508 compliance has never looked this goodThis is my brain..... in part, at least.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Do you ever have one of those day where you feel totally useless? I mean... like a total waste of space and resources.

Yeah, that was yesterday afternoon/evening. In the morning, I ran lots of errands (that is to say, 1.5 errands, really), and got some stuff done, and even dragged a friend along to help ensure that I didn't do anything stupid. But... befre I left, I picked up the dog for some reason (no idea why)... and while we were at Sam's, I picked up like, 20 lbs of cat food. Because I'm dumb.

So then I came home, and i was hurting, but I thought... you know, it would be awesome to like, have people over to play games and stuff tonight. But my house is a wreck still. So... I emptied the dishwasher, I picked up trash, I moved a bunch of (little, or at least not heavy) things out to the garage and some other things upstairs... and yeah, after an hour or so of that, I could barely walk. Chad came home, bringing me motrin, and ordering me to take it easy. But yeah, by the time he got home, I wasn't fit to do much of anything but whine and cry and bitch about my back. So we ate sammiches, and watched Family Guy. And poker. And then I went to bed.

And the house is still a wreck. I had intended t have everything back in shape by the time school starts (tomorrow), but that's totally not going to happen.

Today, I'm supposed to drive out to work and put in four or five hours.... but my back hurts, and the whole prospect is kind of annoying. On the other hand, if I stay here, I won't get anything accomplished, either. I hate this shit.

X-rays tomorrow, and go back to the chiropractor on Tuesday to get them read.

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posted by Deedee 10:21 AM

oh whatever... you did not "drag" me along, I was tied you and shackled.

no seriously, it's cool. If I'd not wanted to go yesterday, I would've stayed home.
I figured :-)
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