I'm finished making sense / Done pleading ignorance I had the best of intentions to post more last week. The road to hell, and all that, I suppose.
I spent Monday home/at the doctor with a sick baby again. We've had this stupid cold thing (we as in both of us) for like a month. My round of antibiotics made my ear stop hurting but didn't solve the cold (thus reinforcing the fact that it is in fact viral). Dr. put Brianna on antibiotics now, for an ear infection, and finally - finally - finally, we got some cough syrup. There's just not much you can do for sick little babies.
Tuesday she was well enough for daycare, but she's still fighting a cough, still congested, still not sleeping weel. She's just not as "sick" and lethargic and whiny as she was before. Me? I'm worn to the bone. I can't take much in the way of medicines, either, since I'm still nursing. And when Brianna's up at night - so am I. So now I'm at work, downing a billion (non-menthol) cough drops, hoping I eventually get over it.
As for the Biggest Loser contest... I did much better this week (more Zumba, less cake), and managed to lose the 3 pounds from last week, and about a pound and a half more. Which I thought was pretty awesome, til I looked at Chad's weight loss, which is something like 8 and a half pounds in two weeks. I am so gonna lose this challenge. But at least I'm headed in the right direction now?
Still searching for a "system" - I need to make better use of my time or something. Especially now that I'm working out... my time at home is so limited, and I have so much stuff to do. Thinking about trying FlyLady again, but not sure. I should just get off my behind and start doing something, though.
7 Quick Takes Friday Conversion Diary is hosting a thingy called 7 quick takes on Fridays, and I'm thinking it might help me post more news (which you are all dying to hear). And it's only one more than my typical 6 point posts, so how bad can it be, right? :-)
I'm still pregnant, and I'm currently about the size of a barn. The kind you keep horses, hay, and tractors in. Seriously. But. I can still drive my car without squishing my belly (yay for having all my height in my legs!). And even though I whine a lot and complain about my back hurting and how huge I am and how annoying it is to not be able to see/reach my feet... being pregnant is awesome. It's probably the single most positive religious experience I've ever had. I have been in awe of the entire process since I found out I was pregnant. I honestly don't know how people can feel a child moving and growing inside them, and not believe in God. And I wish I wrote a little more eloquently, so that I could truly explain it... but I can't.
I have finished Christmas shopping for my family, with a few tiny exceptions, and have actually gotten a good number of things wrapped. Crazy, eh? Christmas shopping for Chad's family has, however, barely started. But it'll have to be done soon, since we have to ship everything home. Fun stuff.
I purchased and read The Tales of Beedle the Bard yesterday. It was good, and made me laugh out loud a couple of times. I learned a few interesting trivia things about Dumbledore and Hogwarts in general, but not as much as I had hoped. But still, it was enjoyable - now when will she release another?
I love reading Mommy blogs. I have a whole list of them in my reader, and I find it really interesting to see how different families operate and deal with everyday stresses and drama. And sometimes, it's nice to know that I'm not the only one.
Because people come here for baby news: my belly is measuring a week ahead this week, which either means the baby will be big, or means nothing, lol. I'll know more in two weeks, and they'll do an ultrasound after Christmas to get a better idea of size and stuff. But for now, it looks like we're still looking at the baby arriving the last week in January.
Which is good, as we really don't have much done yet in the way of nursery preparations. With only 7ish weeks to go (or 6 or 5 or 8, depending) - I'm guessing we should probably get on that. *sigh*. Honestly, I get a little stressed about it every now and then, but for the most part it hasn't hit me yet that it's happening so soon. On the other hand, I'm starting to really get uncomfortably huge, so soon is sounding better and better. :-) Worst case, Chad'll be painting over Christmas week.
PhotoShop Elements is t3h awesome. My new favorite photo editing tool. Seriously. I played with it a lot over the weekend Chad was in Seattle, and I'm looking forward to having more pictures to edit and more projects to work on, with baby stuff - but, at the same time, I realize I'll have less time to work on stuff like that. Sad, no?
For more quick takes, head over to Conversion Diary. Actually, even if you don't want to read more quick takes, you should head over there anyway. :-) Although I'm not Catholic, I find her writing to be inspiring - and it makes me look at how I relate to God and to my family.
Out of the shaker and onto the plate / it isn't karma it sure ain't fate So I've been eating the same brand of string cheese for something like 8 months now. And I just (as in, about 30 seconds ago) realized that there is a joke on each wrapper. Ha!
