Better late than never... So. Let me see if I can sum up.
I did NaNo this year... and only fell short by about 7000 words (I'm going to blame sickness and travel for not winning this year. That's my story and I'm stickin' to it). It was awesome, and I will probably participate again in 2010. 'Nuff said.
Had a very awesome (but completely crazy and also full of drama on pretty much every front) trip home for Christmas and New Years. Did not visit half the people we intended to, but visited a few we weren't planning to, so I guess it worked out. Brianna had a great time and now has way too many toys that make noise.
I got to hold my first ever nephew! When he was only a few hours old! And it was awesome. I am an Aunt. A *real* aunt, no matter what other people might tell you about. And that's all I have to say about that, as well.
I made a ton of New Years resolutions. Sadly, most of them aren't blog appropriate quite yet. Suffice it to say, not much has changed (resolution-wise) since this time last year. Except I've given up on the losing weight thing - my goal is to not gain a ridiculous amount of weight this year. I figure that one's more attainable, lol.
Brianna will be a year old in a couple of weeks. Blows my mind. She's walking (running), chattering up a storm (there's words in there, but we don't understand them yet), and generally finding every bit of trouble she can to get into. She is very good at getting into trouble :-)
And that's really all I have to say for the moment. I will really try to get online and update a little more frequently, but I got a half-dozen Lego video games for Christmas, so I'm not sure how well that will actually go ;-)
Would you forgive me love / If I danced in your shower So I suck at updating. Welcome to my life, dears.
Brianna is walking. And has a tooth. Both of these things are awesome and also scary. The good news? we mostly weaned before the appearance of said tooth.
Also, she has given up on formula. She weaned her own sweet self onto cows milk, which is early, earlier than I had intended, but I'm rolling with it. I'm just trying to make sure she gets enough iron - and we'll all be good.
And she's eating table food like it's going out of style. She took down an entire happy meal Sunday night, while we were killing time waiting to see if Chad was going to get admitted to the hospital overnight - long story. The point is, she's only 10-months old, and ate 4 chicken nuggets and all her fries. And drank 8 oz of milk. There is no way a child that small should be able to hold that much, lol.
I did NaNoWriMo this year. I didn't win, but i came really close - 43000 words or so. I blame my being sick, and out of town for the last weekend in Nov for not winning. But it was a pretty good experience overall, at any rate.
Getting ready for the Great Christmas Tour - with an added complication of a 10-month-old added to the already crazy 12+-hour drive with dog and cat and presents. If you want to get together whilst we are back home - let me know, and we'll see what we can do.
Also, Brianna will have a new little cousin (on her Daddy's side) sometime this month. Probably sooner rather than later. We're looking forward to meeting him!
There are other things, but my mind is mushy. Being sick (all the time) sucks, and I'm hopping to be done with it soon. (Probably just in time to create another germ carrier to make us sick all the time, lol).
It's a long wait for the turning clock Another seven quick takes (I'm totally not original ATM. sorry?). And also, (for those of you who don't like that sort of thing) sorry for the fact that it's mostly baby news - seriously, it's the all consuming thing in my life right now, so if it weren't for that I wouldn't have any blog fodder.
I am ready for Christmas. I have all my shopping done, all the gifts to my family mailed, and the last of the non-family gifts get mailed today (they will be a little late... sorry). I have everything wrapped, and expect for a couple of small stocking things, I'm not waiting on any more packages. Yay!
My boss organized a surprise baby shower for me this week, which was awesome. Now I have more baby stuff, including some stuff to decorate the nursery. Yay!
That same day, I got a huge box of baby stuff from William and Kim. Because they are awesome. Now I'm goign to spend Christmas week trying to organize this stuff, so I can find it all when I need it.
