508 compliance has never looked this goodThis is my brain..... in part, at least.

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

So... I went to the doctor yesterday. Because Rice wants me to have some immunizations. That I don't particularly see why I need. And I told the doc, Look, I really don't wants these. But if it's a Really Big Deal... I'll do it. She said, oh yes, it's a Really Big Deal. So I got the Hep A & B Vaccines. And promptly tried to pass out on the floor.

The end result? I missed an entire day of work (rather than a half day), and have to go back Friday to get the rest of my vaccines and all of my bloodwork done. And Chad had to leave work and pick me up, and we didn't get my car tags changed over to Texas, like we should have. Blah.

And I am supposed to do this again in six months.


posted by Deedee 10:02 AM

good point
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