508 compliance has never looked this goodThis is my brain..... in part, at least.

Monday, September 18, 2006

Football weather?
So we lost to Tulane. But hey, at least we scored points, right?

And it's always nice to know things could have been worse... Texas held Rice to minus 12 yards rushing to win 52 to 7. Ouch. (At least I'm not an Owls fan?).

I have more sutff to say, but not the time (at the moment) at say it. *sigh*.

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posted by Deedee 10:26 AM
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Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Things I learned yesterday.
  1. It takes way longer to get to Rice at 8am than it does to get here at 9am. Like, more than twice as long.
  2. Although Rice students are called to "blaze their own trails," these trails should not be blazed across the grass by the music building in an effort to save some walking time. They water the grass there until it's something like a swamp. Used the Pebbled Pathways instead, even if they don't go exactly the way you want to go.
  3. Never call the Pebbled Pathways "sidewalks."
  4. The West Lot really is about as far away as you can get from the psychology building. For $210 a year, I have the privilege to park here, and to walk for 15 minutes to get to my building.... or wait 20 minutes for the bus.
  5. My laptop weighs a lot.
  6. Rice now 0wnz0r5 my soul (apprently).

That is all.

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posted by Deedee 10:22 AM
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Friday, August 11, 2006

Life, the Universe and Everything
So I have a great deal of extra time today. at work. (Not that I haven't done work... I just finished a task that I originally told my boss would have to wait until September when I come back). I hate killing time at work.

I finish up here Friday, August 18th. And I have Orientation starting Wednesday, August 23rd. Classes start Monday, August 28th. And we close on the house September 1st. And I come back here part time somewhere around September 12th.

So between now and when I finish up here, I have a few (mostly superficial) loose ends, project wise, to tie up. Between now and orientation I need to buy a backpack (the laptop carryin' kind), buy other misc school supplies, buy some more shoes, get my hair cut (trimmed), and maybe get my nails done. Between now and when the house closes, Chad and I need to pack like mad. Between when the house closes and when I start work I have to finish as much moving as possible while still attending clases and putting in the required number of research hours. And between now and when I start work, I need to retrain myself to sleep less, get up at 6am, and put in 12-13 hour days.

Seriously, this working part time thing... I honestly don't know how people manage to work and go to school at the same time. I mean, my brother does it, and other people I know do it, and most of them manage to keep good grades and stuff... but I'm just not sure where the time comes from, y'know? I drafted my work/school schedule, tenatively based on the classes I want to take. It involves me leaving the hosue at 7am, and getting home between 6:30 and 7:30 (unless I have a doctor's appointment, or these's too much traffic, in which case I'll have to put in some extra time somewhere...). So basically, I'm going to have around 3 1/2 to 4 hours every night to 1)Do homework, 2) cook and eat dinner, and 3) do any other activity that I would normally accomplish on the weekends (spend time with my husband, go to karate, play DDO). Yeah.

oh yeah, pictures of the house, without carpet (it has carpet now, but we don't have pictures of it).

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posted by Deedee 10:31 AM
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Tuesday, May 23, 2006

So yeah. Life has been crazy here.

Ran to Huntsville for like, 30-something hours. Saw my sister graduate. And came home. (Also saw David and Nichole for like, 20 minutes... the only thing we chose to do all weekend) :)

Then spent a Saturday at Sixflags (while trying not to die of the worst head cold evar). Had an ok time, ate a corn dog (yay for corn dogs), and some cotton candy (but not as much as I wanted).

Friday, I'm going to a conference on Human Factors at Rice. The nSaturday we're going to Memphis, and we'll be ther until sometime Monday.

Rediscovered facebook. it is teh awesome. Found lots of old high school friends (and middle school friends, and elementary school friends)... having a good time messaging back and forth with them. Also re-connected with some college friends (or at least let them know I was still alive). Peer pressured Chad into being on facebook... working on some other people. :-)

I need more sleep, as usual, and more hours in the day.

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posted by Deedee 9:46 AM
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Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Quote of the Day
"Rice is our Harvard, not a side dish."

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posted by Deedee 6:01 PM
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Happy Fat Tuesday...
So I totally missed out on Mardis Gras this year. Chad and I were going to catch the start of hte parades in Galveston weekend before last, but the weather was gross. And we were thinking about this past weekend... but I was at Rice all weekend.

Where I had a great time. And found out lots of important things. I now have a major professor, and it looks like I have (interesting) research for the fall. I will most likely be working on the design of non-traditional computing devices, specifically medical equipment. The campus is beautiful, and I really liked everyone in the department. Fall can't get here fast enough, seriously.

And we bought a lawn mower yesterday. One more step into the real world of grown-ups, I guess.

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posted by Deedee 9:06 AM
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Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Back to School :-)
So I got a call this weekend... from Rice University. Not only did they accept me, but they granted me a fellowship and some other assistance... all my tution is paid for, for four years!

Baylor called today and wanted to offer me a job. I had to turn them down... on account of going to school in August.

Little Kitty got out the other day... she spent 7 or 8 hours in the wide world of suburbia... and then came home. She's been dying to go back out since then, but we need to get her fixed (!) before then (the last thing we need is a house full of little kitties).

The battle with the dentists continues... crazyness all around.

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posted by Deedee 10:17 AM
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Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Crazyness of Life
Oh yes, it is crazy.

So currently I am in Reno, NV. Paying $11 a day for internet, in a hotel that is more like a city unto itself (Reno Hilton). There is a shopping mall, a 50-lane bowling ally, a huge arcade, a casino, like, 10 resturants, and a bunch ofother stuff I can't think of at the moment. We were planning to leave on the 12th in the morning, but it turns out that Chad's actually supposed to present his paper after we would have left, so we had to move our plane tickets to the 13th, and since it takes all day to get back and we have to change two time zones... it will be like, 4pm on Friday before we get back. To memphis.

More crazyness... We have to go through Starkville on our way to Houston, as the movers left a bunch of crap that we need to transport. So... we're looking at 11 hours in the car, plus time to finish packing the car and stop and eat and stuff (Willer Lite: I'll call you and let you know when we will be in Starkville, and we can eat then so we'll have time to see you). And they are supposed to deliver our stuff in Houston on the 14th, Chad is on the phone right now for them to bargin for a deliver time of 10am instead of 8am (!), so we know we'll actually be in Houston by then. If the movers move the bed in first, I swear we'll both just go to sleep.

And I got a call from my mother early yesterday... at 6am, while opening the Governors drive McDonalds, my brother was robbed *at gunpoint*. Some guy in a mask came into the store with a gun, put it to my brothers head, and told him to open the safe. Robbie did what he was told, and the guy left. No one was hurt, but my bother was pretty shoken up. The police came, but they probably will never catch this guy. My bother is trying desparately to find a new job.

My car may still go to the wrong city... the car mover swear it's going to Friendswood, but hte tag they put on it says Markham, TX.

I have a job interview on the 16th, Chad's first day of work. Cross your fingers... I also still have to finish my app to Rice. Today, I guess, since we paid for internet today. (it's due the 15th).

Blah. If you don't hear from me in the next couple of days it becasue I stopped paying for internet.

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posted by Deedee 2:28 PM
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