I saw a tornado on Saturday. A funnel cloud, I suppose, since it apparently didn't touch ground. But it was pretty cool, since I'd never really seen one before.
Things are kind of slow here (although I'm still not managing to get much of anything accomplished), which is a nice change of pace from the April/May rush of travel and stuff. We're not traveling again until we go back to Memphis and Huntsville for a couple of days each next month.
I want to be meeker / but have you seen this old Earth? I'm tired. At least it is Friday :)
I miss old-school music (old school, for me, means mid/late 90's christian rock). Pandora is awesome for being able to listen to said old-school music. Unfortunately, I can't get Pandora in my car :-(
I bought some CDs at Half-Price books, though. So I can still have some amount of Old School, in the car. And if I got it together, and figured out how to make play lists work on my nano such that I could easily swap music on and off of it... I could listen to that in the car.
Long story short, I'm whining, there's an obvious solution to my problems, and I'm just to lazy to deal with it. That's like, the story of my life.
Went to RenFest last weekend. Going again this weekend. It's awesome. :-)
I didn't buy the like, eight Egyptian statues they were selling that I didn't have... But I did buy a cool Egypt dagger. And a shirt. And a ring. But not a jingly ankle bracelet. I'm gonna hafta make that one.
It's still really hot in Houston. For some reason, this is upsetting me less and less the longer I stay here :-) Although it is a bit weird to wear shorts and tank tops out Christmas shopping.
Family drama is always interesting, and kind of odd. Christmas will be fun, all around. I'm just sayin'.
I am hopelessly behind in my writing. But I caught up a little yesterday. Sort of. We'll see how it goes this week, as we'll have house-guests from Thursday until Tuesday.
I hate NetBeans. With the fiery passion of a thousand suns. No really, I hate it that much. Even more than I hate Internet Explorer. Which is amazing.
And in the end, that's all that really matters, right? (Note: this is not technically a spoiler for anything, since I'm not elaborating on the who or the where or the in what. If you figure it out... that's not my fault).
Update on the lost kitty. He found his parents. Chad had taken him to the vet (on the way back to our house) to check for a chip... no dice. But then our building foreman for our neighborhood said our neighbors down the street had lost a cat... Turns out, the cat rode from our house to JSC (not a short trip!) on top of Chad's spare tire under the truck. Crazy stuff. But he's home now, actually was home a couple of days after we found him, so all is good.
And I found an AWANA program here, and am the newest Cubbie leader there. Yay for 3 & 4 year olds! And being given an excuse to sing Father Abraham, and other silly children's songs, at least once a week.
And pumpkin seeds. Yay for pumpkin seeds, too.
Reminder: RenFest is fast approaching. We only have one spare bed and an air mattress... so reserve space at our house early (& often. Like voting!) :-)
Who ever sinvented Peach & Mango Salsa should be sainted. Or granted god-hood. Or something. I would write the Vatican and suggest this (the sainting, I don't think they handle bestowing god-hood), but I'm not catholic. So in leiu of that, I hope they make a million bucks.
Who ever invented finals should be stabbed in the eye with a really hot french fry.
I might finally regain my sanity... after May 7th. But don't count on it or anything.
My hair is long anough to manage braided pigtails again... but I'm thinking about cutting it off again, too. Decisions, decisions.
A couple more weeks of Iron Yoga & pilates, and I'll have the most awesome abs eVar. Seriously.
Lord of the Rings online is terribly addictive. As is ice cream, and caffiene, and the aforementioned peach & mango salsa.
They say the oddest things on the radio... Like, this morning, on my way to work, a BlueBell Ice Cream commercial came on... and they said that BlueBell Ice Cream has "tongue licking flavor."
So my question is this: How can you lick your own tongue? I'm so confused.
*random thought* It's kind of like the first episode of Third Rock From The Sun, where the older guy is talking about how much he likes having a human body... then he gets this odd look, and says, "I just have one question... how are you supposed to lick your back?" And everyone in the car gets this panicked look. Too funny...
There are lots of advantages and disadvantages to having your desk face a window...
Advantage: Today is a nice sunny day, and it's pretty outside, and I have something to look at when I'm not actually working...
Disadvantage: Today must be MSFC's Middle-aged-engineers-run-around-outside-with-your-shirt-off-and-get-all-hot-and-sweaty day... because I've seen about a dozen guys run by without their shirts...