother's family :-) The Duncans. And they are all getting together at Anne's house (not sure if she's an Aunt or a cousin... never have figured that one out). So I get to go and see lots of people that share my blood, but I have no clue how or why or even who the hell they are. And lots of them will say things like, "I knew you when youe were *this* big", or "Are you Ray's Grandaughter? My you've grown up!", or "What's your major?", or "Are you dating/engaged/married?". But I've been promised good food... One can never pass up good food :-)