508 compliance has never looked this goodThis is my brain..... in part, at least.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Slow dancing in a burning room...
So school and work (but mostly school) have kind of been ruling my life lately. Which is to say, I have had no life, as I'm still dog tired from whatever it is I'm getting over.

But. Today I finished my Stats midterm. Yay! Now all I have to do this weekend (school wise) is write a presentation, write some part of my first year project paper, write a paper proposal for linguistics, and write a results section for stats. And something else, I'm sure, but I can't remember it.

Also, in the realm of annoying, it looks like I may end up spending my birthday giving make-up exams. How lovely.

And... you may have notice the I implemented the labels feature... it's really more for my benefit than yours, so I can find stuff kinda quickly. I'm trying to figure out if I can make the labels less prominant, but don't hold your breath as I don't have much time to devote to it. And it may take me a while (read: possibly years) to get all of my archives tagged... there are like, 1060 some-odd entries. Seriously.

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posted by Deedee 3:09 PM
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Thursday, February 08, 2007

How much longer will I try before I realize / I’m desperate in the situation that I’m in again?

I should be doing something productive, but I have neither the brainpower nor the motivation. I just turned in my Stats homework, and it was kind of a crappy attempt, but I couldn't seem to wrap my brain around it. I know it'll be simple, and I'll figure it out over the weekend (have to take the prof's comments and revise over the weekend).

My head hurts. These stupid migraines are getting worse, and I don't know what to do about them. The combination of Amerge and Aleve has brought it down to a dull roar, but I still can't concentrate (plus, my reflexes are now like, zero). Maybe I should suck it up and call a real neurologist. Or something. I mean, I seem to be collecting doctors these days. What's one more?

Another consequence of my head hurting: I seem unable to say anything intelligent. I feel like a freakin' cave man. Stringing words together in real time is annoyingly difficult, and trying to decipher what other people are saying... yeah. So. I have to meet with my langauge professor in like, 30 minutes. And she's going to think I'm an idiot. Which, right now, I probably am.

Edit: The meeting wasn't so bad. She might not think I'm a total idiot. So now I'm gonna take some time and try to come up with a paper topic for that class (need to have a topic by midterm, I think).

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posted by Deedee 9:00 AM
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Monday, February 05, 2007

Colorless green ideas sleep furiously
I *knew* that someday my class on formal languages and automata would come in handy... This week's study in linguistics is on Chomsy's theories of grammar... which is all formals languages are, really.

Yay for cross disciplinary knowledge... I actually have a clue what's going on for once. Now if only I can find something intelligent to say about it.

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posted by Deedee 3:14 PM
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