The most annoying thing in the world: working on a computer with a Sun keyboard, and then switching back and forth to my laptop (or any other normal computer). See, Sun thought it would be a bright idea to swap the Control and Caps Lock keys. Which is all well and good, if you only work on one computer. But if you say, have a Sun machine at the office, and a regular (PC) type machine at home... then lots of things get capped that shouldn't. And while Windows command line is very forgiving about random capital letters... Unix, not so much.
The second most annoying thing in the world: TMJ. No more chewing gum for me... ever. Blah. Anyway... class is supposed to be starting soon, and my professor is glaring at me. I guess I should actually look attentive or something.
Plans have changed, yet again. We will be extending our tour of Huntsville this week in order to replace / do repairs on parts of Chad's Intrepid's cooling system. Which failed today, though not spectacularly (like, nothing acutally blew up or melted, thank goodness). Car + repairs = -$$$. Sucks. But, it might not be too much, we hope, if the problem is what we think it is, which it might not be.
So. No spiffy cool setting up Linux boxes or rearranging the apartment for me tomorrow. Chillin in Huntsville. Not at the Holiday Inn, either. *sigh*. So, if you happen to be in Huntsville and are bored, call/e-mail and we might can hook something up. If you're in Starkville and you're bored... sorry? I'll be back in a few days :-)
On to local news: there are some cool new things apearing in Starkville this year... among them Lowes (where the old Wal-mart was... they leveled it... left Penny's and Kroger there, though)... and Zaxby's Chicken (which I might could convince Chad to try, although I'm sure it won't replace Abner's). And Mississippi has new driver's licenses. They are green. And I have one, with my new name and everything. And... um... that's about everything going on in the world of Starkville. School starts the 18th, which should be cool and all... I still need a job, but I might have something lined up the the ERC (engineering research center, not the teacher thing) :-) We'll see. I should know by the time school starts.
Chad's rejoining the band this year, which means a couple of cool things and a couple of "eh" things (but over all cool)... I get to go on the band trips and stuff, as it is mean to seperate married people and such... I've been offered some work down at the band hall if I really need it... I have an excuse to go to all the games (now if I have time....)... and we're spending Thanksgiving Day in Oxford. But... that doubles for a good excuse not to spend it with either family, and for me to cook a turkey and lots of other food on Wednesday. Yay!
Honeymoon. It was great. We spent a couple days in New Orleans, and ate lots of cool places... walked down Burbon Street a few times... hung out and enjoyed the creepyness of the town... and needed about another month to do everything we wanted to. I have pictures, and since I've got some down time, they may make it online pretty soon... we'll see. Then we got on a boat (read: ship), and had a great time there, too. We boarded at like, 1pm, and started eating, and finished eating about 9am the day we had to get off the boat. We ate a wonderful five course meal every night, shared a bottle of champange with our table the last night, ate breakfast and lunch at least twice every day, and drank so much diet coke and sprite it's a wonder we didn't float away. We spent a day in Cozumel, Mexico, which was awesome. We went snorkeling (cool), and scuba diving (really awesome!). Scuba diving pictures may be online, too, if I can get my new super spiffy scanner (bought with Best Buy gift cards from my Aunt Dorinne and the NASAexplores team) set up and scan them... then we went shopping, and brought home two bottle of Kahlua, a bottle of Bailey's Irish Cream, a huge block of Cadbury chocolate, various souvenier things for our siblings, color change nail polish (it really does change color in the sunlight, too!), shot glasses for Chad's collection, and a stone pig for mine. The alcohol was really the best deal, which is why Chad agreed to bring it home. :-) All in all, we had a wonderful time. And we were exhausted by the time we got back (because we weren't allowed to bring out LiveWire on the boat!), except we ended up driving up to Southaven, as they were still heming and hawing about painting the apartment. I think it's all done now, though...
And I have been drinking lots and lots of LiveWire, due to the four boxes of it in the office :-) Unfortunately, it's in the office in Starkville... and I'm not. No LiveWire for me. *sigh*
Anyway. I guess since I'm here for another day, I should go socialize with my family or something. ;-)
Dude... you know you've been telnetting into UNIX computers for too long when you enter your password on a Windows machine and, without waiting for the OS to load, type 'pine' to check your e-mail. And then, when your OS finally loads, you get into Outlook to check your mail, type a reply to something, and try to send it by hitting ^x.
Some people have told me they don't think a fat penguin really embodies the grace of Linux, which just tells me they have never seen a angry penguincharging at them in excess of 100mph. They'd be a lot more careful about what they say if they had.
-- Linus Torvalds, announcing Linux v2.0
Dude... if you haven't played Neverwinter Nights, you really need to. If you have ever played a d20 game... or even thought about it... Neverwinter Nights will be the awesomest computer RPG you ever play... it's straight out of the 3rd Ed. D&D handbook.
And it's only $25 at Best Buy...
But you better have about 6 weeks of absolutly nothing to do.... because the game will suck you in. It is *so* addictive... Don't say I didn't warn you...
Update: for those of you on alternate operating systems... Neverwinter Nights is available for Linux, and the Trial Mac version is available online. Equal opportunity gaming *grin*
oh yeah... almost forgot the quote for the week(end):
*said in best Winnie-the-Pooh voice* Tigger... I'm confused.
And I feel obliged to rant for a sec. See, I'm at the ly-berry. Printing stuff off. Do you know why I am at the ly-berry printing stuff off? Be cause I got tired of this dude bugging me through AIM to hook him up with a girl I don't even know... he was bugging me so much, I couldn't work there. I hate to disconnect, because people leave me messages there... So I'm oging somewhere else. I would post our convo, just so you could see just how annoying he was being... but I'm stuck here, with no desktop sharing... and therefore no access to my Trillian logs. *sigh* But I will summarize for you:
Him: Have you talked to K******* this week? Me: Umm... no. I've been doing other things. Like homework.
Him: You should call her for help with your homework. She is hot. Me: She's not in my major... she prolly doesn't even know how to speel UNIX, much less how to run it.
Him: so? Call her anyway. I'm sure she would love to hear from you. Me: I'm doing homework.
Him: you should call her for help. *two minute pause where I close window and ignore him*
Him: Have you called her yet? *two minute pause where I close window and ignore him*
Him: ?? *two minute pause where I close window and ignore him*
Him: ?? Me: No. I haven't. I. am. doing. homework.
Him: You should call her for help. She is very hot. I want her. *I put up away message and flee to ly-berry*