Finished the taxes, minus Chad's signature on the state ones. That was a hassle... note to self: never change states of residency and get married in the same year, it makes taxes way harder than they need to be.
Quote of the day: Melephone? What is that? It's like a big brass thing you can make a bong out of. Woah, that's so awesome! --Overheard at Wesley
The Wesley site now has it's official redirect... no more am I the underappreciated webmaster. I have been replaced... by the same kind of easy to use interface I designed and tried to get them to use, only not free like mine. Oh well. The new site isn't that great.
Life is good. Spring break is upon us (or, well, almost). I am about sick of wedding planning... but that's ok.
I feel the need to rant... why, oh why, is it ok to use some words on prime time tv and not others? For instance, you can say ass, but not shit... bitch, but not pussy... all in the same show? either bleep all of them... or don't bleep all of them... but not be all weird about it... I don't know, I guess I just don't understand being all selective.
Anyway... so... rant finished. Other things going on here... Not much. Really. I think Chad and I are going to see Hidalgo tomorrow night... that's about it :-)
I might have some cool updates to the Wesley site soon... working on it.
Oh yeah.... Bad Feng Shui is supposed to make a guest appearance at the Wesley Thursday night... (or, at least, the subset of Bad Feng Shui that played at Statewide). This could be your big chance to see them... live and uncut... 7pm Thursday.
Back fomr Statewide... and (amazingly) caught up on homework, too... for the moment.
So. Statewide was awesome, except Ole Miss didn't show :-P Not sure what I thought of the speaker... interesting. I guess.
But... Get this... Bad Feng Shui showed up to statewide! hey did an acoustic set for us at coffee house.. not the whole band, mind you, just three members (they usually have three more mandolins, and an electric mandolin).
I was shocked and amazed to discover that there is no Bad Feng Shui music on like, any of the file sharing programs around here... I mean, really... they opened for Jimmy Eat World last year.
So it's 5am. And I'm just getting home. Why am I out so late on a school night? Well, for starters, my only class tomorrow got cancelled, so no getting up early for me. But that usually isn't enough to make me break my routine. Sbbn had a paper he wanted me to proof... but I knew that if I decided to go to bed, he wouldn't worry about it. So that's not what kept me up... I have no papers or projects due...
I am up because I don't want to sleep. Sleep has, in effect, become the enemy. Or rather, not sleep itself, but dreams, which tend to be a byproduct of sleep.
Sometimes I wish I could be like normal people, and not remember my dreams... or not dream at all. But the only way I get out of dreaming is if I'm really really tired... I somehow skip the REM thing and get good sleep.
So this evening, a bunch of us were up at the Wesley... and the TV was on, and I was tired... and we were all stretched out on couches and stuff... and I fell asleep. First, let me tell you, the Wesley is an awesome place to sleep. I don't know why, but it is. But, I don't usually let myself fall asleep there, just so I don't freak people out when I wake up. Anyway... I wasn't thinking tonight, and I fell asleep. Which might have been ok... except last night was the first night in like, a month that I hadn't had nightmares... so I slept along fine... then Chad called, and pulled me out of a terribly vivid nightmare. I was so shaken, I couldn't stand up... literally, I stood up and sat down on the floor. When I found my phone, I called Chad back, and managed to talk to him for a minute or two. Which calmed me down, some... but I was still so shakey... I thought I was going to be ill. Matt helped calm me down... and got me somewhat normalised about the time Sbbn showed up. But I was still upset enough to not want to sleep. so I talked to Chad, and piddled around doing homework that I don't have to turn in, and wrote some insightful things (none of which I will post tonight... er... this morning. maybe later). And so I feel somewhat better. And more tired.
And now it's 5am. And I am going to sleep. Wish me luck!
ok.... Changed link to Williams blog... you no longer need a password. Yay!!
Today has gone pretty well, considering I slept through most of it... Guess I'm storing up for Statewide this weekend. I'm spending the weekend in Oxford, actually... or right outside there.... Camp Lake Stevens. With Wesley people from all over the state... it's gonna be awesome!!