Went to the baby doctor yesterday, and it looks like the baby is already starting to drop. Which doesn't mean that it will come early, but means that things are moving in the right direction at least. We go in for an ultrasound on Christmas Eve, to get an idea of the baby's size and position. Yay! If the baby is big, we have to figure out the best course of action (induce early? c-section? tough it out?), and if the baby isn't big, I have to figure out why I've gained 50 pounds, and what I'm going to do with the extra weight when I'm no longer pregnant, lol.
I started this pregnancy with the greatest ideals... no induction unless there's a serious medical reason, no c-section except for the same, and I absolutely would not have them induce me early unless it was a life-or-death thing. Somewhere along the way, though... I got tired. And now I'm like... "OMG, big baby? Sure, induce. Tomorrow would be awesome. Unless you can do it today. Do you think cutting the kid out of me would be better?" Not that I think it will come to that... but I'm just tired. I'm tired of being tired all the time, and of not being able to tie my own shoes, or walk up a flight of stairs without huffing and puffing, or get up from a chair without doing some weird back bend thing to rearrange my center of gravity. And I want to eat a rare steak. And some sushi. But it'll be like, a seriously long time before I can do either - maybe for Christmas next year or something. Blah.
I go to Babies R Us this weekend to get the last big piece of baby furniture (I have good coupons, yay!) - this one's a dresser / changing table. And I'll put off buying everything else until after my shower at church on the 4th :-)
My family, and possibly Chad's family, will be in in early February, which will be nice (but also interesting, as they may be here at the same time, and there could be interesting family dynamics there). And yeah, I'm a little nervous about my mother's parenting style clashing with mine, and the same for my mother-in-law. Hopefully, I'll make it through the visit without being told that I'm doing it wrong (in my head, this is said lolcat style: UR DOIN IT WRONG!). We shall see.
Head over to Conversion Diary if you want to read more seven bullet updates from random people, lol.
7 Quick Takes Friday Conversion Diary is hosting a thingy called 7 quick takes on Fridays, and I'm thinking it might help me post more news (which you are all dying to hear). And it's only one more than my typical 6 point posts, so how bad can it be, right? :-)
I'm still pregnant, and I'm currently about the size of a barn. The kind you keep horses, hay, and tractors in. Seriously. But. I can still drive my car without squishing my belly (yay for having all my height in my legs!). And even though I whine a lot and complain about my back hurting and how huge I am and how annoying it is to not be able to see/reach my feet... being pregnant is awesome. It's probably the single most positive religious experience I've ever had. I have been in awe of the entire process since I found out I was pregnant. I honestly don't know how people can feel a child moving and growing inside them, and not believe in God. And I wish I wrote a little more eloquently, so that I could truly explain it... but I can't.
I have finished Christmas shopping for my family, with a few tiny exceptions, and have actually gotten a good number of things wrapped. Crazy, eh? Christmas shopping for Chad's family has, however, barely started. But it'll have to be done soon, since we have to ship everything home. Fun stuff.
I purchased and read The Tales of Beedle the Bard yesterday. It was good, and made me laugh out loud a couple of times. I learned a few interesting trivia things about Dumbledore and Hogwarts in general, but not as much as I had hoped. But still, it was enjoyable - now when will she release another?
I love reading Mommy blogs. I have a whole list of them in my reader, and I find it really interesting to see how different families operate and deal with everyday stresses and drama. And sometimes, it's nice to know that I'm not the only one.
Because people come here for baby news: my belly is measuring a week ahead this week, which either means the baby will be big, or means nothing, lol. I'll know more in two weeks, and they'll do an ultrasound after Christmas to get a better idea of size and stuff. But for now, it looks like we're still looking at the baby arriving the last week in January.
Which is good, as we really don't have much done yet in the way of nursery preparations. With only 7ish weeks to go (or 6 or 5 or 8, depending) - I'm guessing we should probably get on that. *sigh*. Honestly, I get a little stressed about it every now and then, but for the most part it hasn't hit me yet that it's happening so soon. On the other hand, I'm starting to really get uncomfortably huge, so soon is sounding better and better. :-) Worst case, Chad'll be painting over Christmas week.
