508 compliance has never looked this goodThis is my brain..... in part, at least.

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

So quickly will I drown / in all the pools of all my reason
I am totally the queen of burning bridges. I'm just saying.

Sometimes I know that I'm burning them. I say to myself, "Self, if you do this thing, you will probably forever change this relationship. Are you sure you want to do it?" This isn't always a bad thing. For example, I burned a lot of bridges when I got married. But since I hopefully won't be traveling those same paths... the burned bridges are more or less irrelevant.

Sometimes, though, I have no clue what I'm doing. I blunder blindly through, assuming that I should actually speak my mind for a change. And then, when I've spoken my mind and I'm watching the last of the smoldering embers go out, I say to myself, "Self, WTF? How did this happen? You are totally never allowed to speak your mind again!" Which of course, never actually works. The reason it never works is that one time out of a hundred, speaking my mind actually makes things better. Or makes someone's day better. Or, at least, makes me feel better. And, always the eternal optimist, I forget the other ninety-nine times that I screwed up and cling to the one time I made a difference.

I wonder if my Karma balances out?

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posted by Deedee 2:22 PM

*turns around*
nope.. no fire here ..unless I'm blinded by the smoke :P


the bridge is still good here.
I figured we were still good :-)
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