I have no fear of drowning / It's the breathing that's taking all this work So the Biggest Loser thing.
I suck at it this week. Here's what I did:
Ate salads for lunch when I was in the office (turned out to be twice, due to sickness - both me and the baby).
Ate healthier dinners. Only had fast food ONCE.
Ate a crap-ton of veggies.
Drank a crazy amount of water.
Did 2 yoga classes and a Zumba class. Was very very sore.
Ate ONE PIECE of chocolate cake. At a party.
End result? I gained three pounds. Suck.
So this week? I'm taking the stairs, and hoping to get more workouts in. Trying to eat more healthy (and less overall, I guess?). This whole thing is complicated by the fact that I'm breastfeeding, so I can't just cut my calories in half and burn it all off... I still have to take in "enough", or my supply will tank - and I'm having enough problems right now, I'd rather not add to them.
So. Hopefully burning a few more calories will help. And maybe eating a few less. Alreay have one Zumba class under my belt... so that's something.
Rolled in late about an hour / No cup of coffee, no shower
Brianna is now 4 months old. This is amazing to me... Where did the time go? She's happy and healthy (except a cold that we've been fighting), and learning new things every day. She's teething (yay!) and eating solid food (baby oatmeal and Gerber 1st foods veggies and fruits). Her favorite food, to date, is probably Sweet Potatoes. And just today, she moved from just using vowel noises, to using the "b" sound... so now she sounds like "bub-bub-bub-bub" - which is funny. She even does it with her paci in her mouth, which is even funnier.
Moms don't get sick days. I don't think I fully groked that concept until this past week. But we survived :-) With lots of help from Chad.
I am badly in need of a routine. And a few extra hours in the day. But if anyone has any great advice for morning or evening routines to make sure that baby and I are both fed, bathed, and get to sleep/work/daycare on time, that would be awesome. If the house could be kept clean in the process, that would be better. Maybe I'll try to FlyLady system again...
Chad and I are doing a Biggest Loser challenge. We started June 1st, and we're runnign until Oct. 1st - hopefully I'll drop this baby weight. So expect some updates here, as maybe it will keep me motivated (we put a large amount of money on the line, so you would think THAT would keep me motivated, but I can probably use all the help I can get). Hopefully, but October, I'll fit in a clothes size that only has one number. Or at least one that I can buy at Ann Taylor without ordering online.
As part of the losing weight thing, I've started working out at the Y. They have free childcare, and lots of workout classes, so it's seeming to work out ok (except it takes even more time out of my day). I've gone to two Yoga classes so far... and OOWW. I mean. I *knew* that when Brianna was born, they cut my abs apart and stapled them back together... but I didn't really think about it until I started trying to do these yoga moves, and i went to use my ab muscles... and they weren't there! I mean, they were gone! So I have a lot of work to do to get back to my pre-pregnancy hotness (pre-pre-pregnancy, I guess). Or something. Meanwhile, I'm just sore. But there's a Zumba class tomorrow, so maybe that will help (lol).
I joined Twitter. Sadly, I joined only because I found a cool app for it on my phone and I wanted to use it. But now I'm addicted. Although my tweeting waxes and wanes as I have time/interest (like my blogging!).
Chad and I are trying to convince some people to move out here. What else is new? But this time, it might work? Really, though, with our luck, everyone will come at once, and we'll be stacking friends on top of each other when they stay with us while looking for a place of their own :-) Actually... thinking about it, that would be awesome. So. Yeah. Please move here? We need more people from back home. :-)
So... on this whole getting healthy and loosing weight kick. Yeah. I decided that since I was close enough to campus to walk to work (one of the only good things about our apartment), I would try that out. And it wasn't so bad last week... it's prettydadgumhot (one word) in Mississippi, but I can deal with that. And my computer weighs like, 6 pounds or so, plus bag and cables and such. It takes me about 15 or 20 minutes to walk to Butler, at a reasonable pace... Great, huh?
So this weekend I took my laptop *back* to BestBuy, because they failed to fix it the first time. And they (sort of) made it a little easier for me to get a loaner computer.
But it weighs, like, 12 pounds. *sigh* Still not too bad, I guess (at least I have a computer).
So yesterday, feeling ambitious and stuff, I decided to take an aerobics class. Which was really more like a yoga class. *annoying little girl voice* I don't think I like Yoga */annoying little girl voice*... But I survived, so it wasn't too bad. And last night, I felt pretty good.
Today. Not so much. I woke up slightly sore, and thought it would work itself out as I moved around and stuff. So I ate, got all my stuff together (inluding my 12 pound computer), and walked up to Butler.
About the time I passed the Wesley, I realized my it was not going to work itself out. But it was too late to turn around and get my car, and that would have made me feel like a weenie.
Now I'm in my office. I've been here for 2 hours, and Ow. Mucsles that I knew exisited, but didn't know I used yesterday: the muscle from my shoulders to my elbows down the back of my arms, and the muscles from my ears to my collarbone. Muscles I didn't know exisited: typing muscles. Somehow, doing yoga, I strained my typing muscles. It hurts to type. Which sucks.
So... no aerobics for me today. I'll go home, and try to stretch as much as possible, and see if I can handle another aerobics class tomorrow.
But it's ok. Chad says he'll probably come and get me so I don't have to walk home.