PhotoShop Elements is t3h awesome. My new favorite photo editing tool. Seriously. I played with it a lot over the weekend Chad was in Seattle, and I'm looking forward to having more pictures to edit and more projects to work on, with baby stuff - but, at the same time, I realize I'll have less time to work on stuff like that. Sad, no?
For more quick takes, head over to Conversion Diary. Actually, even if you don't want to read more quick takes, you should head over there anyway. :-) Although I'm not Catholic, I find her writing to be inspiring - and it makes me look at how I relate to God and to my family.
Slow as Christmas... So I have less than two hours until my vacation starts. And I'm totally out of motivation to accomplish things. I was supposed to have a meeting now, but it was canceled... thus furthering my unmotivatedness.
And there are still like, a million things to do when I get home... again, not helping the "get things done now" motivation. *sigh*
We'll love you just the way you are / If you're perfect I think I'm finally done Christmas shopping. For the most part. I *think*. Sheesh. I don't think it's quite Christmas in my head yet, despite the fact that I've sung the Christmas Tree song to the tree every time Chad has turned it on (and Chad is counting the days until he can ban that song for another 11 months). I'm hoping I'll feel more like Christmas when I get back to Memphis/Huntsville, where it's cold, and everyone is wearing sweaters and stuff. "Going home" for Christmas kind of helps set it apart from the rest of the year... there's something about pulling into the driveway after a long trip when it's dark and freezing cold, and being greeted by family and (warm!) food that always makes me feel like Christmas.
And then, you know, the family drama catches up with you, and then it *really* feels like Christmas. You know what I mean. You can't have a family gathering without at least a strong undercurrent of this kind of drama. And since I only come home a couple of times a year.... it all hits at once.
So what did I accomplish this year, from my family's perspective?
I once again failed to produce grandchildren for my parents (through lack of trying on my part, which makes them sad).
I left school, which is probably good, since I was getting too educated for my own good (or something like that). In any case, they're pretty sure this should hasten the arrival of grandchildren.
I sold out to the corporate man, and work for the devil. Which might not hasten the arrival of grandchildren. Since I'm now a "career woman". And stuff.
In all seriousness, I think my parents are more or less proud of me. But they make no secret of the fact that they would be *prouder* if they had pictures of grandchildren to show off. Because that's what it's all about, in the end. Or something.
Here I come back from the dead! (holy craaaap) I'm not dead. Seriously. I mean, I could have died, from the head cold I had, but I didn't. I have just been way busy and stuff. (and by way busy, I mostly mean lazy).
So. New things (and some old ones):
Finally doing NaNoWriMo this year. At least attempting. Since I always said I would when I got out of school, and hey, I’m not in school any more. No more excuses! As such, I spent I don’t know, maybe a hour today trying to figure out how to friend people on the NaNoWriMo site… I mean, there’s no search or anything. Turns out, they disable the search during high traffic times (like you know, two days before the thing kicks off. Yikes, the site was slow), so as to make the site faster. So, those of you WriMo’ers out there, friend me if you like… I’m lydaaleaxander (bet you wouldn’t have guessed that one). Funny note: WriMo’ers, in my head, sounds like Rye Mowers. Which brings to mind images of lawn mowers mowing a lawn made up of loaves of bread. Which, in my head, is funny.
I have a bread machine. And, I managed to make a loaf of bread, which turned out pretty nicely, considering I tried to screw it up at least a dozen times in the process (who knew it would be so difficult?). Now that I’m over the learning curve, I might have to make another loaf… but that would require finishing off the loaf I made last night, which will take a couple of days (in theory). The greatest part? I only paid $15 for the machine. At a yard sale. About two hours after I told Chad I was going to put one on my Christmas list.
I have fallen on and off the “good habits” bandwagon so many times that I think I’m going to install a spring on my behind. It would make things easier. Plus, I could sing Tigger songs, which would be fun. At any rate, I’ll be jumping back into Smart Habit Saturday this week (that’s the plan). My new habit will be to write every day (bet you didn’t see that one coming, either).
