School, Christmas, and Life in general. So I'm alsmot done with my last assignment for the semester... I have two problems left on my stats final, and I've done about half of each of them. It's due at 5pm tomorrow, so I should be in ok shape to finish it on time and stuff.
Santa visited my house last night... he left me a printer (not just any printer, mind you, a Dell 5110cn laser printer). Oh yeah. prints really fast, duplexes, and weighs like, 95 pounds (hence the reason it didn't get dragged to Memphis). Sanata rbought Chad a Banjo, which he says he really likes ;-)
Life in general... not so bad, today. Although I'm probably going to freak out tomorrow, trying to get everything ready to leave. *sigh*. I don't know... going home this year seems different for some reason. Probably because we live so far away, and don't get to go home as often. Who knows.