And then next weekend, I'm chillin here in Starkville.... and then the weekend after, it's down to the Coast for Mardi Gras!! Yay!!
Anyway.... must find food. Be back maybe... dunno, though. Today is belly dancing day *grin* And then i have choir... hompefully I'll have time to write more.
Ha ha ha ha ha... I know sbbn's real name... I know sbbn's real name... and I didn't ask or nothin'... I just found out. I am so awesome. ok, ok, so maybe I'm not that awesome... it was written at the top of his paper... but still. I know. And therefore I feel special.
In other news... this was my day today: Get up, go to Physics, take quiz, come home, go to sleep... oversleep, wake up to the phone ringing... Matt calling to use my printer... go downstairs to escort Matt up here, run out of printer ink... talk to Matt... talk to Matt... talk to people online... do pre-lab... go to lab... lab r0x0rs... come home, go to Wesley... sing... be annoyed... come home... go back to Wesley... proof read sbbn's paper... talk to sbbn.... talk to sbbn... talk to Will and Michael... talk to Matt... come home. And now I'm talking to Chad. Eventually, I plan to take a shower... and maybe even sleep.
Tomorrow I have class and class and lunch and class and class and bell dancing and choir and walmart... no plans other than that... although I might proof the rest of sbbn's paper.... or rather, the final draft. And some homework... I might do some of that.
Overall, today was pretty good... it had it's annoyances... but most of those were overridden by the fact that Strong Bad published :-) and it was about The Cheat :-) *sigh* I love The Cheat. The Cheat is so awesome.
I hate stupid, pointless assignments. That being said, I also hate stupid people. Especially ones that bug me when I'm having a bad day... and expect me to do their work for them. So there.
So, for the last two days, all I have done is homework (except for an hour or so last night when William came over and I hung out, and today when I grabbed a quick dinner at the Wesley). When I got to lab today at 3:30, I was not in the best of moods, having had two extremely long and, for the most part, unproductive. A heart-to-heart with my lab TA help my mood a little.... but then this guy, who has decided that I'm his lab partner, decided to bug the crap out of me. He wouldn't even read the frickin' lab, he kept asking me what he was supposed to do.... then he wouldn't think about how to solve the problem, and wanted to copy my code... and after the lab TA explicitly told him he couldn't just copy, he needed to work it out for himself, he still bugged me until the TA and I showed him how to modify his code to make it work.... But he was still an ass. And he still pissed me off. But *ha*ha*.... I almost finished my lab, and he didn't get halfway done. So there.
Speaking of asses.... I hate it when people assume the know things about my personal life. They find out Chad was here last weekend, and they asuume that all kind of crap went on, and they feel obligated to ask me about it and say stupid things like, Did you have *fun*? Did you get rugburn on your knees? Do you like to take it up the ass? etc, etc... ad nasuem. People assume that just because Chad and I are dating, certain things happen in our relationship.... and they also assume that our relationship is somehow their business. Ok, everyone, I know this may be a suprise to you... anything that happens between me and Chad stays just that.... between me and Chad. And our God. Not between you and me, or you and your deity, or you and your friends, or you and your imagination. Not that anyone that regularly reads my blog has been a problem.... but just in case the thought ever occured to you, don't ask. Grr.
But dinner at the Wesley was nice. Everyone is worried about my lung problems... everyone's being so nice. Hopefully, Myra (my nurse practitioner) will figure out something to do... this inhaler thingy isn't helping a lot. But i go back to her tomorrow. Damn bats.
And now I do more homework... and more homework... and tomorrow, I will do still more homework. And next semester, I will have buttloads of homework.... but only one lab (yay!!). Note: Never take three labs. You will die. Or wish you had.
I think I'm going to cut (guys read: trim) my hair this weekend. And maybe highlight it some more. We'll see. And I might buy Memento, if I can figure out if Chad has it or not... I dreamed about Guy Pierce last night.... it was odd.