508 compliance has never looked this goodThis is my brain..... in part, at least.

Friday, March 28, 2008

I want to be meeker / but have you seen this old Earth?
I'm tired. At least it is Friday :)

I miss old-school music (old school, for me, means mid/late 90's christian rock). Pandora is awesome for being able to listen to said old-school music. Unfortunately, I can't get Pandora in my car :-(

I bought some CDs at Half-Price books, though. So I can still have some amount of Old School, in the car. And if I got it together, and figured out how to make play lists work on my nano such that I could easily swap music on and off of it... I could listen to that in the car.

Long story short, I'm whining, there's an obvious solution to my problems, and I'm just to lazy to deal with it. That's like, the story of my life.

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posted by Deedee 1:17 PM

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