We'll love you just the way you are / If you're perfect I think I'm finally done Christmas shopping. For the most part. I *think*. Sheesh. I don't think it's quite Christmas in my head yet, despite the fact that I've sung the Christmas Tree song to the tree every time Chad has turned it on (and Chad is counting the days until he can ban that song for another 11 months). I'm hoping I'll feel more like Christmas when I get back to Memphis/Huntsville, where it's cold, and everyone is wearing sweaters and stuff. "Going home" for Christmas kind of helps set it apart from the rest of the year... there's something about pulling into the driveway after a long trip when it's dark and freezing cold, and being greeted by family and (warm!) food that always makes me feel like Christmas.
And then, you know, the family drama catches up with you, and then it *really* feels like Christmas. You know what I mean. You can't have a family gathering without at least a strong undercurrent of this kind of drama. And since I only come home a couple of times a year.... it all hits at once.
So what did I accomplish this year, from my family's perspective?
I once again failed to produce grandchildren for my parents (through lack of trying on my part, which makes them sad).
I left school, which is probably good, since I was getting too educated for my own good (or something like that). In any case, they're pretty sure this should hasten the arrival of grandchildren.
I sold out to the corporate man, and work for the devil. Which might not hasten the arrival of grandchildren. Since I'm now a "career woman". And stuff.
In all seriousness, I think my parents are more or less proud of me. But they make no secret of the fact that they would be *prouder* if they had pictures of grandchildren to show off. Because that's what it's all about, in the end. Or something.
Yeah, it's hard to feel Christmasy when it's 70 degrees out. In Florida they try putting lights on palm trees, but it's just not the same. Yay family! That kind of sucks. They do know you're only like 25, right?
# posted by Manda : Tuesday, December 18, 2007 10:32:00 AM
right, but that means I've been of child-bearing age for like, 10 years or something :-)
Although, if my math is right, my mom was something like 28 by the time I came around.
I deal with the odd "have children now" pressure ok, most of the time. But it's getting really old. And I hear it doesn't get better after the first... people just start asking "so when are you having another?" Ha! I'm hoping my mom takes it easy on the kids thing this year, though, seriously. :-)
# posted by Deedee : Tuesday, December 18, 2007 10:41:00 AM
at least my parents have sort of given up on the pressuring for kids.
if it happens it happens.
as for the weather, I did have to wait for the thick layering of frost to melt off yesterday morning so that I could drive to work. I guess that doen't matter since we are expected to hit 80 again tomorrow.
# posted by Kat : Tuesday, December 18, 2007 11:27:00 AM