508 compliance has never looked this goodThis is my brain..... in part, at least.

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

My Tax return came in (yay for e-file).... and I want one of these so bad I could bust. But I'm still having problems justifying spending the money on it... It would be really awesome, and I would use it a lot... but I don't need it... so it boils down to being just a toy. A very expensive toy.

Poor married students aren't supposed to be able to get expensive toys. They're supposed to like, scrounge to buy enough paper to do their assignments, and eat spam and ramen noodles. But, on the other hand, income tax money is like, "free money" anyway (at least in my mind). So as it doesn't specifically have a purpose... and we're not going to starve/fail to pay the rent without it... I am very tempted to buy my spiffy computer toy. *sigh*


posted by Deedee 9:27 AM
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Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Finished the taxes, minus Chad's signature on the state ones. That was a hassle... note to self: never change states of residency and get married in the same year, it makes taxes way harder than they need to be.

Quote of the day:
Melephone? What is that?
It's like a big brass thing you can make a bong out of.
Woah, that's so awesome!
--Overheard at Wesley

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posted by Deedee 9:00 PM
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