508 compliance has never looked this goodThis is my brain..... in part, at least.

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

So... on this whole getting healthy and loosing weight kick. Yeah. I decided that since I was close enough to campus to walk to work (one of the only good things about our apartment), I would try that out. And it wasn't so bad last week... it's prettydadgumhot (one word) in Mississippi, but I can deal with that. And my computer weighs like, 6 pounds or so, plus bag and cables and such. It takes me about 15 or 20 minutes to walk to Butler, at a reasonable pace... Great, huh?

So this weekend I took my laptop *back* to BestBuy, because they failed to fix it the first time. And they (sort of) made it a little easier for me to get a loaner computer.

But it weighs, like, 12 pounds. *sigh* Still not too bad, I guess (at least I have a computer).

So yesterday, feeling ambitious and stuff, I decided to take an aerobics class. Which was really more like a yoga class. *annoying little girl voice* I don't think I like Yoga */annoying little girl voice*... But I survived, so it wasn't too bad. And last night, I felt pretty good.

Today. Not so much. I woke up slightly sore, and thought it would work itself out as I moved around and stuff. So I ate, got all my stuff together (inluding my 12 pound computer), and walked up to Butler.

About the time I passed the Wesley, I realized my it was not going to work itself out. But it was too late to turn around and get my car, and that would have made me feel like a weenie.

Now I'm in my office. I've been here for 2 hours, and Ow. Mucsles that I knew exisited, but didn't know I used yesterday: the muscle from my shoulders to my elbows down the back of my arms, and the muscles from my ears to my collarbone. Muscles I didn't know exisited: typing muscles. Somehow, doing yoga, I strained my typing muscles. It hurts to type. Which sucks.

So... no aerobics for me today. I'll go home, and try to stretch as much as possible, and see if I can handle another aerobics class tomorrow.

But it's ok. Chad says he'll probably come and get me so I don't have to walk home.

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posted by Deedee 1:00 PM

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