508 compliance has never looked this goodThis is my brain..... in part, at least.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

I'm finished making sense / Done pleading ignorance
I had the best of intentions to post more last week. The road to hell, and all that, I suppose.

I spent Monday home/at the doctor with a sick baby again. We've had this stupid cold thing (we as in both of us) for like a month. My round of antibiotics made my ear stop hurting but didn't solve the cold (thus reinforcing the fact that it is in fact viral). Dr. put Brianna on antibiotics now, for an ear infection, and finally - finally - finally, we got some cough syrup. There's just not much you can do for sick little babies.

Tuesday she was well enough for daycare, but she's still fighting a cough, still congested, still not sleeping weel. She's just not as "sick" and lethargic and whiny as she was before. Me? I'm worn to the bone. I can't take much in the way of medicines, either, since I'm still nursing. And when Brianna's up at night - so am I. So now I'm at work, downing a billion (non-menthol) cough drops, hoping I eventually get over it.

As for the Biggest Loser contest... I did much better this week (more Zumba, less cake), and managed to lose the 3 pounds from last week, and about a pound and a half more. Which I thought was pretty awesome, til I looked at Chad's weight loss, which is something like 8 and a half pounds in two weeks. I am so gonna lose this challenge. But at least I'm headed in the right direction now?

Still searching for a "system" - I need to make better use of my time or something. Especially now that I'm working out... my time at home is so limited, and I have so much stuff to do. Thinking about trying FlyLady again, but not sure. I should just get off my behind and start doing something, though.

Anyway. That's all for me. For now.

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posted by Deedee 11:12 AM
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Thursday, March 22, 2007

Slow dancing in a burning room...
So school and work (but mostly school) have kind of been ruling my life lately. Which is to say, I have had no life, as I'm still dog tired from whatever it is I'm getting over.

But. Today I finished my Stats midterm. Yay! Now all I have to do this weekend (school wise) is write a presentation, write some part of my first year project paper, write a paper proposal for linguistics, and write a results section for stats. And something else, I'm sure, but I can't remember it.

Also, in the realm of annoying, it looks like I may end up spending my birthday giving make-up exams. How lovely.

And... you may have notice the I implemented the labels feature... it's really more for my benefit than yours, so I can find stuff kinda quickly. I'm trying to figure out if I can make the labels less prominant, but don't hold your breath as I don't have much time to devote to it. And it may take me a while (read: possibly years) to get all of my archives tagged... there are like, 1060 some-odd entries. Seriously.

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posted by Deedee 3:09 PM
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Thursday, February 15, 2007

Broken Roads
So I was going to post somehting mushy yesterday, in honor of it being valentine's day, but I forgot :/ Then when I rembered today, I realized that 1) it's not valentine's day any more, and 2) the song lyrics I was going to post that remond me of Chad... I already posted them. A while back. When the song came out, I think. So yeah, I'm not going to repost them here, but I think "Bless the Broken Road" by Rascall Flatts would have been appropriate yesterday.

Other than random forgetting of stuff (which is totally normal, for me, I suppose), I'm kind of just hanging in here. I think I might have pissed off my advisor, and I'm really really tired for nogood reason, and I fixing to have to sue my car insurance company because my health insurance company is going to stop paying for my back problems, since they were caused by my accident, and my car insurance company thinks they shouldn't have to pay all of it (or something). it all lovely.

But. It is all ok. Because, rain or shine (weather.com says shine!), I'll be in New Orleans for Mardis Gras weekend (which is to say, Saturday), and I get to see all (some) of my Mississippi people, and be totally crazy (within some amount of reason, I suppose). Yay for Mardis Gras! Yay for New Orleans! Yay for Port of Call hamburgers, and other good NOLA food! Yay for parades, and beads, and old friends! Yay for Harry Conick, Jr. (just because)!

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posted by Deedee 3:53 PM
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Thursday, January 11, 2007

Even more whining. I'm on a roll, I guess.
So Tuesday, coming home from school, I got rearended AGAIN. By someone who, it turns out, doesn't have insurance.

So. My back still hurts. More now, actually. I'm still working on a headache that I've had since Monday morning. And I'm really really tired. And I've spend like, a million dollars this week (no, not really, but close enough) on books and software and rolly bags to hold my computer (and books) since I can't lift it.

And I discovered today, that my laptop does not actually have a ps/2 connection on it. Which is lovely, since I don't have a usb keyboard. Looks like another trip to best buy...

