It's true, we're all a little insane... Just so as you know, I totally suck at writing. (Not that I'm giving up, I'm just saying is all). The chances that anyone will ever get to read the novel? Practically zero. I mean, really. I'm hesitant to even post an excerpt on my NaNoWriMo profile, it's *that bad*. ~Disclaimer: I know there are worse writers out there, but I've also read enough to know that I wouldn't read anything that was as poorly written as what I write. I might not be entirely objective about this. But it's how I see it.~
Odd issues with writing... I feel the need to write an abstract. Too many journal papers. Sheesh.
Also, I have this weird desire to "get things right", and instead of making a note to look something up, I have to drop my story and spend time in Google trying to determine which is more correct - shawabti? or shabti? Or, how far is the Valley of the Kings from Giza? How long does it take to fly from a US hub (say, Houston) to Cairo? Does it take longer if you're on a budget?
Blah. Research.
I'm hoping to make my target word count today... somewhere around 3400 words. I'm sitting just shy of 2300 now. And I'm going out tonight, won't be back until after 10pm.
Who can decide what they dream? / And dream I do... Blah. Stayed in bed until like, 2pm today, with the exception of getting up around 8:15ish to take a shower... still don't really feel like I slept. I feel more like I wasted like, 5 hours that I could have been doing something productive.
Work is becomeing a wild and crazy game of politics that I would really rather not play, but am somehow stuck in. But at least I don't have to deal with it (in person) until January 3rd... I'm working remotely from now until i get back from Memphis/Huntsville.
And speaking of the Hammon's Great American Christmas Tour 2006... We'll be in Memphis at some point (late) on the 21st, leaving (early) on the 26th for Huntsville, leaving Huntsvile for Memphis (early) on the 31st, and leaving Memphis to come back to Houston on the 2nd. So yeah, if you want to see us sometime in there, call me, or e-mail me, or something. We'll work it out.
Back to the doing productive things. I htink I'm oging to go arange icons and work on Stats stuff, whilst blasting my eardrums out with some combination of Eve6, Evanesence, and Indigo Girls (and maybe some other stuff thrown in there somewhere).
Chad and I bought a house. We are now the proud owners of a gianormous house, plus the gianormous mortgage payments to go with it.
We started moving. Sort of. As in, we can't finish moving until we have Intar-Web at the new place, which will be like, Saturday.
Steve Irwin died, which was sad. (I hope the american media leaves his family alone for a while).
They finally annouced the date/time that the evanescence tickets for houston go on sale. (ironically, it when I should be at the new house waiting on the cable guy. Chad can take first shift waiting, I guess, whilst I sit on ticketmaster until they start selling).
I bought the most awesomest china cabinet eVar at a garage sale for $75.
I convinced Chad to let me paint a wall in the living room. I bought awesome blue paint for the wall... and should maybe start painting tomorrow, assuming I can find a suitable ladder (didn't think about the whole 9-foot ceiling thing ahead of time).
That is all. I mean, I'm sure it's not, but I have to be up in like, 6 hours. So it is for now.