O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay! Just in case you wondered, I'm now coming down with whatever Chad has. Sypmtoms are fever (I just took asprin to head mine off before it gets much higher, but Chad's has been spiking over 103 even with contant tylenol), aches, amazing headache, barking cough, conjestion, sore throat and fatigue. It is not (according to Chad's doctor) a) the flu, b) pneumonia, or c) bronchitus. What is it? They have no idea. They gave Chad antibiotics, but I'm not sure that's the answer.
and 50 million cool points to the perosn who can name where my post title came from.
Alan Turing, one of the great pioneers of computer science (and, I might add, "The" great pioneer of Artificial Intelligence), and one of my all time favorite CS/AI role models... was gay. And committed suicide.
Don't you hate it when humanity butts in and tarnishes the pedestals you have so diligently put people on?
That being said, such things have little effect on how good a computer scientist you are (except the suicide thing... I mean, you can't make more discoveries after you're dead, right?)... And sometimes, it's nice to know that my imperfections shouldn't limit my success (at least to some extent).
At least the government isn't forcing me to take hormones because they think my lifestyle choice is a chemical imbalance. Sheesh.