I’m working on cleaning out my feed reader. See, when I started with feed readers, I said, omg! This is the best thing eVar!, and promptly subscribed to the whole internet. Or, at least, 20% of it. As such, if you suddenly start getting a million emails from me, linking to sites that you saw on Digg about two months ago…. That’s why. I have like 200 things starred to go back and read/watch. But, I have reduced the number of total feeds I subscribe to by an order of magnitude (and still reducing). So it might get better.
I think we have nailed down our Christmas plans, so if you want to know when we’ll be in Huntsville or Memphis, ask and I’ll let you know. I do not, however, know when Family is going to take up our time in either city, although it’s a safe bet that Christmas Eve and Christmas Day are taken. Also, while in Huntsville, we’ll be staying at my brother’s, in case that matters to anyone.
Angleton, TX<, isn’t a particularly interesting place to kill 3.5 hours. I mean, they have a Walmart, and a Kroger, but not much else. (Why was I killing time? I had to report to Jury Duty at 8:30am, and once they sorted everything out (around 10am) they asked my panel to come back for a case at 1:30pm. But at about 1:29pm, the case settled, so they never got around to picking a jury/going to trial. It took them another 20 minutes to figure out that we weren’t really needed there. Awesome stuff).
Christmas in Huntsville So... made it to Huntsville. Had christmas with the cousins. Fixin' to get some sleep, then tomorrow have christmas with the parents/siblings, eat yummy breakfast (biscuits and gravy, and Robbie is cooking the gravy... mmmm), eating yummy lunch (grilled cheese, cooked by Mandie), and eating yummy dinner (ham, which will claim to be cooked by mom but will relaly be cooked by a joint effort of the entire family, minus mom, who will boil some water or something). Have you noticed a theme here? :-)
Should be relatively free on the 28th, 29th, and 30th (although we're taking family pictures sometime in there, and we still have christmas with one grandmother to schedule). Leaving on the 31st.
Cold! So... it's currently 13 degrees colder here than in Houston. In case you wondered. It actually feels really really really cold. Like, super-cold. I might have to brave Target/Walmart tonight or tomorrow to buy more socks (silly me, I brought mostly sandels, and not enough socks to wear boots everyday).
Otherwise, things are cool. We have something along the lines of 6 christmas celebrations/gift exchanges left. I think I'm oging to be christmased out by the end of it, but I suppose that's the way it works. :-)
Touched down in the land of the Delta Blues / in the middle of the pouring rain Well... it was raining. When we got here, between 1 and 2am on Friday morning.
And now it's kinda cold (as in, it's colder here than at home in Houston). But right now, I'm just thankful that I'm back in the land of Sweet Tea, Memphis Style BBQ, and Abner's Chicken. I mean, really, what more could a woman ask for (besides immunity to eat all of those things without gaining weight)?
Speaking of which... on my way to eat ribs today, got to ride in Michael's 350-Z... it's pretty sweet. But kinda small. :-) Also got to play a Wii, at someone else's house. And it was fun, but (as is typical for video games) I suck at it.
Also... fighting with one of Amazon's toy shops atm... ordered a black knight for Matt, had it shipped to him... but funny enough, when it got there, it wasn't a black knight, but a "Fun with your dog" science kit. I called them... the shop is closed from Dec 21 to Jan 8. I am not amused by this. Matt, however, is.
Anyway. Still no real info about what is going on in Huntsville... other than that we'll be busy with family on the night of the 26th and the morning of the 27th. I'll post more, when I know more, I guess.
Yay! Done with Stats. Finally. Used my way awesome new printer to print all 174 pages of the final (in like, 5 minutes... it was awesome).
