508 compliance has never looked this goodThis is my brain..... in part, at least.

Monday, December 18, 2006

Office politics, part V
So yeah. it continues. Now I'm not allowed to work from home. So, stuff isn't going to get done over the holidays. And I get to do it all when I get back. Which is lovely. Meanwhile, someone else will have to deal with irate developers, who will not have their icons by the end of the year.

I'm actually thinking that if this doesn't fix itself by the time I get back to work in January... I might walk. I mean... I like what I do, I like the people I work with (with a few exceptions)... but the corporate politics is killing me. I don't get paid enough to deal with this kind of crap.


posted by Deedee 11:08 AM

I thought you were working from home just fine yesterday...
I was... yeah, it's complicated.

The long and short of it is, no working over the break. So, I'll have that much more time to spend working on my School stuff that's due on January 8th.
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