508 compliance has never looked this goodThis is my brain..... in part, at least.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Overview of a "typical" day...
So since I never have anything interesting to blog about, I thought I'd outline a typical day so that you people know what I do all day (you know, the stuff that's too boring to blog about).

Sometime between 5am and 6:30am (depending on how ambitious I am being), my alarm goes off. I hit it about a hundred and fifty times before getting up, because it's really hard to get out of the most comfortable bed in the world. I end up actually out of bed between 6am and 7:30am (typically, closer to 7 or 7:30). I try and find something semi-professional to wear to work (why doesn't the laundry wash itself?!)... let the dogs out... stumble into the kitchen and make sammichs. Two sammichs, one for me and one for Chad. Both with low fat cheese and lean lunch meat (because we're trying to eat healthy or something). I pack the rest of my lunch (fruit, yogurt, and propel fitness water), and somehow manage to grab a muffin or some other kind of vaugely healthy breakfast food while running out the door.

I drive. For like, an hour. And listen to an audio book (just finished: "Blink: the power of thinking without thinking", by Malcolm Gladwell). Then I finially get to work.

After having to show or swipe my badge three times at three different places (I mean really... you would think we were military or something), I make it to my office... And sit down at my computer. Where I stay, working dilegently, for you know, 8 hours or so. Currently, I'm working on a variety of projects that include icons, gui components, and trying to make sense of way too much source code written by way too many different people. Interestingly enough, one of my projects has generated enough interest that I'll be making presentations on it to two different groups of people in the next month. Typically, I eat lunch at my desk, because I think it's stupid to burn an hour on lunch when I'm eating a sammich by myself anyway.

Then I drive. For like, an hour. And listen to an audio book. (next week: A Wrinkle in Time, by Madeleline L'Engle).

I get home and let the dogs out and cook dinner (why don't the dishes wash themselves?!)... typically, we finish eating dinner just in time to go to karate or go sign on to the computers and roleplay. Unless it's Monday or Friday, when we either end up watching a movie or finding some other way to totally waste time.

Then I try and go to bed. I have the best of intentions of going to bed at like, 10pm, but I hardly ever manage that. I make it to bed between 11pm and midnight...

So yeah. I am totally blogging from work right now, because if I didn't blog from work, I would never be able to blog.

I have still only logged like, 10 hours on Kingdom Hearts II, which makes me sad. I played for an hour and a half the other night while Chad was playing Civ 4 with Brian, and all I really accomplished was making my thumbs hurt. *sigh*

This weekend, our time will be taken up by lusting after the house we want, and watching Clerks (on DVD on Friday night) and Clerks II (in the theater on Saturday).

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posted by Deedee 3:14 PM

Yay! New Deedee blogging.

It's funny, 'cause I seriously meant to send you e-mail yesterday and check in with y'all; in large part because I'd had a dream where we came out to Houston, and you were in the middle of saying you had big news, but I woke up before finding out what it was.

Apparently, in real life, not so much.
lol... well, big news at the moment: It looks like we'll be putting our deposit down on the house tomorrow *crosses fingers*. :-)

I would say that I would post pictures when I have them but 1) the house isn't finished yet, so pictures would be odd, and 2) I might take pictures, but then never get around to posting them (which would be typical).
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