508 compliance has never looked this goodThis is my brain..... in part, at least.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Oh Chrimma tree... Oh chrimma tree...
So yesterday I:
  1. Went Christmas shopping (for real this time).
  2. Finally bought Chad's big present. Yay!
  3. Ironically, hid Chad's presents in the same closet where he was hiding mine. Managed to do this (somehow) without seeing my presents, and to figure this out before he went in there and saw his presents. They are now safe in one of the other mostly unused closets in our house.
  4. Dragged Chad to the departmental Christmas party. Suddenly, he understands what I've been talking about for like, an entire semester. All in all, it wasn't too bad, but I realized (more than ever) that I have very little in common with my classmates. Except, you know, shcool.
  5. Finally, finally, finally decorated the tree. But I think somehow we're short a couple of ornaments... I'm not sure where they got off to. They might be in the same box as the creche for my nativity set (which is also hiding).
  6. Slept for a glorious 10 or 11 hours... straight. Which is awesome. Now all i want to do s curl up and read a book... all day. But I have to go to work for a ocuple of hours, and get some studying and stuff done, so I don't have to skip karate on Tuesday night.

So yeah. Productive day, I suppose. I only have a little more shopping to do, and a whole lot of wrapping. *sigh*.

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posted by Deedee 12:19 PM

yay!!! glad to hear that you were productive...

I was too, in a different sort of way... :-)
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