Now, I must clean house, do laundry, and figure out how we're going to fit all the chrimma stuff and two dogs and a cat into the truck (and still have room for us). So why am I blogging? (Because I'm addicted, or something) :-)
School, Christmas, and Life in general. So I'm alsmot done with my last assignment for the semester... I have two problems left on my stats final, and I've done about half of each of them. It's due at 5pm tomorrow, so I should be in ok shape to finish it on time and stuff.
Santa visited my house last night... he left me a printer (not just any printer, mind you, a Dell 5110cn laser printer). Oh yeah. prints really fast, duplexes, and weighs like, 95 pounds (hence the reason it didn't get dragged to Memphis). Sanata rbought Chad a Banjo, which he says he really likes ;-)
Life in general... not so bad, today. Although I'm probably going to freak out tomorrow, trying to get everything ready to leave. *sigh*. I don't know... going home this year seems different for some reason. Probably because we live so far away, and don't get to go home as often. Who knows.
Who can decide what they dream? / And dream I do... Blah. Stayed in bed until like, 2pm today, with the exception of getting up around 8:15ish to take a shower... still don't really feel like I slept. I feel more like I wasted like, 5 hours that I could have been doing something productive.
Work is becomeing a wild and crazy game of politics that I would really rather not play, but am somehow stuck in. But at least I don't have to deal with it (in person) until January 3rd... I'm working remotely from now until i get back from Memphis/Huntsville.
And speaking of the Hammon's Great American Christmas Tour 2006... We'll be in Memphis at some point (late) on the 21st, leaving (early) on the 26th for Huntsville, leaving Huntsvile for Memphis (early) on the 31st, and leaving Memphis to come back to Houston on the 2nd. So yeah, if you want to see us sometime in there, call me, or e-mail me, or something. We'll work it out.
Back to the doing productive things. I htink I'm oging to go arange icons and work on Stats stuff, whilst blasting my eardrums out with some combination of Eve6, Evanesence, and Indigo Girls (and maybe some other stuff thrown in there somewhere).
Pardon me sir can I use your eraser / To remove my brain of unconventional nature It is December 16th. It is like, 80 degrees outside. Running the air conditioning in my house is not terribly condusive to having Christmas Spirit. Just in case you wondered.
In other news, I've now lost like, 25 lbs on the "Mt. Dew Diet" (my own invention, I guess). I'm htinking now that I should market this to Movie Stars and women's magazines. Bought new jeans today, since my other ones are getting a mite too loose.
And now I will go back to wat I hsould be doing instead of blogging... working on my Stats final. I hate stats. But at least it's almost over... oh wait, I have another stats class next semester. Great.
Oh Chrimma tree... Oh chrimma tree... So yesterday I:
Went Christmas shopping (for real this time).
Finally bought Chad's big present. Yay!
Ironically, hid Chad's presents in the same closet where he was hiding mine. Managed to do this (somehow) without seeing my presents, and to figure this out before he went in there and saw his presents. They are now safe in one of the other mostly unused closets in our house.
Dragged Chad to the departmental Christmas party. Suddenly, he understands what I've been talking about for like, an entire semester. All in all, it wasn't too bad, but I realized (more than ever) that I have very little in common with my classmates. Except, you know, shcool.
Finally, finally, finally decorated the tree. But I think somehow we're short a couple of ornaments... I'm not sure where they got off to. They might be in the same box as the creche for my nativity set (which is also hiding).
Slept for a glorious 10 or 11 hours... straight. Which is awesome. Now all i want to do s curl up and read a book... all day. But I have to go to work for a ocuple of hours, and get some studying and stuff done, so I don't have to skip karate on Tuesday night.
So yeah. Productive day, I suppose. I only have a little more shopping to do, and a whole lot of wrapping. *sigh*.
While we pray to the god of the lesser things... I talked to my mom last night... which is always interesting. Apparently, Chad and I have caused a stir with the relatives (that is to say, my dad's relatives) by not planning to be in Huntsville on December 25th. So now, the whole world (which is to say, the Glasscocks, the Jacksons, and the Cambpells) is in an uproar, and Christmas is in the process of being moved. To some unknown time. I have an equation for this...
