508 compliance has never looked this goodThis is my brain..... in part, at least.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

the hardest to learn was the least complicated
Things I've learned today:
  1. There are no bathing suits* that will make my poor post-baby body look like anything resembling someone who has never had a baby.
  2. Target either never sold, or is now sold out of, one-piece bathing suits. Target, how could you fail me like this?
  3. Tweets, which seemed insightful at first glance, are even more insightful and make much more sense in context.
  4. Sunkist is sweeter and more caffeinated than I remember.
  5. Sugar + Caffeine + not enough sleep = super wired. I don't know why I forgot this. My eyeballs are pinging. Seriously.
  6. Having my brain moves faster than I can type is problematic.
That is all.

* at least at shops that I can afford to shop at

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posted by Deedee 1:44 PM

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