Here I come back from the dead! (holy craaaap) I'm not dead. Seriously. I mean, I could have died, from the head cold I had, but I didn't. I have just been way busy and stuff. (and by way busy, I mostly mean lazy).
So. New things (and some old ones):
Finally doing NaNoWriMo this year. At least attempting. Since I always said I would when I got out of school, and hey, I’m not in school any more. No more excuses! As such, I spent I don’t know, maybe a hour today trying to figure out how to friend people on the NaNoWriMo site… I mean, there’s no search or anything. Turns out, they disable the search during high traffic times (like you know, two days before the thing kicks off. Yikes, the site was slow), so as to make the site faster. So, those of you WriMo’ers out there, friend me if you like… I’m lydaaleaxander (bet you wouldn’t have guessed that one). Funny note: WriMo’ers, in my head, sounds like Rye Mowers. Which brings to mind images of lawn mowers mowing a lawn made up of loaves of bread. Which, in my head, is funny.
I have a bread machine. And, I managed to make a loaf of bread, which turned out pretty nicely, considering I tried to screw it up at least a dozen times in the process (who knew it would be so difficult?). Now that I’m over the learning curve, I might have to make another loaf… but that would require finishing off the loaf I made last night, which will take a couple of days (in theory). The greatest part? I only paid $15 for the machine. At a yard sale. About two hours after I told Chad I was going to put one on my Christmas list.
I have fallen on and off the “good habits” bandwagon so many times that I think I’m going to install a spring on my behind. It would make things easier. Plus, I could sing Tigger songs, which would be fun. At any rate, I’ll be jumping back into Smart Habit Saturday this week (that’s the plan). My new habit will be to write every day (bet you didn’t see that one coming, either).
I’m working on cleaning out my feed reader. See, when I started with feed readers, I said, omg! This is the best thing eVar!, and promptly subscribed to the whole internet. Or, at least, 20% of it. As such, if you suddenly start getting a million emails from me, linking to sites that you saw on Digg about two months ago…. That’s why. I have like 200 things starred to go back and read/watch. But, I have reduced the number of total feeds I subscribe to by an order of magnitude (and still reducing). So it might get better.
I think we have nailed down our Christmas plans, so if you want to know when we’ll be in Huntsville or Memphis, ask and I’ll let you know. I do not, however, know when Family is going to take up our time in either city, although it’s a safe bet that Christmas Eve and Christmas Day are taken. Also, while in Huntsville, we’ll be staying at my brother’s, in case that matters to anyone.
Angleton, TX<, isn’t a particularly interesting place to kill 3.5 hours. I mean, they have a Walmart, and a Kroger, but not much else. (Why was I killing time? I had to report to Jury Duty at 8:30am, and once they sorted everything out (around 10am) they asked my panel to come back for a case at 1:30pm. But at about 1:29pm, the case settled, so they never got around to picking a jury/going to trial. It took them another 20 minutes to figure out that we weren’t really needed there. Awesome stuff).