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posted by Deedee 12:07 PM
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Sunday, December 17, 2006

Who can decide what they dream? / And dream I do...
Blah. Stayed in bed until like, 2pm today, with the exception of getting up around 8:15ish to take a shower... still don't really feel like I slept. I feel more like I wasted like, 5 hours that I could have been doing something productive.

Work is becomeing a wild and crazy game of politics that I would really rather not play, but am somehow stuck in. But at least I don't have to deal with it (in person) until January 3rd... I'm working remotely from now until i get back from Memphis/Huntsville.

And speaking of the Hammon's Great American Christmas Tour 2006... We'll be in Memphis at some point (late) on the 21st, leaving (early) on the 26th for Huntsville, leaving Huntsvile for Memphis (early) on the 31st, and leaving Memphis to come back to Houston on the 2nd. So yeah, if you want to see us sometime in there, call me, or e-mail me, or something. We'll work it out.

Back to the doing productive things. I htink I'm oging to go arange icons and work on Stats stuff, whilst blasting my eardrums out with some combination of Eve6, Evanesence, and Indigo Girls (and maybe some other stuff thrown in there somewhere).

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posted by Deedee 4:51 PM
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Wednesday, October 13, 2004


Yeah. That about sums it up today. Not enough sleep last night. And apparently, I scared Chad out of his mind last night by screaming bloody murder because I was dreaming about spiders (I remember very little of this, but he swears it's true).

So I need to pick a concentration. Torn between AI and Software Engineering.

AI: awesome topic, would have no problem coming up with a thesis and/or project, very excited about it... but not so marketable on the Masters level. Most jobs in AI are research, and require a PhD.

Software Engineering: Boring topic. I like the testing and the documentation and stuff, but the project management aspect is killing me. No idea for any kind of thesis/project topic... but very very marketable.

I'm really leaning towards AI, with a certificate in SE... but I'm trying to figure out where I want to go with it. If I want to chase a PhD, I really need to do so before Chad and I decide to have kids... ie, while Chad is still in school.

I don't know... but I can't pick a major professor until I pick a concentration (works like that for some reason).


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posted by Deedee 12:51 PM
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Tuesday, February 03, 2004

Today was a long day. Like yesterday. But I got everything done :-)

Tomorrow will be much more better. :-)

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posted by Deedee 10:53 PM
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Sunday, September 07, 2003

doing homework... tired, and busy. Not much else to say right now. Hoping I don't miss too much class.... :-)

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posted by Deedee 12:23 PM
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Wednesday, May 14, 2003

I hate calling people I don't know. *sigh* but that's life.

So it's Wednesday... and I'm at work. And I'm tired. And I hafta go to church tonight. Because Daddy's sick and can't take the little kids. Maybe I can find a quiet corner of one of the room to curl up and take a nap.... or not... naps might be dangerous. Maybe I can read. Reading is restful.

I feel guilty... because it's raining, and I'm enjoying the rain. And parts of Huntsville are still under water... so the last thing we need is more rain... but I like rain... When it rains, everything is ok. (unless your house is under 2 feet of water, I guess)... *sigh* I'm such an awful person... rejoicing in somehting that causes other people so much trouble...

Oh hey, random space excitement for the week: Be sure the catch the lunar ecplise Thursday night... it should be really visible anytime between 22:14 and 23:07, CDT. At least it should be, if it clears up around here.

Interesting note related to Daddy... My dad may soon become a pothead... or... well... something like it. Several people have suggested to him that medical marijuana might help him when he doing chemo. It's supposed to help a lot with the nausea and the pain... so he's going to ask Dr. Dang about it. What was recommended was the pills, mostly... although someone mentioned marijuana tea. Just an interesting note.

Too funny to not post here... think it'll work for me?

BTW, I blog spasticly at work... I keep a notepad window open, and type whatever comes to mind inbetween like, actually working and stuff. And then i post it all whenever I get a chance... so my post may be a little random. Just a little.

Hey hey hey.... send your name to a comet! How cool is that? Now my name will be on Mars, and on a comet! (I sent my name to Mars last summer). You get a spiffed out certificate, too...

Ah... finally. A "real" assignment. I get to design PawPoint slides for a big NASAexplores presentation. *sigh* The life of an intern is so demanding. *grin*

Lunch time is a good time to post...

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posted by Deedee 12:03 PM
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