Better late than never... So. Let me see if I can sum up.
I did NaNo this year... and only fell short by about 7000 words (I'm going to blame sickness and travel for not winning this year. That's my story and I'm stickin' to it). It was awesome, and I will probably participate again in 2010. 'Nuff said.
Had a very awesome (but completely crazy and also full of drama on pretty much every front) trip home for Christmas and New Years. Did not visit half the people we intended to, but visited a few we weren't planning to, so I guess it worked out. Brianna had a great time and now has way too many toys that make noise.
I got to hold my first ever nephew! When he was only a few hours old! And it was awesome. I am an Aunt. A *real* aunt, no matter what other people might tell you about. And that's all I have to say about that, as well.
I made a ton of New Years resolutions. Sadly, most of them aren't blog appropriate quite yet. Suffice it to say, not much has changed (resolution-wise) since this time last year. Except I've given up on the losing weight thing - my goal is to not gain a ridiculous amount of weight this year. I figure that one's more attainable, lol.
Brianna will be a year old in a couple of weeks. Blows my mind. She's walking (running), chattering up a storm (there's words in there, but we don't understand them yet), and generally finding every bit of trouble she can to get into. She is very good at getting into trouble :-)
And that's really all I have to say for the moment. I will really try to get online and update a little more frequently, but I got a half-dozen Lego video games for Christmas, so I'm not sure how well that will actually go ;-)