508 compliance has never looked this goodThis is my brain..... in part, at least.

Friday, April 21, 2006

Long time, no blogging.
Yeah, I know. I'm going to blame it on the new job. Yeah. That's it.

So. Birthday. Had a great one. Saturday, I convinced Cahd to take me out to dinner at Outback. Yum. David and Nichole came down (not for my birthday specifically, but it worked out that way). We ate out Sunday night and went to Kema (spelling?) which I didn't relize was a city. I thought it was like, I don't know, just a place. Like, I'm going to the Cotton District, or something like that. Monday, I convinced Chad to take me out to dinner again (since Monday was really my birthday), and Chris and Luke came with us. It was fun, though the guys monopolized the conversation with D&D stuff, and I think Chris was a little bored. For my birthday, Chad got me a new stereo system and speakers for my car (I have a cd player!), and some VeggieTales. My mom sent a box of clothes she got me, and some jewelry. Grandmother got me a cool scarf and earring set. My brother sent me an awesome laser strategy game. And I bought myself the next-to-newest book in the Amelia Peabody series (I just ordered the newest one in audiobook, like, yesterday).

So I got this new job. And it's pretty cool. Except I'm to damn efficient for my own good. My boss left town for three days, and I've finished pretty much everything she gave me to do. Like, all of it. (Hence the blogging form work). So I've been making stuff up to work on all day. Luckily, she'll be back on Monday.

The commute sucks though. It's like, 45 minutes no traffic, usually over an hour with traffic (that's why I bought the audio book). This morning, we had the worstest rainstorm ever, with rain and wind and thunder and lightning and hail (so I hear) and everything... so I left the house an hour late waiting for everything to blow over. It doesn't storm that much here, but when it does... Man. And if it rains more than an inch, all the streets flood. Crazy.

When D&D online came out, Chad and I decided to give it a try, on the condition that it didn't you know, rule our lives. We have since then learned better, and now know that DDO should rightly rule our lives. Apparently :-) So we always (barring out of town visitors, classes, or german rock band concerts) play Saturday night, all day Sunday after church and Wednesday nights. But this past week, somehow, we ended up playing Friday night and Monday night as well. No idea how that happened.

Anyway. I should get back to finding work to do.... So I can go home and do something fun... or at least get some sleep so I can stay up and game this weekend.

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posted by Deedee 12:19 PM

I just poked your husband
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