Live in hill top mansions / driving sixteen cars In case you wondered, Rock Band is awesome. I'm so gonna sneak down to the living room and play while Chad's asleep. And I'm gonna play as the singer. And no one will be there to laugh at me. Ha.
So we now have an XBox 360. So someday (when I get it), I'll be able to play Beautiful Katamari. And that makes me happy.
And the quote of the day: You can't squeegie a gorilla!
Apparently, I suck at this game. ... Or else I'm just too obscure for you. So it's hint day... I've also added an extra line or so to each of these.
she put the "miss" in misdemeanor / When she stole the beans from Lima -- aired on PBS, right before (or after?) Square One.
The only way to win is cheat / And lay it down before I'm beat / to another give my seat / for that's the only painless feat -- you all know this one, just probably not the version with words.
Tales of derring-do, bad and good luck tales, oo-oo / D-d-d-danger, watch behind you / there's a stranger out to find you -- Cartoon...
Sunny Day / Sweepin' the clouds away / On my way to where the air is sweet -- Another PBS show.
It’s a rare condition, this day and age / To read any good news on the newspaper page / Love and tradition of the grand design, / Some people say it’s even harder to find. -- Ran forever. Think suspenders. And saddle oxfords. And cheese.
You know you have to leave here / You wish that you could stay / There's four directions on this map / But you're only going one way -- obscure. but one of my favorites. starred Paul Gross.
Take me out to the black / Tell 'em I ain't comin' back / Burn the land And boil the sea / You can't take the sky from me -- was cancelled after the 3rd show, filmed and aired 12 episodes, became amazingly popular.
Everywhere you look / everywhere you go / There's a face / Of somebody who needs you -- Came on right before (or after?) #5. Also ran forever. starred twins.
she's from the city of angels/ like Betty Davis, James Dean, and Gable Alright, alright, I'm succumbing to the music game as well. With my own twist: name the song, and the TV show it was the theme for... extra kudos if you get the artist (in some cases there might not be one...). Some of these are kind of obscure...
she put the "miss" in misdemeanor another give my seat / for that's the only painless feat
D-d-d-danger, watch behind you / there's a stranger out to find you
Sunny Day / Sweepin' the clouds away
It’s a rare condition, this day and age / To read any good news on the newspaper page
There's four directions on this map / But you're only going one way
Take me out to the black / Tell 'em I ain't comin' back
everywhere you go / There's a face / Of somebody who needs you
The Mississippi's mighty, but it starts in Minnesota/ at a place where you could walk across with five steps down
My keywords are not working exactly as I would like them to. So weird. Don't know how to fix it.
Settled on a d20 character idea. Already having fun with it. (and we haven;t started playing yet). Chad says I'm evil, but he's enjoying it, too.
I will never never never understand women. So don't call and ask me for advice on how to figure them out. 'Cause yeah, I don't know. Don't have a clue. On the other hand, if you figure them out, by all means let me know.
It's funny, when you're used to coming in to work for like, 3 hours at a time, how much 8 hour days kinda suck. But that's ok... 80 hour paychecks sure beat 10 hour paychecks.
I need to learn XML, which to this point I've never bothered with. I'm considering renewing my Safari subscription to gain access to some books... but not sure. It's kinda pricy (about $20 a month for the base rate, $40 a month for unlimited). Maybe I should check out what ACM has to offer, as I've already paid my dues for the year (ouch! I forgot how much dues were once you added in SIG memberships and transactions, etc).
Um. Yeah. Still totally addicted to LotRO. Started running quests with my secondary... the thing that annoys me the most? It takes freakin' forever to get somewhere. Like, anywhere. I spend more time running than anything else.
Real Arcade Just in case anyone wondered, Real Arcade is awesome. Especially if, for some reason, you happen to have several free game tokens. I like free games.
And free stuff, although maybe not as much as Chad. :-) I think tonight, I'll finally have time to install the software for my (free) digital camera, and get some use out of it... maybe I'll take some ebay pics or something, and actually sell some of this crap that I said I was going to sell. And who knows... I might come up with some cool pics of various action figures on the next big trip we take (which I think will be Thanksgiving).
I need to recruit people to go dancing with me... Sometime before I go to Texas.
heh. I love Christmas break. No more spending my break rushing to drive siblings and parents to work at awful hours of the morning (and then go to work myself)... no, this year I stay up all night playing videogames... and sleep all day. Very very nice. I haven't had time to really play video games since.... before midterms. *sigh*.
And now the moment you have all been waiting for (or not)... my thoughts on Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories. Actually, I like it. Which is good, since i went through Hell, two Wal-marts and a Best Buy to get it (I am begining to think that hell and Wal-mart resemble each other somewhat...). But I digress. The new combat system.... is ok. I like it, I manage to kick butt with it (most of the time). I guess they couldn't manage the exploding menu thing from the first one on the GBA. But they worked the card system into the plot very nicely. The plot is also very cool, at least as far as I've gotten in it (I'm between the 10th and 11th floors, there are 13). And rumor has it that once I beat the game as Sora I can play the Riku part of the game (which is different than Sora's game). This makes me happy. As far as time spent... it's about an hour a floor for the lower floors, about an hour and a half for the upper floors so far, and about 15 minutes for the Winnie the Pooh floor. I think I've spent about 12 hours on my ten floors. All in all, I think the game is success (but not sure how well everyone else liked it... Chad hates the card system).
In other news, Chad and I are in Huntsville for another couple of days. We're leaving the 23rd or 24th. And we'll be going to Memphis for a week or so, then home... For school to start :-) (I have to finish Kingdome Hearts before then).
Anyway, gotta run now... need to like, visit with my family or something. :-)
Somewhere behind me, I'm pretty sure someone is playing StarCraft. He has the sound turned down, but I can hear the Marines and Tanks and stuff talking.
ok... now I know it's StarCraft... Kerrigan just said "I'm waitin' on you!"
I finally gave up on all the extra stuff (like beating all the tournaments), and beat Kingdom Hearts last night (I had to buy it to actually beat it, as Caleb reclaimed his copy some time ago, but I think it was $20 well spent). At the end, I had all the dalmatians, all the trinities, I had beaten all the hidden bosses, and locked every world. Yay for me. For doing all this extra cool stuff... I got to see the super cool extra ending sequence, which basically set us up for the sequels, the first of which is due this fall sometime. Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories looks awesome... and I just happen to have a Game Boy SP... I'm so getting it as soon as it comes out. Kingdom Hearts II is due to be released sometime next year... and Chad and I'll be waiting at the GameStop for that one the day it comes out. Oh yeah.
Having never actually beaten a video game before (except Tetris, which doesn't count), I feel very satisfied. And will probably start a new game like, today.
Dude... if you haven't played Neverwinter Nights, you really need to. If you have ever played a d20 game... or even thought about it... Neverwinter Nights will be the awesomest computer RPG you ever play... it's straight out of the 3rd Ed. D&D handbook.
And it's only $25 at Best Buy...
But you better have about 6 weeks of absolutly nothing to do.... because the game will suck you in. It is *so* addictive... Don't say I didn't warn you...
Update: for those of you on alternate operating systems... Neverwinter Nights is available for Linux, and the Trial Mac version is available online. Equal opportunity gaming *grin*