News and such... I survived Thanksgiving ;-) Not too badly, I might add, although don't ask Chad about the mashed potatoes (I don't think I've seen him laugh so hard in a long time). Everything else was good.
Now I'm at work, with a headcold, fixin to go home and then go to the mall and do some shopping of some sort.
There's something weird about walking outside the day after Thankgiving to 75 degree weather. Not that I'm really complaining, cause I do not like to be cold... but still, it seems odd.
Almost there... Yes. I am almost there. Counting the days, in fact. Nine days, counting today, and I'll have a Masters Degree.
Between then, all I have to do is finish two projects and corresponding project reports, finish two class notebooks, and take a final. And clean my house so that a) my parents are way impressed with my housekeeping skills (if they actually make it down here), and b) the movers can actually move our stuff in some organized fashion when the time comes.
But... I got Immortal Cities: Children of the Nile in the mail the other day (not being cool enough to buy it when it came out, I had to eBay it)... and I stole some time a couple of days ago and played it for an hour... and it is so cool! like, amazingly so. I like it. Ha. So.... I am bribing myself to work on my projects for a little while (like a couple hours), and then I'll play my game for a little while. Yay!
So I took my camera on my Thankgiving trip, with the idea that somewhere in there, someone would take a picture of me and I could post it here... But somehow, the only picture of me ended up on my brother's camera, and he hasn't sent it to me yet. Maybe I'll get chad to take a picture of my hair this weekend.
Anyway.... I should get back to the working and the projects.
Chad and I finally got our Thanksgiving planning done a couple weeks ago. Now we're trying to get the Christmas planning done... which is amazingly complicated. And made more amazingly complicated by the fact that we have to move at some point during the holidays. And we have to at least start looking for a place to live. And Chad has to be here for some finite amount of time to prepare a conference paper.
So the plans, thus far, look like this: For Christmas, we will be in Huntsville for a couple of days either before or after Christmas, no idea which. And we'll be in Memphis for a couple of days including Christmas day and Christmas Eve night. We'll be in Houston probably right after graduation, for like, two days. And we'll officially leave for Houston... sometime. Maybe before or after Chad's conference thingy, but I'm not (exactly) sure when that is.
We'l be in Starkville this coming weekend, and Memphis (for a ball game) the next weekend... Then Thankgiving, which I'm not even going to talk about.
Oh yeah... Chad's christmas presents have started arriving in the mail... so I made him come with me to WalMart and buy wrapping paper. And some of his stuff is already wrapped and set out (though not under a tree yet as Chad absolutly refuses to set up our tree until after Thanksgiving) :-) Yay for presents. And for actually having a place of our own to decorate.