508 compliance has never looked this goodThis is my brain..... in part, at least.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Things I learned yesterday.
  1. It takes way longer to get to Rice at 8am than it does to get here at 9am. Like, more than twice as long.
  2. Although Rice students are called to "blaze their own trails," these trails should not be blazed across the grass by the music building in an effort to save some walking time. They water the grass there until it's something like a swamp. Used the Pebbled Pathways instead, even if they don't go exactly the way you want to go.
  3. Never call the Pebbled Pathways "sidewalks."
  4. The West Lot really is about as far away as you can get from the psychology building. For $210 a year, I have the privilege to park here, and to walk for 15 minutes to get to my building.... or wait 20 minutes for the bus.
  5. My laptop weighs a lot.
  6. Rice now 0wnz0r5 my soul (apprently).

That is all.

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posted by Deedee 10:22 AM

Ahh, back to school. I remember those days...
So is the walk worse than the ol' Butler to Simral walk?
sort of the same... probably the same distance as walking from the behind Butler parking to Simral, but somehow worse becaue that spans the *entire campus* I mean, I could park farther away, but only if I parked on the other side of the stadium.

So yeah. Pretty close to the Butler Simral run, if you had to do it in the summer, and couldn't cut across the grass without drowning. :-)
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