(5 Glasscocks + 5 Jacksons + 2 Campbells + 2 Hammons) = (10 fulltime jobs + 4 part time jobs + 3 full time students + 1 business owner + 5 sets of in-laws) = impossible to find a time when we can all be together.
My mother seesm to think I really have my life in order, too, which is funny... I guess she just sees her little girl, grown-up, married, owning a house and going to school somewhere that no normal person can afford (hell, I can barely afford it, and I'm not paying tution). And I see... I don't know. Someone who's still wondering how she got a license to be a "grown-up" in the first place... I mean, who really thought that was a good idea? Someday, someone will figure out that I'm really a little kid running around pretending to be a grown-up... and they will revoke my grown-up card. And then where will I be?
I guess talking to my mother makes me introspective or something... who knows.
So I finished my final paper for I/O at like, 11:30 or so last night. Yay for meeting deadlines (by the skin of my teeth, but still). And now I have to go turn it in... this is the last week of class. Yay! (or something).
Um.... yeah. interesting image from PostSecret, sums up my thought on lots of things.
And the lyrics (or portions of them) from the song I took my title from.... one my mind since the wind has been blowing like crazy (cold wind, too.... brrrr).
It looks a lot like givin' up Peace we bring is a bitter cup Set our bodies down like offerings While we pray to the god of lesser things
If the wind should shake this house apart The cradle hits the ground with a broken heart Will we say we never knew a thing? While we pray to the god of the lesser things
Ash to ash and dust to dust Steel on steel or rain to rust What mortal breath blood money brings Forth from the altar of the lesser things ~ Jars of Clay
Chad and I finally got our Thanksgiving planning done a couple weeks ago. Now we're trying to get the Christmas planning done... which is amazingly complicated. And made more amazingly complicated by the fact that we have to move at some point during the holidays. And we have to at least start looking for a place to live. And Chad has to be here for some finite amount of time to prepare a conference paper.
So the plans, thus far, look like this: For Christmas, we will be in Huntsville for a couple of days either before or after Christmas, no idea which. And we'll be in Memphis for a couple of days including Christmas day and Christmas Eve night. We'll be in Houston probably right after graduation, for like, two days. And we'll officially leave for Houston... sometime. Maybe before or after Chad's conference thingy, but I'm not (exactly) sure when that is.
We'l be in Starkville this coming weekend, and Memphis (for a ball game) the next weekend... Then Thankgiving, which I'm not even going to talk about.
heh. I love Christmas break. No more spending my break rushing to drive siblings and parents to work at awful hours of the morning (and then go to work myself)... no, this year I stay up all night playing videogames... and sleep all day. Very very nice. I haven't had time to really play video games since.... before midterms. *sigh*.
And now the moment you have all been waiting for (or not)... my thoughts on Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories. Actually, I like it. Which is good, since i went through Hell, two Wal-marts and a Best Buy to get it (I am begining to think that hell and Wal-mart resemble each other somewhat...). But I digress. The new combat system.... is ok. I like it, I manage to kick butt with it (most of the time). I guess they couldn't manage the exploding menu thing from the first one on the GBA. But they worked the card system into the plot very nicely. The plot is also very cool, at least as far as I've gotten in it (I'm between the 10th and 11th floors, there are 13). And rumor has it that once I beat the game as Sora I can play the Riku part of the game (which is different than Sora's game). This makes me happy. As far as time spent... it's about an hour a floor for the lower floors, about an hour and a half for the upper floors so far, and about 15 minutes for the Winnie the Pooh floor. I think I've spent about 12 hours on my ten floors. All in all, I think the game is success (but not sure how well everyone else liked it... Chad hates the card system).
In other news, Chad and I are in Huntsville for another couple of days. We're leaving the 23rd or 24th. And we'll be going to Memphis for a week or so, then home... For school to start :-) (I have to finish Kingdome Hearts before then).
