508 compliance has never looked this goodThis is my brain..... in part, at least.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Baby furniture, rain and other news
  1. We now have baby furniture, which is awesome. Chad's parents brought in his old stuff, and I'm very excited about it. Now there's just a few more pieces to buy.
  2. The nursery is painted. Chad and his dad did it. And it looks really nice. And was a great thing for them to do on a rainy day. Except...
  3. The all day rain + cold temps + wind brought out our Ike problems (that they swore were not problems). Now all our back windows leak (we have 11, seriously). Including the one in the nursery, which nicely streaked the brand new paint. So we're dealing with the insurance again, and hopefully they'll be as awesome this time around as they were last time.
  4. I have a serious craving for Reddi-Whip and Kool-ade. Together. Which is disgusting, and I refuse to eat it. But having the two separately isn't fixing it. Maybe Jello and Reddi-Whip would be less disgusting and still satisfy me? Who knows.
  5. There is a very very small possibility that I will see a couple of snowflakes t some point tonight. Chad is skeptical, but I'm a believer :-)
  6. Everything (with the exception of the windows) is still going well. I'm good (except for some sinus trouble that's annoying), the baby's good, everything (besides the aforementioned windows) is good. Which is awesome.

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posted by Deedee 4:01 PM
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Monday, August 04, 2003

There are lots of advantages and disadvantages to having your desk face a window...

Advantage: Today is a nice sunny day, and it's pretty outside, and I have something to look at when I'm not actually working...

Disadvantage: Today must be MSFC's Middle-aged-engineers-run-around-outside-with-your-shirt-off-and-get-all-hot-and-sweaty day... because I've seen about a dozen guys run by without their shirts...

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posted by Deedee 11:18 AM
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