Anyway, gotta run now... need to like, visit with my family or something. :-)
Oh yeah... Chad's christmas presents have started arriving in the mail... so I made him come with me to WalMart and buy wrapping paper. And some of his stuff is already wrapped and set out (though not under a tree yet as Chad absolutly refuses to set up our tree until after Thanksgiving) :-) Yay for presents. And for actually having a place of our own to decorate.
Actually... I had a really good Christmas. Spent lots of time with family (both mine and Chad's)... took some time off of work... sang happy songs... got cool stuff... give some really killer gifts that people liked a lot (don't think I screwed up anyone's present this year)...
And now I'm back at work... for a half day, at least. But I can't do any of the work I was intending to do.... as ::Strongbad voice:: NASAexplores is down, yo ::/Strongbad voice:: 5ux0r5.
So I'm done with all my Christmas shopping... Except I should pick up some candy or something for my roommate. fyi: have new roommate since October... her name is Kristin, and she's from Noxapater, MS. She looks like Skipper. Other than that, all I have to do is wrapping. Which I would have gotten done today, except, I left my scissors at Chad's apartment. Doh.
I'm so jealous of Chad's present(s). At least I have the knowledge that eventually I will get to play with them too... Maybe. If he lets me. I'm having to fight really hard not to play with them now... :-)
Looking for cool toys for that special someone on you're list (like me?): Think Geek r0x0r5. Just thought you'd like to know :-)
Anyway... that's it for the moment.... I really should be like, doing homework or something. I don't have any class tomorrow... Yay!
No, I’m not dead… I’m home for break, which is close, I suppose. So here’s a rundown of what’s going on in my life:
Family wise, I guess everything is ok. My Granny is home from the hospital… but it looks like we’re going to have to hire someone to watch her… Aunt Dorinne can’t do it all the time, and Granny has no awareness of the fact that she can’t just get up and do things, like walk without a walker, or go downstairs. We’re still trying to figure out what we’re going to do for Christmas Eve at her house… I know we’re eating dinner, but I have a feeling it won’t be the 4-6 hours thing it usually is.
Personally… life is ok. I’m working, trying to juggle my work hours with my family life and Chad time (sounds suspiciously like the real world, huh?). Work is nice… I have a cushy government job, which means I’ve worked two and a half days this weeks so far, and two days of that were spent in meetings and Christmas parties. And now I’m blogging. Yay for me! Chad is coming to visit sometime Christmas day… not sure what time yet, but hopefully by 2 or so, to be in time for dinner. And Presents…. I got Chad the coolest thing… at least, I think it’s cool… I hope he does.
School… Well, school actually got a lot more interesting in the last few days. Weird, but interesting. So here’s how everything played out: I was really upset over this whole circuits thing… went to Nosser’s office, I bawled all over the place, nothing happened with my grade, he couldn’t do anything. So he calmed me down and reminded me that God is still in control… and told me to drop all my courses that depended on Circuits and sign up for half ECE and half CS courses for next semester. So I did. And I stressed a lot. But I looked more into CS, and learned what cool courses I can take if I go that route (AI, Computer Forensics, Software Engineering, stuff like that). I looked at taking 4+ semesters of straight hardware courses in a department that is known for failing students… or 3 semesters of programming courses in a department that is at least somewhat more cordial. And I decided that the CS route wouldn’t be that bad, I would enjoy it more, and I would get out on time.
Then I got a flood of e-mails from Hamaker saying that due to a misprint on the syllabus, I actually have a C in the course. Which means I could, with some schedule tweaking, still go engineering. But the question now becomes this: is the word engineer (it’s not even a title) worth 3+ semesters of hell in the ECE department, taking courses I don’t particularly like from professors that don’t want to be there? What does it mean to be and “engineer” as opposed to a “scientist”? Am I copping out by taking the CS route?
My life is suddenly more complicated. I hate complicated.
Chad said he would make my decisions if I made his…. So I told him he was coming to State *grin* But he didn’t make my decision yet…